25- LA

580 9 3

We finally finish putting the luggage in the car and ended up filling the whole car. So, there was all the luggage in one car with Oli driving, and another small bus, with a driver and everyone else.

Oli wasn't coming with us but just came to say goodbye. I get into the backseat with Joe, Caspar, and Callum.

In front of us were Tanya and Niomi. On the other side was Louise and my Mum. In front of them were Marcus and my dad. And in the passenger seat was Jim.

The driver starts to drive to the airport and everyone starts talking to each other. "So, who are you collabing with?" I ask Joe and Caspar.

"I have collabs with Kian Lawley, Kingsley and Ryan Higa." Joe says.

"And I have collabs with Lilly Singh, Tyler Oakley and Ricky Dillon. Plus we are doing an I dare you with Ryan right?" Caspar asks Joe.

"Yup." He says, nodding.

"Wow. Can I come to watch I dare you? I've watched some of it and its pretty funny." I ask.

"Yeah. Sure." Joe says.

We continue talking and took a few selfies as well.

We reach the airport within half an hour because of the light traffic. I get out and I feel way better being able to stretch my legs.

I check my backpack to make sure I have everything with me.

All clear. Everyone comes out and Oli parks the car next to the bus. "El. Take your suitcase." Dad says, taking it out of the car.

I go and take my suitcase and roll it to the pavement. Everyone takes their own suitcases. Joe hugs Oli. "See you later man." Oli says, patting him on the back.

They all say goodbye and we go into the airport. We do the usual procedures and all and sit down and wait for our flight to be called.

Everyone was talking to one another and I was sitting there checking my phone. Luckily most of the fans are in school. "Flight A3564 to LA, please proceed to your flight." The speaker said.

We get up and go to the plane. I get the three seats in the middle next to Joe and Caspar.

Mum was sitting with Callum, Dad was sitting with Marcus, Louise was with Niomi and Tanya was with Jim.

I set my phone to airplane mode and put it in my backpack. More people come in and take their seats.

Joe, Caspar and I start to talk while Joe is vlogging. An announcement saying that we have to put our seatbelts on makes Joe turn off his camera and put his seatbelt.

We all put our seatbelts and wait for the flight to start. The air hostesses do that usual thing of showing us the exits and all and the flight soon takes off.

When the plane finally becomes stable and there is a green light indicating that we can take our seatbelts can be taken off turns on, Joe takes his laptop out and so do I. "Editing a video?" I ask.

"Yup. You?" He asks.

"There is WiFi on this plane, the possibilities are endless!" I say.

He laughs. Caspar starts to take selfies and then takes his laptop out as well.

We were all in silence, looking at our laptop screens. The air hostess comes but I don't notice.

"Ma'am? Would you like some peanuts and juice?" She asks, making me look up.

"Yes please." I say.

"Apple juice or orange? There is soda as well." She says.

"Um, I'll take apple juice thank you." I say.

She takes a juice box out and gives me a packet of peanuts. She gives some to Joe and Caspar as well.

She leaves with her cart and I decide to watch a movie on the laptop. How about Bad Hair Day? Its old but I haven't watched it. Its a Disney film so its probably good.

I take my earphones out and plug it in. I play the movie and open my packet of peanuts.

I start eating it as if I was in a cinema and that it were popcorn.

When I finish the peanuts, I start to drink the apple juice.

And I finish it all before even half of the movie is over. The struggle!

-11 hours later-

I wake up from my sleep to Joe poking my arm. "What?" I ask, sleepily.

"We are about to land. We have to put our seatbelts on!" He says.

"Seriously? That's why you woke me up?! I was having the best dream in the world!" I say.

"What were you dreaming about?" He asks.

"You don't need to know!" I say, sitting up.

Caspar was still asleep and Joe sprinkles some water on his face, making him bolt right up. "Don't. Do that!" Caspar says, sleepily.

All three of our hairs were messed up. I try to get mine in order but I couldn't, so I just pull a beanie over my head.

Joe starts to run his fingers through his hair to get it together and Caspar, didn't really care, he was half asleep.

I see that the seatbelt sign was red and so, I put it on. "All passengers please get ready for landing." Said the announcement.

The plane starts to go down making my ears hurt a little.

The plane lands very smoothly and I kept staring outside, not letting go of the fact that I was in LA.

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now