9- School.

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I wake up and have a shower and wear my school uniform. I tie my hair up and put my phone and earphones into my bag.

I wear a bracelet and take my backpack. I look at my mirror and take a deep breath. First day of a new term.

I hear a knock on the door. It must be Louis. I open the door. I was right.

"Hey!" I say

"Hey, you're ready?" He asks.

"Yeah, one sec." I say, as I turn around.

"Mum, Dad! I'm going to school!" I yell.

"Okay, bye!" Mum yells back.

"Let's go." I say as I shut the door behind me.

We walk the usual route we take to school. "So, dont tell me that you keep on thinking about what Daniel said." Louis says.

"Why would I do that?" I lie.

"You should stop thinking about it." He says.

"I said that I wasn't!" I say.

"I know that you were lying." He says putting his hand in his pockets.

"Really? How?" I ask folding my hands.

"We've been friends for like 12 years! I'm pretty sure I know you well enough to tell." He says.

"Okay okay, you got me. But in my defense, how can I not think about it?" I say.

"You're right. Even I was thinking about it yesterday." He says.

"See?" I say.

We reach school and separate and go to our lockers. I walk to my locker and Evelyn was there.

I open it. "What's that smell? I think its garbage. And its coming from you." She says to me.

"Actually, its zoella's perfume. And it hasn't released yet, so I don't think you have it. And you can not have it until it releases. So, I beat you to it." I say.

"Shut up Deyes!" She says.

"And your losing by how many followers? I have 1.2 million and you have?" I fight back.

"1,586." She mutters.

"Precisely." I say as I turn around to take my books.

"The only reason you have all of this is because of your parents and uncle." She says.

"And you have money thanks to your dad, but I have slightly more value and fame." I say as I walk past her, slamming my locker.

"This isn't over Deyes." She yells.

I ignore her and go for my first class, which is math. I take a seat next to Olivia. Sadly, Evelyn is in almost all of my classes except math. So math is sort of my relaxing time.

The teacher starts the class. Honestly, I kind of like math. It isn't that hard. I think if you pay attention, its super easy.

After math class, I go to my locker to keep my math books in and take my chemistry books out. Just on time, Evelyn comes. Here we go again.


"Sorry Evelyn, I don't have time to talk to people with less than 1 million twitter followers. Unless they are my friend." I interrupt before she could say an insult.

Her face was priceless. It was redder than an embarrassed lobster!

I walk right past her and go to my chemistry class where I sit next to Alex, since neither Louis nor Olivia were here.

The day goes by pretty fast, soon it was lunch time.

I keep my books in my locker, purposely being five minutes late to avoid Evelyn.

I go to the cafeteria and sit down on the table I usually sit in. With Louis, Olivia and Alex.

It was quite normal. Just four friends talking to each other. Then a girl comes out of no where. I think her name is Maddie.

"Could you tell your mum and dad. And uncle, that I love their videos?" She says.

I feel a little uncomfortable. I don't like being asked to tell my parents, or uncle, any questions from fans. Especially in school. In school I feel like a normal not so popular girl. But now that this happened I have a feeling that the rest of the term is going to be super uncomfortable.

"Yeah. Sure." I lie.

"Thanks! BTW, I think that you should make a YouTube channel as well!" She says.

"Nope I prefer to be behind the scenes." I say fake smiling.

Honestly, I wanted to say,'Thank you for your opinion but I don't want any more attention than I already have. So stop wasting your time asking my stupid questions!'

"It wasn't my idea. Its all over on the comments of Joe's innuendo bingo with you." She says.

Oh crap.

"Yeah thanks." I say, turning around.

I ignore what just happened and make a mental note to check those comments. The rest of the day was normal. And by normal I mean Evelyn insulting me after every class.

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now