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Gemma is one of the best people you could ever meet . She literally keeps everyone grounded and is always there when I need her . My mom and I never really got on amazingly , I never quite knew why , I was always closer to my dad and Gemma . I honestly think it's because my mom always thought bad of what my dad done and the club , she was never one to support the club . I don't blame her , they do some fucked up shit but it's my dad's life and she knew what she was getting herself into she could have left but she decided to stay .

"What's up?" Gemma asked as I walked into the office

"Nothing , just wanted to come see you" I smiled as I sat on the desk

"Thank god , this work was boring me" Gemma laughed

"How was everything while I was away?" I asked , I knew most things but Gemma would tell me the full of it

"Your mom and dad went through a huge fight , willow got her heart broken by the uptight rich kid , brody or whatever his name was . What else , oh yeah Jax has a little bitch that follows him around , I'm surprised you haven't seen her yet, you'll know her when you do " Gemma said , okay maybe she tells me to much of the truth

"What were they fighting about ?" I asked referring to my mom and dad

"The usual , your mom wants your dad to leave the club , she doesn't want to live this life anymore , Eddie said she can leave whenever she wants , she made a big deal of that , that's why your dad was in Las Vegas most the time you were away . You gotta talk to them kid , as much as your mom is my friend , she's going to destroy your dad and take him from the club and the club needs him" Gemma said as she poured us both coffee

"I don't see why she can't get over it ! This is my dads life , she knew what she was getting into . She really pisses me off sometimes , why can't she just let him be happy ! The club makes him happy" I said

"Your mom used to make him happy but now she's draining everything from him " Gemma said looking out the window to my dad and clay

"She found out about that girl , didn't she ?" I asked Gemma

"How the fuck do you know?" She asked turning to me

"Jax , he told me . We spoke on the phone while I was at college . I knew there was something up , he told me " I said looking through some paper work

"He's a little shit ! You weren't supposed to find out about that !" Gemma said running her hand through her hair

"He didn't want to but I got it out of him , they don't know I know" I said

"Let's keep it that way , if your dad finds out you know it will destroy him"

I nodded . I know most of the guys sleep with girls even if they had an old lady . My mom knew that too but it didn't bother her until she found out that my dad slept with this girl . A girl my mom has hated since before I was born . She was my dads first love , that girl but then he met my mom and he knew my mom was the one . My mom and that women have had it out for each other for so many years . That women isn't aloud any where near charming or my mom would probably kill her . I know all about that women , except her name or what she looks like .

"Also who's the girl that is following Jax about ?" I asked Gemma

Gemma turned her head and motioned for me to look out the window . I moved from the table , the coffee cup in my hand and looked out the window to see Jax sitting on his bike , Opie beside him and some blonde little bimbo standing in front of Jax's bike and I knew who exactly who she was !

"Seriously ? He hasn't has he ?" I asked gripping the coffee cup tightly

"Not that I know of , she has had her eyes set on him since you left for college . It's that dam willow that brought her around" Gemma said

"Willow huh ?" I asked

"Yeah but willow hates her now or something , I don't know , it's weird . I would go out there and show her who he is with" Gemma said as she stood behind me and placed her hand on my shoulder

"But we aren't together" I said turning to her

"Together or not , you are the one he's waking up to most mornings which means you'll be his old lady soon , go show her that" Gemma smiled

"What would I do without you" I said as I hugged Gemma

I placed the coffee cup down and walked out the office towards Jax . This girl could put some clothes on . Who the fuck wears a tight skirt with basically a bra and knee high boots , prostitutes , that's who . Jax noticed me and smiled and the girl turned and growled at me , oh if looks could kill. Brianna , the little bitch who tried to make my life a living hell . She was willows friend and of course they were both two years older than me . Brianna used to make fun of me all the time , for my clothes , my hair , my spots , you name it she made fun of me . She made me hate myself for such a long period of time . I was a 16 year old girl who was just finding herself and that bitch broke me down and I was depressed for over a year , I hardly left the house because of the shit she put me through , she is a horrible person . She is the worst type of person ever .

"Hey babe" Jax smiled as I walked over to his bike

"Hey" I smiled as I stood beside him

"How was work?" He asked and then gave me a quick kiss

"Great, how was the thing you had to do ?" I asked as I stared at Brianna

"Went well , em sorry this is Brianna , Brianna this is Mia" Jax said, I already knew who she was but its nice to be nice

"Little Mia , Jax hasn't shut up about you since you left for college" Brianna said trying to force a smile

"Really , he always was one to talk " I smirked

"See you tonight?" She said to Jax

Jax looked at me and shook his head laughing . He then turned back to Brianna .

"Can't , gotta spend the night with my girl" Jax smiled

Brianna nodded her head and walked away to her car that was such a heap of shit ! Opie started laughing uncontrollably and Jax laughed with him .

"What's so funny?" I asked

"If looks could kill that poor girl would be dead" Opie laughed

"Mia always has been one to keep what is hers to herself" I turned to see Gemma

"She sure has" Jax said agreeing with his mom


Oh here comes a little bitch . Remember Brianna, she's probably going to pop up in the story a lot .

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