39- Major News

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-Next day-

I skipped dinner last night because I was already full from all the spaghetti.
We have to go to the airport tonight. I check my phone and see that the battery has only 25% left on it. I go to put it to charge and I get a call. From Olivia.

"Yes Olivia?" I say.

"How did you know it was me?" She asks.

"Caller ID." I say.

"Oh yeah. Anyways. Major news!" She says.

"Please tell me that it isn't about me." I say.

"It isn't. Its about Louis." She says, kind of makes me feel a little better.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing much. Just that Evelyn has a major crush on him." She says.

"No way! I thought she liked Daniel." I exclaim.

"She did. But not anymore I guess. You should have seen the way she was talking to Louis. She was giggling and twirling her hair around her finger like crazy." She says.

"But does Louis like her?" I ask.

"That even I'd like to know." She says.

"Please find out as soon as possible. Because if my best friend's girlfriend is my enemy, then that's the end of me." I say.

"Okay. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. And you have to tell me everything about this Austin guy." She says.

"No promises." I say.

"El!" She whines.

"Okay okay!" I say.

"Bye." She says.

She hangs up and I put my phone to charge. I lay down on my bed and stare at the plain white ceiling.

Louis and Evelyn? That's making me shudder just thinking of it. But why? Louis and Evelyn's world would never collide in a million years! The only connection they have is through me. And that connection is not too strong.

This is as good as rocket science. I get up and go down to the restaurant for breakfast. Everyone else already had breakfast so I'm pretty sure in alone. I take scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausages and toast.

What? I'm hungry!

I go to look for a table alone in a corner. "El!" Someone yells.

I turn around and see Joe sitting and eating alone at a table, waving his hand as a signal for me to join him.

"Why are you here?" I ask, sitting down.

"I woke up a little late." He says.

"Oh." I say.

"How's Austin?" He asks.

"Okay. We had a date yesterday." I say, taking a bite of my hash brown.

"Did you? I forgot to ask, how was your first date?" He asks.

"Didn't go too well. Yesterday's date was actually a sort of do over." I say.

"Why? What happened? Did the waiter spill the food all over you?" He asks, chuckling.

I look at him. "Oh. The waiter actually did." He realizes.

"Anyways, how's Chloe?" I ask.

"She's good. I haven't talked to her in a while though." He says.

We continue talking and finally finish breakfast. We go upstairs and go to our own rooms.

Come to think of it, I never actually went looking around LA. All I knew was the arena and the neighbors to the hotel.

Maybe I can go to the park with Callum. I'm bored anyways. I go to my mum's room and knock on the door.

My dad opens the door. "Hey El, need anything?" He asks.

"I was actually about to go to the park and thought maybe Callum wanted to join?" I say.

"Callum, do you want to go to the park!" Dad asks.

"Okay. Let me wear my shoes." He says.

I wait patiently and Callum comes out. "Come on." I say, taking a hold of his hand.

We go out and walk to the park, which wasn't that far away.

We go into the park and Callum goes straight to the playground. I sit on the park bench and watch him for a while.

I am a little bored. Still.

I go up to Callum. "I'll come back after thirty minutes okay? Don't go out of the playground." I say.

"Okay." He says.

I walk away to look at the rest of the park. This place is amazing. Its so... Green.

Its super peaceful as well. Everyone has school so its practically empty. I look around and not focus on the front. I never learn.

And like what happened at the arena, I bump into someone. But this time it isn't some cute boy.

Its a fan.

"Omygod! You're Eleanor Deyes!" She practically has a freakout.

Oh my Jesus! Why does this keep happening to me?! Why does the universe hate me?!

What should I do?! Should I run away?!

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now