48- Blood

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-Soon later-

"Thank you Zoe. I could never ask for a better sister." Joe says at the end of their conversation.

"So touching!" Caspar says, crying along with me. Partially fake tears though.

"And I could never ask for a better brother. But, I can't stay with my brother for too long because El and I have to go." Mum says, standing up.

"Why don't you stay. Its pretty late." Joe says.

"As much as we would love to, we can't, El has school tomorrow and so does Callum. And I don't think that Callum will get out of bed until I'm there." Mum says.

"What about Alfie?" Caspar asks.

"He's not the best at getting Callum or himself out of bed early." Mum says.

"Okay then sis, see you later." Joe says.

"Make sure he doesn't go back." I whisper in Caspar's ear.

He gives a slight nod and a thumbs up. I take my bag and follow my mum outside. We start walking to the train station.

"I'm really proud of you El." Mum says while we were seated in the train.

"Really? Why?" I ask.

"Because you did the right thing by telling someone to help him stop." She says, smiling.

"He is my uncle after all. And one of the only people I can actually trust. And the thought of losing him was, just, horrible." I say, shaking my head.

"Well, besides all of that, I saw that you made your own YouTube channel?" She says.

"Yeah. Joe showed me how to edit and he lent me his camera and lights to film the video." I say.

"Now I see why you've always liked him." Mum says, smiling.

"Yeah. He's like my older brother. Except, he's your younger brother. Does that make sense?" I say.

"Complete sense." She says, putting her arm around my shoulder.

-Next day-

I walk to school alone. Again. I'm going to talk to Louis today. I am a nervous wreck.

I go to my locker and as always, Evelyn was there. Except she wasn't surrounded by stupid girly girls.

"Well, if it isn't Mrs. Evans?" Well, there's something new.

"Excuse me?" I say.

"I thought that you had a boyfriend! Oh wait, isn't it ex-boyfriend?"

I try to control the enormous amount of rage boiling up inside of me. How does she know all of this?

"How do you know that?"

"I know all." She says, head held high.

"Shut up and tell me you annoying little brat!" I whisper yell.

"Mind your words. I can tell anyone anytime I want. You know, how about now?" She says, taking out her phone.

I was frozen with horror. She won't do this. She's just scaring me.

But she actually opens Twitter and writes a whole tweet to the biggest celebrity account on Twitter and posts it.

"Why?" I say softly, holding back my tears.

She gives a pathetic little laugh and walks away as the bell rings, leaving me alone in the hallways crying. I slam my back against the locker door and slowly move downwards, until I end up sobbing and hugging my knees.

Whats the point of living anymore if I'm just going to meet a new struggle everyday?

I open my bag and find a pair of scissors. I take the blade and cut myself on the arm. Blood started coming out and a drop ended up on the floor.

Even though Joe did this while drunk, I can understand why he did it. It was satisfactory. I take a tissue out of my locker and wipe the blood away. I take the scissors again and I hold it up against my arm.

"Eleanor! What are you doing?!" Someone screeches just as I'm about to make a second cut.

It was a girl. Olivia.

"I can't do this anymore." I say, the scissors still hovering above my arm.

"Do what?" She asks, taking the scissors away.

"Give that back! I can't go everyday acting as if everything is fine when it isn't. I don't want to keep torturing myself with my own thoughts." I say, a tear managing to slip out of my eye.

"This isn't going to help! Who on Earth gave you this idea that hurting yourself would help?!" She asks.

"It doesn't matter. You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Just please give those back and go to class before you get into any trouble. The last thing I need is you getting into trouble because of me." I say.

"I don't care if I get in trouble if my best friend is hurt. Come on. We, are going to the bathroom." She says, pulling me up from the other arm that isn't bleeding.

"We?" I say.

A few more drops of blood fall on the floor and I just stare at them. "Come on El, before you loose all your blood!" Olivia says, pulling my arm harder than ever.

"Okay. Just stop pulling my arm!" I say.


Its almost the end of the school day and I haven't talked to Louis yet. We only have one more class today and its Biology. ugh.

I want the bell to ring but I'm also dreading it.

The bell rings and I go to Louis' locker and he wasn't there so I wait for him. I finally spot him and he was laughing. "Catch you later!" He says to Ross, one of his friends.

He tuns his head and looks at me and his laughter turns into a sort of frown.

"Louis! I've made up my mind." I say.


"Just listen! It turns out that I like you. More than I like Austin." I say.

"But he's your boyfriend."

"Ex- Boyfriend. He broke up with me a few days ago." I say.

No reply. He looks down. "What happened to your arm?" He asks, raising it up.

"Its nothing." I say, pulling it away.

"Well? Say something!"

"I need to think about it." Louis says.

"But, you were the one who said you liked me." I say.

"Good point. How about a date? Tonight? In Little Bay?" Louis asks.

"At the pier?" I ask.

He nods. "I'll meet you there at seven." He says.

"K." I say, smiling.

I walk away with a grin plastered across my face.

At least something went well today.

-After school-

I open the front door, in a happy mood. Louis is talking to me again. Why shouldn't I be happy?

I go to the living room. "Hi Mum! Hi Dad!" I say.

They turn around frowns on their faces.

"Why? Whats wrong?" I ask.

They don't say anything.

"Can someone please tell me whats going on?!" I ask.

"Honey, Joe's in the hospital."

Author's note: Just to be clear here, please do not cut yourself even if your going through major depression. Hurting yourself isn't going to help. Its something really serious and I just want to make some change and stop it.

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now