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One year later ...... (Don't hate me)

"I can't do this anymore Jax ! I'm so done , I'm seriously over it . You think to much about yourself and the club that not one thought goes into this marriage" I shouted

"That's a lie ! I put everything into this marriage and you know it!" He shouted back and I leaned my elbows on the kitchen counter

"All you put into this marriage is fear . There is no trust between us anymore Jax . I don't trust you at all ." I said honestly

"Why do you not trust me?" He asked and I looked at him for the first time properly in about 2 weeks

"Because of what you done" I said

"You know it meant nothing , it shouldn't have happened" Jax said and you could hear how sorry he was in his voice but it didn't matter

"But it did happen Jax . You did sleep with her . You lied to me and slept with another women , while I was at home with Michael and Junior . You knew fine well what you were doing!" I said and I could feel the tears threatening to spill

"You kept fucking off with Trevor what else was I supposed to think !" Jax said trying to defend himself and use excuses

"Trevor is my friend , really the only one I have outside of the club . I would never hurt you , never intentionally hurt you . I would never think about another man never mind sleep with another man . For fuck sake Jax I love you and I always will love you . Why would I need to sleep with someone else when I have the one I want in my life" I shouted

"I don't know how many times I can say sorry . You won't even let me touch you or sleep in the same bed . You won't even look at me anymore . For crying out loud Michael hardly even looks at me. You are the one person in the whole world i never wanted to hurt , I love you more than life itself Mia . You're my wife and I'm so sorry for everything" Jax said and he started to cry but I didn't feel any pity or sympathy for him , he brought this on himself

"You should go take a walk , or a drive . I need some time to think to myself" I said turning my back to him

I heard his footsteps move closer to me and he placed his hands on my shoulders and I got shivers running down my body . It felt so weird with him touching me .

"How long?" He asked

"You should be fine to come back this afternoon" I said hoping he would move his hands

"I love you" and with that he walked away

I waited for the door to slam close and waited to hear his bike before I decided to move from my spot . As soon as I heard his bike I ran up stairs to Michael , who was in the nursery with Junior .

"Pack some things . We are leaving for a while" I said and Michael nodded his head


I closed the trunk of my car and looked around my neighbourhood , I can't believe I'm actually leaving this place , after telling myself my full life I would never leave . I vowed to always stay in charming , to always stick by my friends side but I can't stick to that, not anymore , not after what happened.

"So you're actually leaving?" I turned to see my friend willow

"I guess I am" I said leaning back on the car

"What's he got to say about it?" Willow asked lighting her cigarette

"He can't say anything, no one can. He had his chances and blew them every time, I can't keep doing it . The longer I stay in charming the more I let him come back to me" I said shrugging my shoulders

"What about the kids?" She asked referring to my two year old son in the backseat of my car and Michael

"If he wants to be in their life , he can visit . I'm not going to stop him but I'm not letting them get into the life of samcro. It will only ruin them, just like Jax" I said smiling at my little boy who was playing with his toy cars in his car seat and at Michael who was playing along with him

"It's going to destroy him , you leaving" willow said trying to make me feel pity for Jax

"Who's side are you on ? Mine or his ?" I laughed

"Yours , always yours . I just don't want to see you go" willow pouted

"Nothing's going to make me stay, I have nothing left here. My parents offered to let me stay with them until i can mould myself into my new job" I said as I heard a bike coming down the street

"New job, new car, you are definitely not going to stay here?" Willow asked

"No, I'm sorry I'm leaving you but it's the best thing for my sons, they deserve a better life than this, I deserve to be happy" I said

"You were happy what changed ?" I looked behind willow to see Jax sitting on his bike

"Jax , don't do this please" I said hoping he would just leave

"You can't take my sons from me , you can't just drop everything and leave. What about working things out ? What's different about this time?" Jax said getting off the bike and walking towards me at the same time willow was backing up

"I can Jax. They deserve a better life than this, they deserve to have a normal quiet future without samcro . Working things out , we have tried for 2 weeks Jax ! We can't keep going back and forth , I'm done. I can't live like it anymore" I said holding back the tears

"What happened to til death do we part?" He asked and he looked destroyed

"What happened ? You can't be serious right now ? You break my heart and you are asking about our marriage vows " I laughed

"I love you Mia,I always have and always will" he said

"I love you Jax, I do, so much but the love I have for you is tearing me apart " I said a tear falling down my cheek

"I'm not even going to beg you to stay because I know you won't. Take the kids to see my mom before you go" and with that he walked away

A part of me hoped he would turn and let me run into his arms but I couldn't let that happen , even though how bad I wanted to feel his lips on mine, I know it wouldn't be fair to him. I have spent so much time loving this boy and everything he does that it's going to be so hard not being his wife, not being around the club, not having some drama but it's what my life needs, some peace and quiet. I knew I was going to let Junior see Jax before I left but I didn't think he wouldn't say bye to his kid, not even a look at junior , if that's the way he wants to be then so be it . I can't stay in charming any longer, I can't live in the life of samcro and I will not let my children grow up in that lifestyle, it put a strain on my parents marriage and mine , I'm not going to let that happen to my kids. Not a hope in hell

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