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"Gemma is having a dinner tonight" Jax said as I fix my hair

"Okay , what time does she want us there for ?" I asked turning to him

"7 probably" Jax said handing me a cup of coffee

"Okay " I smiled as I took a drink of it

Jax looked at me funny , like he was trying to read me from my facial expression and my expression right now is that the coffee was to damn hot !

"What?" I asked

"I have a question ?" Jax said more of a question than anything

"What is your question ?" I asked moving closer to him

"How do I word this ?" He paused and looked at me , trying to figure out what I was thinking through my facial expression , which was in fact as blank as a blank piece of paper "will you be my girlfriend?" Jax asked and I wasn't speechless or anything I was kinda hoping he would ask me soon

"Nope" I said trying to hold back my laughter and Jax looked confused "I'm joking , of course I will " I smiled


A big dinner always brings everyone together , there is never arguing or fights , we all just eat and have a good time . I'm praying tonight doesn't go any different because my mom will be there and my dad is back from Las Vegas , I just hope they don't do anything to ruin the night .

"What's got you worried ?" Jax asked as we packed up his stuff from his room in the clubhouse

"I'm scared of my mom and dad being in the same place tonight , they haven't spoken in about a week and when she has a drink she starts on him" I said folding clothes and putting them into a bag

"She won't and if she does she can leave" Jax said , he was never a fan of my mother , maybe because she wasn't a fan of him

"I know , I know , just never mind . Let's get you packed up then we can leave your stuff at my place and we will get ready for tonight" I said trying not to stress

"I am ready" Jax said

"No you have to shower again , we've been doing this all morning " I laughed

"Oh so we have to shower together to save hot water ? Yeah fine by me" Jax laughed

"Keep dreaming , I'm in the shower first as I have to do my hair and makeup" I laughed

Jax shook his head laughing and I grabbed a box and made my way out to the car . Everyone was out running some errands and doing a drop off so no one knew Jax was moving in with me . We decided we would tell everyone tonight so they don't think we have kept them in the dark about anything .

"What's that?" Willow asked as I walked out the club house

"A box of my shit" I lied walking to the car and she followed

"Oh okay , have you seen my dad ? I can't find him any where" she asked

"He's out doing a drop off , I don't know, ask Jax" I said opening the trunk of the car

"Jax where is my dad?" Willow asked and I turned to see Jax walking out with a box and a bag

"Chibs is meeting some clients" Jax said as he made his way towards us

"How long?" Willow asked as Jax put the box into my trunk

"A couple of more hours , he will be at Gemma's dinner tonight " Jax said

"Thanks" and with that willow left

She was so clueless , of course I wouldn't have left so much stuff at jax's but willow was never the brightest bulb in the box . Anyone would have asked what we were doing but she didn't care , I'm surprised though , she is always the nosey one of us.

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