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"I swear to god willow you better leave me alone, get back to work and stop trying to piss me off" I said down the phone

"I'm sorry , works so boring I just needed someone to talk to, I will stop annoying you now" she said through the phone as I locked my temporary classroom

"Thank you, see you tomorrow" I said and hung up

I was supposed to be finished work 3 hours ago but I decided to stay on and look through some of the kids essays which were really good. I never realised how much kids used so many details when writing and I was stunned at how amazing most of them turned out . I walked down the corridors and outside to see it was still light for being 7, shit I'm supposed to be at Opies babysitting at 8, oops, guess I will have to go in my work clothes and steal some of donnas clothes. I got in my car and drove to Opies house, it's only a 15 minute drive but better to be early than late ,right.

I parked my car on the side of the road , grabbed my bag and got out my car.

"Mia, how long has it been?" I turned to see Hale walking behind me

"See you are doing good for yourself" I said gesturing to the police uniform

"Yeah, you too. I heard you're teaching at charming high school" Hale smiled

"Yeah, sorry to cut this short but I have to go , I'm babysitting for Opie , bye" I said locking my car and running to Opies house

I have nothing against hale, he's always been a really good friend , he has never done me bad but he has something out for the guys and I don't know why , they have never done anything bad towards him , he's just a weirdo that has always been jealous of the club for some strange reason. I ran up Opies drive and straight to the door. I didn't bother knocking because there was no point and besides he walks into my mom and dads house all the time .

"Momma who's this?" A small girl with pigtails asked

"This is Aunt Mia" Donna smiled

"Hey" I smiled as I hugged donna

"Good time at college?" She asked

"Amazing, was such a good experience, cost me a fortune but I got there in the end" I said as I followed her to the living room

"That's good , well Emma has had dinner , she normally goes to be around 9 on weekends but if she doesn't settle she can stay awake" Donna said as I sat on the couch

"Okay, can I borrow some comfy clothes ? I was late finishing at work and I didn't bother going home to change" I said gesturing to my knee length dress and heels

"Sure , closet is in my room , help yourself " she smiled

"Ah my third favourite girl, thank you for doing this . I would have asked your mom but if I ask her again she's going to kill me" Opie laughed as he hugged me

"Any time , just give me a call" I smiled as Emma cuddled up beside me

"Uncle Jax" Emma smiled as she ran from the couch to Jax who was now here

I never even heard the door open or even see Jax come in , shows you how much I pay attention , I don't think I would be good with my own house . Jax picked Emma up and spun her around and she was laughing her head off . It was cute to see Jax laughing with Emma .

"Hey babe" Jax said as he sat on the couch beside me with Emma on his lap

"Hello" I smiled

"Is this jax's girlfriend?" Emma asked Opie

"Yeah" Donna said making it easier for the little girl

"And we are both babysitting you tonight so we can stay up late and eat loads of food and play loads of games" Jax laughed as Donna scowled him

"Really" Emma asked getting excited , good one jax's

"Nope , but we can do that another time because your mom doesn't look to happy" Jax laughed

Emma pouted and cuddled up beside me again . Opie and Donna said their farewells and off they went . I put on a Disney film for Emma and made my way to Donnas room to find something comfortable to wear .

"You know I prefer you wearing a dress" I turned to see Jax following me

"I prefer you stop being such a perv and go watch Emma" I laughed as I opened donnas closet

I looked at all donnas clothes , there was no way I was fitting into her stuff , she's so much smaller than me so guess I'm going to have to suffer in my dress .

"I could run to your moms and get you clothes to wear?" Jax said more of a question

"Nah , I'll be fine " I smiled as I took his hand and we made our way back to the living room

As we walked back in Emma was lying sprawled over the couch sleeping . She liked so peaceful . Jax let go of my hand and picked the little girl up and left the room , probably to take her to her bed . He would be a good dad , he's always liked kids and I know he is great with them .

"Sorry about the other day , you know I didn't mean it badly . I do want you around all the time but I'm scared if you stay around all the time you'll get bored of me" Jax said as he walked back into the living room

Jax and I haven't really spoke since the festival . We sorted it out but I stayed with my parents and didn't bother him . I knew I couldn't stay with him in the club house forever but I enjoy staying with him , I sleep a lot better when he's around , I always get nightmares about him or boys and it scares the shit out of me , they started when I was at college because , of course I wasn't at home and I didn't really know what was going on .

"Why would I get bored of you? There's nothing boring about you" I smiled as he sat down beside me on the couch

"True , can you stay with me tonight?" He asked

"Sure, but don't you have a drop off in the morning?" I asked

"Yeah but I can still make that , as long as you don't keep me up the full night" Jax smirked

"Maybe I will" I laughed

"Fine by me" he laughed


These two are so cute , otp obvvvvvv

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