43- Talks

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As soon as the bell rings, Louis is out of there, no time wasted.

Which meant I had to catch up with him. But the hallways were super crowded. So I lost him.

I head over to his locker and he was luckily there, taking books out. "Louis!" I call out.

He turns around and looks at me. He turns his head around and continues to put books in and out of his locker.

"Don't ignore me. Besides, I'm supposed to be the one to be ignoring you. Not you." I say.

No reply. "I just wanted to say, that I have been thinking way too much about it and I really need to say something to someone, and I guess that someone is you." I say.

"Eleanor, you don't need to say anything. You have a boyfriend and I made the mistake of liking you." He says, shutting his locker.

Okay, now I'm very sure that he's super serious. He hardly ever calls me Eleanor. It was always El.

"Yeah. Good point." I say, biting my lip.

He starts to walk away. What do I do?! I have to say something! "I like you too." I blurt out.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Where the hell did that come from?!?

"What did you just say?" He asks, walking towards me.

"Um, I like you." I repeat, a little less louder and slower.

"El, you have a boyfriend. Just because I like you, doesn't mean you have to like me back!" He says.

I have no idea what to say. Do I actually like him? I look into his eyes.

I like him. As in, like like him. Okay, maybe I should just accept it. "I-"

"You know what, think about what you want to say and tell me when you're ready. I have to get to class." He interrupts.

I nod and watch him walk away.

The hallways start to clear up as the bell rings. Soon enough, I'm walking alone in the halls towards my locker.

Good thing is, no chance of Evelyn coming here to make things worse.

I open my locker and put my books in. I take my chemistry books out and shut the locker.

I walk all the way to the chemistry lab thinking what I'm going to say and how. I knock on the door and I open it. "Miss Deyes, why are you late?" My chemistry teacher, Mrs. Dean asks.

"I'm sorry. I had to use the bathroom." I say.

"Okay Eleanor. This is the last time I'm excusing you." She says.

I nod and I quickly enter and take my seat right at the back.

"So class, just a reminder - you might have a test on the periodic table and everything we learnt about it." She says.

I write it down on my notepad as a reminder. I'm not the best at memorizing things so I have to hit the books today.


I get back home and quickly take a shower and change out of my uniform. I check my phone as soon as I hear a notification go off.

It was Austin.

Can you come on Skype? Need to talk.

I quickly type a reply saying ok.

I take my laptop and go on Skype. I am about to click 'call' on Austin's name, when the Skype ringtone suddenly goes off,making me get so scared that I fall off of the chair, pressing the answer button as I fall. 

"El! He-" He stops in the middle of his sentence as I stay on the floor trying to get my heart to start pumping normally again.

"El? Are you there?" He asks, looking around I pull myself up.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He asks when i sit back on the chair.

"Yeah I'm fine. I fell off the chair." I say.

There is a silence as we both just think, or at least I think.

"I need to tell you something." We both say in unison, followed by a chuckle.

"You go first. I'll just frame what I'm saying in my head while I listen." I say.

"I think we need to break up." He says, making me feel shocked and relieved that i dont have to tell him.

"What? Why?" I ask, a little confused.

"Its not you, its me..." I have always loved that line when people break up.

"Its just, the distance and the fact that we can never actually see each other in person anytime soon." He says.

"Nah, its fine. I understand. That's what I wanted to talk to you about." I say.

"Really? So you're cool?" He asks.

"Of course. I'm not that kind of girl who cries over breakups." I say.

"I know that you aren't. But, we are still friends, so we can talk on the phone soon?" He asks.

"Yeah, totally." I say.

"Well, I got to go." He says.

"Bye." I say.

He ends the call and I close the laptop.

I flop onto my bed and stare at the ceiling and sigh. "You okay?" Someone asks, making me jump.

Ugh! Why does everyone want me to have a heart attack today?!

"Were you guys eavesdropping?" I ask, looking at my parents.

"We wouldn't say eavesdropping, more like, we happened to overhear." Dad says, walking with Mum towards me.

Where have I heard that before?

"Are you okay?" Mum asks, putting her arm around me.

"I'm fine. Not exactly a Noah and Penny story is it?" I ask.

"More over, not a zalfie story either." I say.

"You're right, but maybe he wasn't exactly your soulmate." Zoe says.

She's practically the expert at this point. she did write two books about all of this.

"You know, you're right. Plus, I don't even care about this. I wanted to break up too, remember that." I say.

"If you don't care then, there's only one zalfie and no other versions." Dad says, squeezing my mum.

"That's true. I have to admit." I say, smiling and nodding.

"Okay. Do your home work. We're still you're parents to you, not zalfie." Mum says.

"Ugh! fine." I say.

They stand up and leave.

And so start the hours of studying...

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now