7- Dan and Phil

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The party would have been really fun, but the part of me that couldn't get over anything got the best of me.

The whole time I was thinking of what Daniel said about Olivia and Alex. I mean, they are my best friends and he actually had the will to say something like that to my face.

All I know is that I'm going to tell them at some point but I'm going to tell Louis first so that he can give me some kind of advice.

I try to forget about it and wear my pajamas. I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. After a long while if thinking, I sit up. I take a book and read to get my mind off it.

Just while I was reading my book, my mum comes in, no knocking provided.
"Hey! You're still awake?" She says.

"Yeah." I say.

"How was the party?" She asks.

"It was fun." I say, not wanting to start some drama or something.

"Good. I just came to see if everything was good." She says.

"Its great!" I say adding a smile, which I hope didn't look too fake.

She heads for the door and stops.
"Oh yeah!" She says turning around.

"Dan and Phil are coming over to film tomorrow will you be able to help?" She asks.

"Maybe. Depends." I say.

"On what?" She says.

Why does everyone ask that?!
"On if I want to or not." I say shrugging.

"OK? I hope that's a yes." She says.

"Its probably a yes." I say.

"Great! You're really good with the camera you know?" She says.

"Really?" I say.

"Yeah." She says.

"Thanks." I say.

"Its a fact. Remember school starts The day after tomorrow. Or should I say tomorrow." She says looking at the clock, showing the time, 12:30 am.

"Yeah. I know." I say.

She walks out and shuts the door behind her.

Honestly, I like Dan and Phil, behavior-wise, more than Joe and Caspar. They are more mature and Joe and Caspar are just. I don't know how to describe them. Although the "phandom" is out of control. Its everywhere!

I turn off the lamp and fall straight to sleep.

I wake up in the morning at 11 am to the sound of laughter from the living room. I check my brother's room, he's still sleeping. No school means he wakes up at 12 pm.

I yawn and go down to the living room. I see that Dan and Phil have come and is talking to mum and dad.

"Good morning." Phil says.

"Good morning Eleanor!" Dan says.

"Good morning Daniel!" I say.

"I hate being called that!" He says.

"Then we are on the same boat." I say as I flop down onto the sofa.

"Did you just get out of bed?" Phil asks.

"No, messy hair and pajamas is my new look!" I say sarcastically.

"Why don't you go upstairs and change while we discuss about the video?" Dad says.

Yes! For once I don't have to listen to what they are planning for a video!

"Sure!" I say shurgging as I stand up and head for the stairs.

I have a shower and wear some comfy shorts and a cute T-shirt. I tie my hair up into a high ponytail and I go downstairs.

"I thought you said messy hair and pyjamas is your new look." Phil says.

"Its called sarcasm." I say.

"I know, I was kidding!" He says.

"Yeah okay." I say as I sit down on the couch.

They continue talking about the videos and my mind wanders off to what Daniel had said at the party.

"What do you think?" Dan says.

"El?" Dad says.

"Huh? What?" I say snapping out of my thought.

"What do you think?" Dan repeats.

"What do I think about what?" I say.
"We were thinking of pairing up, me and Alfie, Zoe and Dan, and making videos one per channel." Phil explained.

I sit there focusing more on the fact the Phil Lester, a man who let's his room mate draw cat whiskers on his face, provided me with a full, understandable explanation.

"Yeah, that's okay!" I say.

"Did you even listen to a word we were saying while planning the video?" Dan asks.

"Yeah." I lie.

"One word." He challenges.

"Video." I say folding my hands.

"That was not even-"

"A word is a word and I'm pretty sure you mentioned it in your planning." I say.

"This is so going on my Twitter!" Phil says as he takes out his phone.

"Dan just got owned by a fifteen year old girl (@eleanor_deyes)!" He reads his tweet out loud as soon as he finishes typing.

"Don't post it!" Dan says.

"Post it ! Post it! Post it!" I say, laughing.

"Sorry Dan, you lost by two votes." Phil says shrugging as he presses tweet.

"But..." He trails off.
I hi five Phil and laugh.

"Okay guys, we better start filming!" Mum says.

"Yeah, it'll get late soon." Dad says.

"Who are you helping first?" Mum asks.

"One channel for you and one channel for dad and Phil." I say.

"First mum." I say.

"Okay. So, in the meanwhile, Phil and I will film a video for my channel." Dad says.

"Yup." Phil says.

"Okay, let's get filming!" Dan says.

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now