21- A Decision

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The decision I have to make is eating me alive!

This could be a way to get my phone back though.

I don't mind being grounded, as long as I have my phone, everything will be just fine.

Its been like, a few hours since they told me but the way its eating me alive feels like days.

But should I? I think I should. It would be a great way to get away from Evelyn and planning the dance.

I think its a good idea. Maybe I should.

My brother barges into my room without knocking. "El! El! Mum and Dad says that we are going to America! But they said that its your decision!" He practically yells.

"Please please please can we go?!" He pleads.

"Um, I think I'll tell you guys my decision when we all are together." I say, unsure.

"Well, what's your decision?" Dad asks, standing at the door with Mum.

"We all are together, aren't we?" She asks.

"Umm." I say, still a little unsure about my decision.

"Well? Are you going to say something or stand there like an idiot?" Callum asks.

"Callum!" Dad warns.

"I think that we should go." I say.

"Really?" Mum asks, in a shocked tone.

"Yes!" Callum says, celebrating.


"But?" Callum stops and looks at me.

"I want my phone back." I say.

"Hmm, we have to think about that..." Mum says.

"Please give her the phone!" Callum begs for me.

"Okay fine." Mum says, looking at dad and then at me.

"Yay! I'm going to pack!" Callum says, excitedly, and running out of my room.

"Make sure you don't do anything like that again." Mum says handing me my phone.

"And we don't want anymore complaints about you OK?" Dad says.

"Yeah OK." I say. Although I'm not making any promises.

"Now you better get packing. We are leaving in two days." Mum says, leaving the room.

They leave and shut the door. I turn my phone on and my phone blows up with all the notifications. I ignore all the YouTube and Google notifications.

I go on WhatsApp and text Louis, Olivia and Alex telling them that I got my phone back.

I then take my suitcase from under my bed.

I haven't taken this out in a long time. I take a few clothes out and start to fold them and put them in my suitcase.

I continue packing for twenty minutes and start to feel sleepy. I close the suitcase and put it in a corner. I put my phone to charge and set it on my bedside table.

I put on my pajamas and turn off the lights. I lay down on my bed and was about to fall asleep when someone opens the door.

"El? Aren't you going to eat dinner?" Mum asks.

I turn around and squint my eyes thanks to the bright lights outside.

"No. I'm really sleepy." I say, sleepily.

"Suit yourself! Good night." She says.

"Hmm." I say, turning around and closing my eyes.

She shuts the door and I fall asleep.


Its the next morning and sadly, I have to go to school. I do my daily morning routine and walk to school with Louis.

"So let me get this straight- you are going to America for two weeks for Playlist Live and you got your phone back?" He asks, shocked.

"Yeah. Pretty much." I say.

"Lucky! I'm stuck at home doing homework." He says.

I chuckle. "You know what the best part of it is?" I ask.

"What?" He asks.

"I get a getaway from Evelyn for two, whole weeks!" I say.

"That is the best part." He says, nodding.

We enter the school and we separate, walking towards our own lockers.

Unfortunately, Evelyn was there.

I open my locker and in five, four, three, two....

"Well, Miss Eleanor Deyes. Guess what I got!" She says, proudly.

"Front row tickets to Playlist Live and a meet and greet with the YouTubers who are attending." She says.

"Really? Only a meet and greet? Shame." I say.

"As if you have tickets! You'll be stuck home in UK studying while I spend three days in America meeting YouTubers!" She says.

"Only three? I am spending two weeks there. And I get backstage passes because my parents, uncle Joe, and their friends are attending." I say.

"So have fun in the front row for three days." I say, taking my books out and smiling.

It feels nice to one-up her for once.

She just stands there in shock and her two 'friends' (more like body guards) were snickering behind her.

I shut my locker and walk over to Olivia's locker. Where Alex and Louis were also there. "You should have seen her!" I say.

"Seen who do what now?" Alex asks.

"Evelyn. You should have seen her face when I told her that I'm going backstage for Playlist Live and spending two weeks there." I say.

"I heard that she was going for three days." Olivia says.

"She is. It feels so nice to one-up her." I say.

Alex starts to laugh. "What?"I ask.

"Oh nothing. I was just imagining the look on Evelyn's face when you told her." He says.

"It was hilarious. I wanted to Snapchat it." I say.

"That would get like a million likes and laughs." Louis says.

"True." Olivia says.

The bell rings and I look at them. "Well, I got to go to class. I have English." I say.

"OK." Alex says.

"See ya." Olivia says.

We go to our respected classes. Although it still really felt nice to be the one who is greater than Evelyn White.

Its not like I was greater than her earlier. All my strengths just involved my parents and uncle. And so does this. Oh man!

Why cant I be popular or something without getting my parents or Joe involved?

I'm sick of it!

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now