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So many people in work have gave me some god awful looks today . Yes I had a cut on my face , get over it . I swear the little snobby teachers in the staff room are about to get drop kicked they look at me bad one more time .

Most people have given their sympathy to me for what happened . I was shocked to learn they all knew but charming is a small town so it was bound to happen sooner or later .

"I heard it's because she is dating that Jax kid" one women whispered to another

"Let it slide" I turned to see Trevor behind me

He must have obviously seen how angry I was getting . I know I shouldn't let it get to me but seriously they all need to learn to mind their own business .

"I'm trying" I smiled as I stood up

I walked out the staff room and Trevor followed . It was lunch so their was no kids about really , except for the odd ones standing at their lockers .

"Honestly some people need to learn to no worry about what happens in my life . They are trying to blame Jax for this . Not my fault a crazy women decided to break into my moms house" I said putting my hand through my hair

"Don't let them get to you Mia . They are just middle age women trying to find something to talk about . They should worry about their own lives" Trevor said as I walked into my classroom and there was two kids sitting at desks, Michael and Emma

"We knew you left your classroom unlocked and we wanted somewhere quiet to sit , I hope you don't mind" emma smiled

"No of course not , you two are always welcome to come here" I smiled as I sat at my desk and Trevor sat on it

"Anyway , how can I not let them get to me ? They talk about me when I am right there" I said to Trevor

"They have boring lives themselves and they want someone else's to talk about " Trevor said

"I'm sorry what happened to you Miss " emma spoke up

"Thank you" I smiled

"We have heard people talking and I don't blame the sons of anarchy for it . They are such cool guys" Michael smiled

"Do you think so ? I think they are okay" I laughed

"I mean they are really cool . Riding about in motorcycles . I think they are so awesome" Michael said moving towards my desk

"Well don't let them hear you say that or they'll snatch you up for a prospect" I laughed , obviously joking with him

"That would be an honour . I've not been in this town long but I know the sons of anarchy are the main part of this town , so many kids talk about them" Michael said , well isn't he clued up for only being here a few weeks

"I suppose they do get a lot of people talking about them" I laughed

"I'm not aloud to talk about them , my parents don't really like the club much , no offence" Emma spoke up

"A lot of people don't like them but they have never brought any harm to charming , they basically protect charming . I mean I'm supposed to praise them but they do keep charming safe from drugs and crime" I said

Which is all true . The sons stop drug mules and stop anything bad happening , well most things . They do whatever it takes to keep all their shit away form charming citizens , they do a lot more shit than the cops most times.

The bell rang and Emma and Michael left the classroom . I started looking through papers for the next class .

"How about you come over tonight ? Have a drink and catch up?" Trevor asked

"You can come to mine . I have a few friends staying with me as Jax is out of town and I would rather you came to mine than have to burden you with them in your house . They are kinda watching over me because of what happened" I said

"Okay , 7 sound good?" Trevor asked

"Sounds great, see you then" I smiled

"Oh Miss Troy's got a date" one student laughed as he walked in


I don't know how much longer I can deal with juice and Zac staying here . They are so messy it's unbelievable . They have wrecked my living room something awful . I mean , they only brought a small bag of shit each and I feel like I'm constantly picking up after them .

"An old friend is coming over for a drink in about 5 minutes . Be nice to him" I smiled to the guys as I picked up their shit

"Him ? Who is he?" Juice asked

"Trevor" I said

"Trevor as in your first boyfriend Trevor?" Juice asked , wait , how does he know that

"Yes , he's a friend , wanting to catch up . Don't even start on him I swear to " and I was cut off with the doorbell

"I'll get it" Zac said as I cleared away the remaining things

I finished fixing everything and Trevor walked into the living room with beers and wine , great what excuse can I use .

"He brings beer , I like him already" juice laughed as Trevor sat down

"For you" Trevor said handing me the bottle of wine

"Thanks but I will keep it for another time . I'm still not up for having a drink just yet" I smiled as I took the bottle from him and made my way to the kitchen

I put the wine on the counter top , grabbed a bottle of water and the bottle opener . I made my way back through to the living room to see Trevor sitting on one couch and he looked so uncomfortable .

"You two better not be pestering my friend , I'm serious" I laughed handing Juice the bottle opener

"Nah , just asking the usual questions" prospect laughed

"Your usual questions are different to the normal questions . Wrap it in!" I said sitting beside Trevor "sorry about these two assholes , they are on babysitting duty and I can't get rid of them . Wherever I go , they go" I laughed and juice flung the remote at my arm

"We don't go to the toilet with you" juice said

"You did this morning . I was brushing my teeth and you barged in to brush yours" I laughed

"I was in a rush , you didn't wake me early enough to drive you to work"

"See what I mean" I said to Trevor

"They are only looking out for you after what happened . They are just worried friends"


Going to update a few chapters I have !!!

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