18- Movie Night

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I take my laptop and see that I got a Twitter DM from Louis. I open it.

L: Did you get back in time? Did she find out?
E: Yup. Back on time.
L: Good.

I hear a knock on the door and I shut the laptop and hide it under my duvet. "Come in!" I yell.

Joe walks in and shuts the door behind him.

"Good thing you came on time. Zoe now thinks that I lost my mind when I kept asking her what cupcake icing was made of." He says.

"Why did you ask her that out of all questions?" I ask.

"I don't know. I just kept thinking of cupcakes." He says, shrugging.

"Um, okay?" I say.

I put my hand on top of my laptop.

"I know that you have your laptop. I won't tell." He says.

"Thanks. For everything." I say.

"No problem. Your parents are going out later tonight and asked me to babysit. Wanna watch TV and eat all the chips?" He asks.

"Hell yeah!" I say.

"Cool. I'll knock three times when they go."

"But what about Callum?" I ask.

"I'll put him to sleep before they go." He says.

"K." I say.

He leaves the door and I smile. I love hanging out with him. Its almost like he is still my age.

Its probably because of all the dares he did when he was like 20. At least his fans help him be fun.

My parent's fans just make my parents yell at me.

I take my laptop and go on Twitter. I go to my DMs and see that I've got like five messages from Louis. I start to read them.

L: Eleanor???
L: Are you there?!
L: heeeelllllloooooo
L: I'm going off.
L: Bye.

I quickly type a reply, hoping he would reply.

E: Louis? I'm still there.
E: Joe walked in my room that's why I went.

I wait for two minutes and he finally replies.

L: Oh sorry. I forgot that you were grounded.
E: K. He came to tell me that my mum and dad will be going out tonite.
L: You spent tonight wrong.
E: I couldn't be bothered to spell it right.
L: Oh.
E: I'm gonna go finish my homework.
L: K, bye.

I close my Twitter and take my backpack. I take my books out and put them on my desk. I take my pen and start to so my math homework.

Did we have Social Studies homework? Probably not.

I take out my English books and do the assignment.

I finish everything within 30 minutes and mum opens the door. "Dad and I are going out for dinner OK? Joe is going to look after the two of you." She says.

"K." I say.

"Remember. You have to be in bed at 9pm. I'll be back at 10, you better be in bed by then!" She warns.

"OK!" I practically yell.

"Bye." She says, shutting the door behind her.

I need to hear the three knocks to get out. I sit on my bed and patiently wait for Joe to knock on the door.

After what felt like an hour, but was only three minutes, I hear the three knocks.

I get up and open the door. Joe was standing there. "Did you do your homework?" He asks.

"Why do you care?" I ask.

"I am the babysitter after all." He says.

"I did it." I say.

I go downstairs with him and sit on the couch and turn the TV on.

The Pretty Little Liars movie was on. I heard it was really good. "What's on?" Joe yells from the kitchen.

I hear the sounds of him putting the chips in a bowl. "Um, The Pretty Little Liars movie!" I yell.

He comes in with a bowl of chips and two cans of Mountain Dew.

"I heard that is really good." He says, sitting down.

"So have I." I say, putting some chips in my mouth.

The ad finally finishes playing and the movie starts.

The movie was actually really good. My favorite character is that Aria girl. She is Lucy Hale right?

I watched a little PLL but only like half of season one. That show is so old.

But the movie is pretty good.

Authors note:- Hey guys! Yes, I know that there isn't a PLL movie, but this story is sort of in the future. This is like 2030.

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter, if you did please give it a vote and make sure you add this story to your library. Follow me and check out all my stories. You will find them when you check out my page.



Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now