46- El Deyes

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-Next day-

"Yes mum! I will look after myself. Plus, Joe and Caspar is with me!" I say.

"I meant look after yourself on the ride back. I completely trust Joe and Caspar. Psssh! Who told you I didn't!" Mum says, sarcasm.

"We're standing right here Zoe!" Caspar says.

"Yeah. Okay. Bye honey." Mum says.

"Bye." I say and she leaves and I shut the door.

"Okay. I already got Caspar to write down accents on papers. So, we can start to film now." He says.

"Hey El?" Caspar says.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Why don't you have a YouTube channel? Because you are completely YouTube material. And she has that Jenna Marbles swag in her. Am I right Joe?" Caspar asks.

"Yeah. Why don't you have a YouTube channel?" Joe asks.

"I don't know. I just, didn't want to make it some sort of family business. That's way too stupid." I say.

"Its really fun. And we can make your first video right now. I can teach you to edit, and you can even borrow my camera." Joe says.

I just stand there thinking. I think I can handle the fans now. I am really good friends with one of them after all. Why not all of them?

"Okay!" I say, shrugging and smiling.

"So, do you want to film your video or mine?" He asks.

"Oh El, can we do a collab as well?" Caspar says.

"Sure. But I want to do my video first. Help from both of you?" I ask.

"Duh." Joe says.

"Okay." Caspar says.

"I want to do it in the living room itself. On the couch. I don't want to steal your backgrounds. They're amazing by the way." I say.

"Why thank you." Caspar says, proudly.

"I'll get my camera. And the tripod. And the lights." Joe says.

"You know what? Caspar and I will help you. You're going to take forever if you do it by yourself." I say.

"Thanks. And hey!" Joe says.

I roll my eyes and we go to get the equipment.

I legit cannot believe I'm doing this.

We get all the things and set it up in front of the TV.

Joe presses play and I take a deep breath.

"Hi. My name's Eleanor Deyes. And I have decided to start a YouTube channel." I start. I sound so nervous and I am nervous.

"For my first video, I am going to tell you about me. And my life." I say.

"First off, my mum and dad are YouTubers. They are Alfie and Zoe Deyes better known as zoella and pointlessblog." I say.

"In fact, I'm in Joe and Caspar's house at the moment. They're just behind the camera." I say.

They come in front and say hi.

As I go, the confidence inside of me builds up and I'm completely confident halfway through the video.

When I ended it, Joe stops the recording and I stand up.

"Not bad! Honestly, it reminded me of my first video." He says.

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now