42- The thoughts

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I walk back home thinking 'what just happened?'

Louis likes me. Never thought I'd think or say that.

But, do I like him back?

Ugh! Life's horribly confusing!

Wait. I can't like him. First off, he's my best friend. Secondly, I have a boyfriend. Who's 400 miles away...

Okay. Maybe I can date him. Or like him. 

Why is this so hard? Who do I talk to? Normally, if I have a really confusing and horrible problem, I go to Louis. But now what?!

I can't go to Olivia or Alex, because they cannot know.

I can't go to Joe because, well, he lives in London and I don't want to talk to him over the phone.

I can't go to Austin because first, he lives all the way in America and second, it will affect him big time.

Now I have to eat myself alive with this. Can't I just go one week?! One week is all I'm asking for!

Although, one thing doesn't add up. Why would Evelyn flirt with Louis?! Louis, out of all the boys!

I get back home and I flop right down on my bed and stare at the ceiling to torture my brain with more of these horribly confusing thoughts.

I hear the door open and I sit up. It was my mum. "Hey El. Where'd you go?" She asks.

"To Starbucks. To meet Olivia and Alex." I say.

"Oh. What about Louis?" She asks.

"Yeah. Him too." I say.

"Hmm. Okay. We're going to have dinner soon, so come downstairs in a few minutes." She says.

"K." I say.

She leaves and shuts the door behind her. I look around my room.

Normally, people would say 'its good to be back' but now, I would say 'I never wanted to come back'.

I put on my pajamas and go downstairs. Its pretty early but I am kind of sleepy. I'm tired of thinking. I'm thinking way more now than when I am in school.

We have dinner and I try to focus on what my family was talking about but my mind kept wandering off to the same old topic.


I haven't talked to Louis in two days. That's the longest we've gone not talking to each other. But today, I have to face him. At some point or the other.

But I'm still confused. Is he going to walk with me to school? Or are we just going to walk on ourselves.

I think I'll just go by myself.

I take my bag and go outside. No Louis. I walk to school by myself.

I listen to music to take my mind off of it.

I enter school and everyone turns their heads towards me. They all start murmuring to one another.

Are these good murmurs or bad murmurs?

Maybe its because of Playlist. I did go onstage after all.

It could be that picture. Or the tweets about me and Evelyn.

It could be anything at this point. I take my earphones out of my ears and put it in my bag along with my phone.

I go towards my locker and, of course, Evelyn and her gang was there. I open my locker and take some books out.

I take my phone and check my notifications. "How was the US Eleanor?" She asks, in a not very welcoming tone.

"It was fine. Thank you for the concern." I say, rather annoyed.

She turns around and starts to whisper to Jane, her best friend.

"Why were you flirting with Louis?" I blurt out.

"Excuse me?" She says.

"Don't act surprised. Olivia told me everything. Why?" I ask.

"Can't I like him? He's a charming guy." She says.

"Oh please Evelyn! You and I very well know that you hate me and my friends." I say.

She smirks and walks away. No words spoken. What is that supposed to mean?!

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around. "Hey El!" Chelsea says

Oh yeah! I completely forgot that Chelsea was coming today.

"Hey Chelsea! How's Brighton so far?" I ask.

"Its beautiful. I love the pier." She says.

"So do I." I say.

"What's your first class?" I ask.

"English." She says.

"I guess we're in the same class then." I say.

"Cool." She says.

It feels nice to hear an American accent again. Reminds me of Austin.

We walk to our class and I sit next to her. I usually sit next to Louis but, I think him and I are both on the same road because he was sitting with Caleb, a guy from his soccer team.

Okay, I can't keep up with this. I'm going to do something. I'm talking to him after school.

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now