55- Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's Daughter

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I wake up on Monday morning and I wait outside for Louis. And just like it used to be, he came at 7:30 sharp.

"Louis!" I say, hugging him.

"What's new?" He asks.

"The fact that everything is actually going well." I say, smiling.

"You mean everything with Joe and all is fine?" He asks.

"Yup." I say.

"Have you decided to come back to the internet? We're missing you." He says.

"No. Its a scary world there. I feel safer here, in the real world." I say.

"Whatever you say!" He says shrugging.

I missed the way he used to always say that.

We reach school and separate and go towards our lockers. I am about to open my locker when I get a text. Oh, I forgot to say, I got my phone back.

I check who it was and see that it is my Mum.

M: Joe is coming over. Family movie night?

E: Of course!

I open my locker and get out of that place before the devil could arrive.

The school day was pretty long but soon enough, it was the last period and I head over to my locker before going home.

"Well, if it isn't Mi-"

"Yeah, yeah. Its me. What do you want?" I interrupt.

"Have you retired from the internet or something?" She asks.

"Yeah, why?" I ask. Something really bad is about to happen.

"Hmmm, too bad. Then you won't be able to see this all over the internet." She says, showing me her phone.

I snatch the phone from her hand and see that it was a picture of Louis and I kissing.

"You wouldn't!" I say.

"Face it, you know that I will." She says.

"You know what?! Fine! You have fun with that, wasting time playing with your stupid so called 'fame' and I, will be enjoying time with my friends and family. Who is Joe, Zoe, Alfie, Marcus and everyone else who I'm pretty sure you, as well as many other people know has real fame. Good bye Evelyn." I say and she looks at me in horror and shock. Mainly because no one has actually told that to her.

I run back home feeling really proud of myself.

I quickly have a shower and change out of my uniform. I go downstairs and sit down on the couch. Joe next to me, as well as the rest of the family.

The whole journey after LA and the aftermath really made me see things at a entirely different perspective than before. All I thought was that a horrible secret of mine was that I didn't tell my friend's about a silly little party. That's a little white lie that anyone could get over.

After all that's happened, that just seemed stupid. Life's an ongoing journey in which phases happen. And that was a phase which as cringe as it was, I'm glad at least learnt something from it- trust. Every phase taught me something which I don't regret.

But, in the end, I'm thankful; to have amazing friends, amazing relatives, and I'm proud that I'm

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's Daughter

Author's note: Thank you so much for everything. The reads, votes and even comments. Thanks for reading this fanfic. I bet you know how much I love the Suggs by now (Joe especially).

Thanks again,


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