34- Playlist Live 2030

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Once the corridors are clear, we all go to the hotel's private parking, which I'm now finding out about.

We all get into the car and drive out to the arena. I was looking out the window and apparently, some fans decided to go there early. How jobless are they? They see me through their car windows and wave. I wave back, politely but awkwardly.

I ignore them after the second time. Hey! I don't have the time to keep waving at people I don't know the whole twenty minute ride!

They all were obviously vlogging and so, I was pretty much jobless.

We finally get there and go to the private parking and all that. We goet our IDs.

Eleanor Deyes: Daughter of Zoe and Alfie Deyes.

As usual, that's what mine said.

We wait backstage, checking the lighting, effects, sound, when we have to go on and double checking everything.

I was sitting there, counting how many times Tyler passed by. So far its 23 times. He is really busy.

I heard that Lilly Singh, aka. iisuperwomanii was coming I haven't seen her though. I love her videos! She's practically my idol.

I check my phone, to see if there was WiFi, and luckily, there was.

I go on Twitter and start typing out a tweet.

Stuck in the arena for the next two hours, waiting for Playlist. Help...

I send the tweet and look up. Lilly just passed by me. "Hey guys!" She says.

"Lilly! How are you?" Mum says, hugging her.

"I'm good. How are you guys?" She asks.

"Not too bad." Mum says.

"I wish I could collab wit you guys again!" She says

"We do too. But we're only here for a few days, and you're probably super busy." Tanya says.

"You're right. But Caspar and I are still collabing right?" She asks.

"Of course!" He says.

"Cool." She says smiling.

She looks at me. "You aren't a YouTuber are you?" She asks.

I shake my head and show her my ID card.

"Oh! I haven't seen you at all. Because the last time I collabed with your parents was in 2016, so you were just a baby." She explains.

"I'm a huge fan by the way." I add.

"Thank you." She says.

We all take a seat and start to chat for a while.

-1 hour 45 minutes later-

"Guys! Playlist is starting in fifteen minutes! Fifteen minutes!" A guy yells

Wow. That while went quickly.

Lilly gets called somewhere so she wasn't coming with us.

They all go to the side of the stage and wait.

They finally get called, leaving me, sitting alone on the side of the stage watching them, trying to calm my sudden stage fright.

"We'd like to introduce a very special guest to come on stage and answer a few questions from Twitter." Tyler says.

"Yes. Please welcome my daughter, Eleanor!" Mum announces.

I sit there and try to move but I can't. Its like I'm frozen. When has this ever happened to me?!

"I think that's your name." Someone says behind me.

I turn my head and see that it was Austin. Dang it!

"Austin! Did I forget to mention...?" I say awkwardly.

"You can mention it later. Go!" He says.

I get up and walk slowly on stage. Everyone cheers. "Hey guys." I say into the mic.

They continue to cheer.

"What took you so long?!" Mum whisper shouts.

"Stage fright." I say.

"Oh." She says, walking away.

The rest of them go away, leaving me, Tyler and the fans.

"Okay, I bet you have seen #askEl all over the internet, and now we, are going to ask the five most common and five most unique questions we could find." Tyler explains.

"Okay." I say.

"First question: What is this?" He asks, putting a picture up on the background screen thingy.

Oh not that photo! "Everyone wants to know what this is." Tyler says.

"Um, well that, is me, and a friend having Starbucks." I try to explain.

"So this friend, is a boy." He asks.

"Yeah. Why not? One of my best friends is a boy. No big deal." I say.

"Hmm, okay." He says, not too convinced.

I look at the front row and immediately saw Evelyn, whose face was literally raging with jealousy.

I was so tempted to say "Jealous much Evelyn?" into the mic. But I stopped myself from doing it.

"Next question..." Tyler moves on.

The rest of the questions weren't that bad, they were actually pretty fun to answer. Like, "would you rather keep your foot and loose the internet or loose your foot and keep the internet?" That answer was obviously the second option.

I just don't want to go backstage. Because I know that I'm going to have to have a serious kind of talk with Austin, and I'm pretty sure that I am an absolute idiot when it comes to serious talks.

I just hate those talks...

Authors note: Sorry for not updating in quite a while but I have been super busy with school projects and homework. The next chapter will be up soon! xxx


Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now