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"Miss , is that a ring on your finger?" One of my favourite , well I don't know if I'm aloud to say that but anyway , students Emma asked

"Yes" I smiled as I showed it to her

Most of my lunch hours are the same everyday . Emma and Michael , two of mine & trevors students sit in my classroom with Trevor and we talk about literature and family and all things . I enjoy it a lot because these two kids are older than their years . They are so mature and smart .

"So Jax asked you to marry him?" Emma asked walking over to me and grabbing my hand to see the ring

"Yeah , it was so beautiful and he also bought me a first edition of Pride and prejudice " I squealed like a teenage girl

"No way , that's the sweetest ever" Emma smiled

"Ugh , women" Trevor laughed as he nudged Michael shoulder

"I know right" Michael laughed along

Today for lunch we were eating an IHOP because Trevor is a darling and bought us all one . We do this each Wednesday of every week , Trevor or I go out to buy us all something different for lunch . Most the time it is fast food but other times it's healthy food and yes we have spoke with their parents about it and they were delighted , as we are also helping the kids with their studying and homework and helping them achieve more .

"How is Junior?" Trevor asked

"He's doing amazing . He actually took his first steps last night and me being the emotional mother I am , I was crying . He is a very slow learner but he's just so cute" I smiled

"Most boys are , well that's what my moms says" Michael laughed

"Trust me , boys are slow with everything" I laughed , obviously joking

"I can agree but I can also disagree" trevor laughed

"Anyway , how are you guys getting on with college and stuff ?" I asked

"I'm not sure if I honestly want to go to college " Michael said and I was shocked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I love learning and stuff but I don't know if college is for me . I know it will help get me a job but I'm not so sure about the idea of college" Michael said

"How about we talk about it after school ? I can come by your house , I was going to see your mother anyway" I smiled

"Yeah okay" Michael said

"What about you Emma ?" Trevor asked

"I'm hoping for an Ivy League school . I want out of this town , study literature , get an intern in a huge publishing house and when I graduate work for them" Emma smiled

"I like you , you've got it all figured out" Trevor laughed


I parked my car outside the club house to pick up Junior to take him to Molly's house , who is Michaels mother . Ever since I spoke to her about Michael spending time with Trevor and I at lunch , we spoke a lot more and we built a friendship . She is a really lovely women and she doesn't judge me or Jax about the club , I mean how could she , her husband is a biker himself , just isn't in a club .

"There's my little boy" I smiled as I took Junior from Tigs

"Jax is in the shop" Tigs said and I walked over to the shop

I saw Jax wiping grease over his shirt and then he took it off and i felt like a teenage girl all over again . His tattoos and just him are just ugh . I do sound like a hormonal teenager but oh well .

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