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-Next Day-

We finally land in Brighton and we get into the car after all the formalities.

I get back home and like in the flight to LA, I slept through the whole thing so I'm not really jet lagged.

I get back home and start to unpack. Everyone was downstairs talking to each other. Its 8 am and its Friday. Everyone's in school now so, no one's there to talk to.

I take about thirty minutes to unpack- probably because I just dumped all the clothes into my cupboard.

I sit down on my beanbag and look at my phone. Louis probably has History class now and his teacher is about 90 years old. He can probably text me without being caught.

E: Hey! Came back home. Bored as hell.
L: Welcome back. Our teacher just pulled a muscle and went to the school nurse. He should just retire already.
E: Haha. So, I heard that Evelyn was, well, flirting with you...
L: She is. And it's terrible. God! I hate her!
E: Who doesn't? :D
L: True.
L: The bell rang. G2G.
E: Oh. OK.

I turn my phone off and go downstairs. Everyone went and my parents and Callum are sleeping. I take one box out of the five of Lucky Charms my mum bought from America.

I sit down on the couch and watch TV while I eat. I get why my mum is crazy for these. This is delicious.

Chelsea will be joining school from next week and I have to talk to Louis, Olivia and Alex after school. Not that there's anything important, I just miss hanging out with them.

The next few hours go by pretty fast. Me just sitting in front of the TV, texting Austin, eating Lucky Charms. Life's good.

Everyone is still sleeping. Their jet lag must be horrible. I stand up and go upstairs to my room. I put my sneakers in and take some money. I already texted everyone to meet me after school at Starbucks.

I go out and walk over to Starbucks. It was really peaceful. I enter Starbucks and sit down in the corner while I wait for the others.

I turn my phone on and connect to the free WiFi. I start to scroll through my Twitter feed. "Eleanor! What would you like today? The usual?" I look up and see that it's Abbie, the waitress who works here.

"Maybe. But I'll order when the others get here." I say.

"Sure." She says

I smile and she leaves. Just then, Louis, Olivia and Alex come in. All of them still wearing their school uniforms.

"El!" Louis says opening his arms for a hug.

"Hey Louis!" I say, hugging him.

I hug Olivia and Alex one by one and we sit. "How are you guys?" I ask.

"OK. But how are you?" Olivia says.

"Fine?" I say, I have a feeling that she wants to talk about Austin.

"Come on! Tell us about Austin!" Olivia says.

"Who now?" Alex asks, confused.

"Austin. The guy who El is dating. In America." Olivia says.

"Ooh! Him." Alex says.

"Would you like to order now?" Abbie comes up to us and asks.

"Yes please." I say.

"You know the usual, right?" Alex asks.

"Of course. I'll be back in five minutes." She says.

She turns around and walks away.

"Met anyone interesting in America?" Alex asks.

"Yeah. I actually met this girl named Chelsea. She's a fan actually. But she's cool. She is moving to Brighton and is going to attend our school." I say.

"She looks cute." Olivia says.

"You know her?" I ask.

"No. Her picture is on your Twitter." She says, holding up her phone.

"Oh. Yeah." I say.

I can't help but notice how Louis is so silent. He's normally really loud and talkative, especially when I'm with him.

"Louis? You okay?" I ask.

He looks up and snaps out of his deep thought. "Yeah. I'm fine." He says.

"Since when did you become the quiet one?" Alex asks.

"Um, I was just thinking. About my football practice. We have a game on Monday." He says.

He's lying. I can tell. I know him better than anyone else. I know he's lying when he talks.

"Oh. Can't wait to watch!" Alex says.

He gives an uncomfortable smile in response. Okay. Something's definitely not right.

Olivia and Alex go early, leaving me and Louis alone. "I should probably go too." Louis says, taking his bag.

"No. Wait." I say.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asks.

"Tell me the truth." I say.

"About what?" He asks.

"Why you were so silent. I know you were lying." I say.

"No I wasn't." He says avoiding contact with my eyes.

"Don't lie." I say.

"Are you calling me a liar?" He asks.

"No I-"

"It seems like it." He interrupts.

"Louis. Tell me the truth." I say.

He takes his bag and walks away.

I instantly stand up and follow him outside.

"Please tell me." I practically yell now.

"I like you! Okay!" He yells in response.

I freeze and just stand there staring at him.

"I like you. Are you happy?!" He asks, and he walks away. "I wasn't expecting a response from that."

I don't follow this time.

Louis likes me? That explains the silence especially when we were talking about Austin.

But, why? I could never imagine being more than Louis' friend. Chelsea did put a thought in my mind but, it didn't stay for long.

Oh god! Now what?!

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now