1 - Its Christmas!

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Its Christmas day and my uncle Joe, and Aunt Poppy came over to celebrate. Aunt Poppy is the sister of my dad, Alfie Deyes, and has two kids one 13 year old girl named Beatrice and a 7 year old boy named Trevor. My uncle Joe was the brother of my mother, Zoe Sugg.

I was in my room with Beatrice talking. Well, I wouldn't say talking. More of using our phones.

My mum, dad and uncle are famous youtubers who still make videos on their channel. I love my mum and dad, but I think my uncle's channels are better. Although I never say it out loud, its way too rude.

My 8 year old brother, Callum, is in his room playing with Trevor.
My phone died and I plugged it in to charge.
"So, what do you want to do?" I ask awkwardly.

"I know that your phone died." Beatrice says still using her phone and not looking up.

"Okay, that's true, but let's do something else!" I say.

"Okay fine." She says putting down her phone.

We start talking about school, celebrity gossip, and other stuff.

Just then I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in!" I yell.

I look at who entered. It was my uncle."What's up?" I ask.

"Oh dinner is ready so I came upstairs to call you guys downstairs." He says.

"Okay uncle Joe." I say.
He hates it when I call him uncle, it makes him feel old, even though he's 39.
"For the one millionth time, don't call me that!" He says in an annoyed tone.

The face he makes when he gets frustrated is priceless and is the reason I call him that a lot.

"Its called respect. Deal with it!" I say as I walk towards the door with Beatrice following me.

He messes up my hair which annoys me really quickly."Hey! Don't touch my hair!" I say putting it back in order.

He laughs as he follows Beatrice and I downstairs.

This is why he's my favorite family member, he doesn't follow the rules which is totally me.

We go downstairs and see that there is a huge feast on the table. Callum and Trevor were waiting for us.

"Wow! Mum, are you feeding a giant?" I ask sarcastically.

"What? I thought I would go big!" Mum says.

"Big is the word." Joe says.

"Just eat." Mum says rolling her eyes.

The dinner was delicious. Mum was a great cook. My mum once asked my dad to cook and he almost burnt down the house.

By the time dessert was done, I was so full I couldn't move.

We all sat on the couch and exchanged presents. I ended up with a necklace which I've always wanted, a guitar, a book and a new tablet.

We all sit down to watch a movie. I suggest Frozen, its an old movie but I really like it, especially because Joe hates it.

In the end, we watch The Muppets: Christmas Carol. That was still an old movie probably introduced when my mum was 23.

When we finish watching the movie, Aunt Poppy leaves.

Uncle Joe usually stays over when he visits, because he lives in London and we live in Brighton.

He gets the guest room which is basically his room since he comes here a lot.

I went up to my room and changed into my pajamas. I started texting Olivia, one of my best friends. We have two other friends named Louis and Alex.

Its hard to find real friends. Most people want to be my friend because of my famous parents.

O: Enjoying your Christmas?
E: So far so good. My mum made an entire feast with dessert as well
O: Same here. Gtg sleep now. Can we hang out in the Brighton Pier tomorrow at 7 am?
E: Sure. Good night! :)
O: You too!

I turn off my phone and start to read the book I got. I hear some one knock on the door.

"Come in." I say as I put my book down on the bedside table.

My dad enters the room.

"Hey dad." I say.

"I just came to tell you that Caspar is coming over tomorrow." He says.

"Okay." I say.
Caspar is Joe's roommate. He is also a youtuber. I'm not very fond of Caspar. He's sometimes too childish, and he's 36.

My dad leaves the room and I continue reading. I hear a buzz coming from my phone. I pick it up and see that its a text, from Daniel Sulkin, the most popular guy in school.

D: Throwing a party at my place on the 3rd Jan. Wanna come with your posse?

When I read the text, I almost fall off my chair. I quickly send a reply.

E: Sure. I'll ask them.
D: Cool.

I call up Olivia. I don't care if she's sleeping, I have to tell her.

"El! I told you I had to sleep!" She whisper shuts through the phone.

"I need to tell something!" I say.

"Couldn't it wait for tomorrow?" She asks.

"No." I say.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Me, you, Louis and Alex got invites to Daniel Sulkin's party on the third January." I say.

"Your kidding right?" She says.

"Nope." I say.

She starts squealing in excitement."I got to go see you tomorrow!" She says.

"Bye." I say as I hang up and turn off my phone.

Its SuggsEyelash! Hope your enjoying my first chapter! Please follow me and check out my other story called Another Sugg.
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