52- That's Final

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I wake up the next morning and immediately check for a reply from Louis. Nothing. Its been like this since yesterday.

I sigh and go out and start to walk to school. Alone.

Its a surprise that someone related to; in fact, a daughter, of someone so famous and well known would walk alone.

I enter school and walk to my locker.

My hands are full of books and a few papers. I open my locker and put my books in. I put my bag in as well and I take the few books that I need for French class. Oh God! Here comes Evelyn.

I go to turn away but she stops me. "Well, if it isn't Miss Eleanor Deyes?" She says.

"It is. And what do you want this time?" I say, rolling my eyes.

"I just wanted to let you know that I know your little secret." She says.

"Which one?" I ask.

"The o-"

"Wait, is it the one about me hating you? Oh yeah. Every one knows that." I say.

"The one which you were dating Austin. And the one about your self harm." She says, looking down at my rolled up sleeve.

I look down and put the sleeve down.

"What do you mean by was?" I ask.

"As in, not anymore. I know that you broke up." She says.

I try to maintain my cool and I take a deep breath.

"You know what Evelyn, I don't give a fuck." I say, in her face.

"Whatever." She says, shutting her locker and pushing me as she walks away.

My books fall down thanks to that push. "Shit." I mutter under my breath.

I bend down and pick up the books. I reach out for my notebook but someone else picks it up. I look up and see who it was.

"I'm guessing this is yours?" Louis asks.

"Oh. Yeah. It is." I say.

He hands it to me and there's an awkward silence between us.

"Did you get my message?" I ask.

"Yeah. I did. And honestly, I felt like such an idiot." He says.

"You aren't the idiot here. Look what I did to myself. Clearly I'm the idiot here." I say showing him my arm.

"Oh El." He says, hugging me. And I hug him back.

This isn't normal. We're both strong people. But this isn't one of those I'm sorry for you hugs. This hug meant something. I could feel it.

"How about a do over?" He asks.

"Of course." I say, smiling.

"Great. I'll see you tonight." He says.

"Tonight?! Oh my god! I just remembered that I'm grounded!" I say.

"What did you do this time?" He asks.

"First of all, hey!" I say offended. But I see his point.

"They found out." I say.

"How long are you grounded for? Three days? one week?" He asks.

"One month." I say.

"Holy crap! That's like, forever!" He says.

"I know." I sigh.

"My parents won't be here tomorrow. They are going to Joe's and Caspar's and won't be back till like, 9 or 10 o' clock." I say.

"Great. 1 pm for lunch?" He asks.

"I'll be there. Hopefully." I say.

"So, we're okay now?" He asks.

"Totally." I say, smiling.

Thank God that we're okay again. I was honestly a nervous wreck when I saw him.

"So, I'll see you later then?" He asks.

"K." I say smiling. I think I'm blushing. I never blush. God! There is something seriously wrong with me here.

He smiles and walks away. The bell rings and I walk as fast as possible to my French class which is all the way on the end if the long, long hallway.

I cannot be late again. I open the door and everyone was still setting down and I breathe out a sigh of relief.

I sit down and the class starts. I start to daydream like I always do in every class.

"Eleanor, Quelle est la réponse à ça?" The French teacher, Madame Jennifer, asks.

"Huh? Umm, oui?" I stay, waking up from my daydream.

I hear the class snickering at me. "Eleanor, faites attention, s'il vous plait!" She says.

What does that mean?

"Um, er, yeah, okay."

What was she on about?

I missed coming to school and thinking to myself instead of listening to the useless shit these teachers talk about. Its nice to do something normal after all these abnormal days.

Things are good, I guess. Being grounded isn't the best thing in the world though.

-After school-

I get back home and go in. I go upstairs to my room and lock the door.

I quickly have a shower and change into comfy shorts and a white shirt with the number 22 written on it in black.

I comb my hair and tie it into a high ponytail.

I sit down on my bed and open my laptop. Its really gloomy outside today so its dark in my room. I turn on my fairy lights and check my Twitter.

I haven't turned the fairy lights on in ages. It has that magical touch in your mood even though life is really horrible.

I scroll through my Twitter feed and I see something really horrible:

Eleanor Deyes caught on video saying something about her uncle. What happened to @Joe_Sugg?

Suddenly, the fairy lights don't make me feel magical anymore. It feels like even though things are already fallen apart, everything is falling apart even more.

Is this what panic attacks feel like? Minus the fainting and everything blackening.

I hate Twitter. I hate Instagram. I hate every single social media site ever invented.

I'm done. I'm never going on social media again.

That's final.

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now