3- The Fans

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Its some days like this when I want to spend some time out with my family. But its kind of hard to relax while being mobbed by fans. I go downstairs and see that my parents, Joe and Caspar were sitting on the couch, talking while editing videos.

"Hey El. We were thinking of going to a theme park or something. Do you want to go?" Mum asks.

"Ok." I say shrugging.

I wasn't totally on board of the plan but I was bored and had nothing to do, so why not?! Plus, rides, games, cotton candy, who would want to say no to that. Especially when your going with your family.

"Someone's mood brightened!" Joe says.

I roll my eyes and go upstairs. I wear a little more makeup. I have almost every single makeup product that's good quality. My mum's channel is about beauty and stuff, so I pretty much have all makeup possible.
And my dad's channel, is pointless. Literally.

I change out of my sweatpants and T-shirt into what I wore to the pier.

The theme park was actually really fun! Especially since we didn't run into any fans. Caspar ate cotton candy and hotdogs before going on the rollercoaster.

"Caspar I don't think eating before a rollercoaster that's called 'ride of doom' is the smartest move!" Dad says.

"Its ok! I'll be fine! Come on Callum." Caspar says before taking my brothers hand.

"Okay. But stay away from me after the ride!" Callum says.

"Me too!" The rest of us say in unison.

Once the ride was over, Caspar didn't look too well.

"Caspar? Are you okay?" Joe asks.

"Yeah I'm fi-" He stops what he's saying and runs towards the nearest garbage can and pukes.

"Ewww!" I say disgusted.

"We warned him..." Mum says.

Caspar washes his face and we head out for dinner. We go to Gourmet Burger Kitchen for dinner. We decide to walk there since its nearby. We were walking peacefully when, the fans come.

"Omg! Alfie! I'm such a huge fan!" One girl screams.

"Zoe! Caspar! Joe! Alfie! Omg!" Another screams.

All the girls start crowding around us. I roll my eyes.

"Here we go!" I mutter.

I was standing there for half an hour holding Callum's hand. My legs hurt and my stomach was grumbling.

"Can we please go!" I yell finally.

Everyone stares at me, the fans, Joe, my parents, Caspar and even my brother.

"What?! I'm starving!" I say.

"Sorry guys, we got to go!" Dad says to them while my mum gives me a death stare.

I follow them to the restaurant and we have a seat at our table.

"El! Thats no way to treat viewers!" Mum says.

"Come on! Tell me im not the only one who was starving!" I say.

"I was." Joe says.

"Joe!" Mum says.

"See?!" I say trying to make a point.

"You shouldn't do that." Dad says.

"If it wasn't for me, you'd still be outside with them." I say.

"Just forget about it!" Mum says.

We have dinner and go home. Caspar gets the couch in the living room while Joe gets the guest room as usual.
I go upstairs and change into my pajamas. I go downstairs and see that mum and dad were still up talking about something, but I was too lazy to overhear. I walked to the kitchen and poured some milk into the glass. I was about to start to drink it when Joe comes out of no where, its kind of hard to drink anything with Joe or Caspar in the same room.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" I ask.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" He asks.

"I needed a drink." I say.

"Me too." Joe says, while taking out a bottle of fruit juice.

"Why are you drinking fruit juice before sleeping?" I ask him weirded out.

"I like to." He says as he pours the fruit juice into the glass.

I take a sip of my milk and he makes a stupid face while I was drinking, I couldnt help but laugh and ended up spitting milk all over his face. He gasps and wipes his face. I ended up covering my mouth and laughing.

"Aahhh, this is so cold!" He says.

Just then mum comes to the kitchen.

"Oh my god Joe! What happened?" She asks shocked.

"She spit milk all over me." Joe says wiping his face with a towel.

"Why did you do that?" Mum asks.

"He made me laugh on purpose while I was drinking my milk." I say.

"Joe, why did you do that? Are you thinking of playing innuendo bingo with her?!" Mum asks making me laugh even more.

"You know what? That's not a bad idea! Innuendo bingo with my niece!" He says with a faraway look in his eyes.

"No way! I don't want your spit all over me for the whole world to see." I say.

"Come on! Please please please!" He pleads like a baby.

"No!" I say.

"El! Pleeeeaaaaassseeee!" He says going on his knees.

"Did you do this with everyone when they refused?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"Sort of." He says.

"Okay fine!" I say.

"But you owe me." I say.

"Yay!" He says jumping up and down in excitement. This wasn't the type of behavior I expect from 39 year olds.

I roll my eyes and go upstairs before they ask for my help to clean up.

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now