40- Chelsea

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I take a deep breath. Okay. Its just one fan. Maybe she's not insane and we can be friends.

"That is what people tell me." I say.

"Oh my god! I love you! you are like, amazing!" She exclaims.

"Thank you. Okay. Let's just calm down, and maybe hang out here?" I say.

"I WOU-" I look at her and she calms down.

"I would love that." She says.

"Okay. Wanna walk?" I ask.

"Sure." She says.

Controlling one fan is not hard but its the million fans that I'm afraid of.

"So, what's your name?" I ask.

"Chelsea." She says.

"Cute." I say.

"How old are you?" I ask.

"15." She says.

"So, we are practically the same age." I say.

"Yes we are." She says.

"Do you live here in America or did you come all the way from Britain like I did?" I ask.

"I was actually going to move to Brighton this week." She says.

"You came to Playlist? I didn't see you at the meet and greet." I say.

"Well, you have to be lucky enough to get meet and greet passes I guess." She says.

"What school are you moving to?" I ask.

"Brighton Prep." She says.

"That's my school! Maybe you can hang out with me and my friends. You can be like, a new edition to the very small group." I say.

"That'd be nice. Considering I hardly have any friends. Here or anywhere else." She says.

"Oh. I guess we're on the same boat." I say.

"But, you're Eleanor Deyes!" She says.

"Yes. I am. That's the problem. That's why everyone wants to be my friend. Just because I'm Zoe and Alfie Deyes' daughter! Its hard to find real friends, you know?" I say.

"Kind of." She says.

"But don't worry, you are going to get loads of followers and love once we both take selfies and put them on Instagram and Twitter." I say.

"You know how many followers I have, don't you?!" I say.

"Yes yes I do!" She says.

I chuckle. We continue talking and take a few selfies as well.

"Oh no! Callum!" I remember.

I completely forgot! "Your brother?" She asks.

"Yes. I brought him here with me. And I left him in the playground." I say.

"Let's go then!" She says.

I sprint towards the playground as fast as I can. He is an eight year old you have know idea what he is capable of.

Luckily for me, he was still there playing on the swing. I normally would breathe out a sigh of relief, but I'm way too tired so I pant instead."Callum. You're okay." I say, panting after every word.

"Yeah. Should we go now?" He asks.

"Yeah. Okay." I say, finally catching my breath.

"Wanna come?" I say.

"Nah. Its fine." She says.

"I wasn't asking." I say.

"Well, okay then." She says.

We go back to the hotel, Chelsea and I talking and Callum just looking around."Can you keep a secret?" I ask Chelsea.

"Anything." She says.

"I am not very, fond of fans. As in, I don't like them." I say

"Not that I don't like you, you're amazing! But its that army of a million fans that keep going everywhere I go." I say.

"I've noticed that a bit. And even from that video of you in Brighton with Your family and Joe and Caspar, where you kind of, chased them away."  She says.

"Oh." I say.

We get out of the elevator and I knock on my mum's and dad's room door.

My mum opens the door and smiles. "El! Who's this?" She asks.

"This, is Chelsea. I met her in the park." I say.

"Hi Zoe, I'm a big fan." She says.

"Thank you. Did you enjoy Playlist?" She asks.

"It was amazing." Chelsea replies.

"Have you finished packing El?" Mum asks.

"Yup." I say.

"Okay. We're leaving the hotel at 7. Remember." She says.

Callum goes in. "Nice to meet you Chelsea." Mum says.

Chelsea smiles in response and I lead her to my room."Minor note: Even though I'm leaving in like, five hours, my room number is 612, my parent's room number is 611 and Joe's room is 613." I say.

"Good to know." She says.

I open the door and she follows me in.
"So this is all for you?" She asks, looking around.

"Yup." I say.

"Lucky you." She says.

I jump onto my be and she sits down on the sofa. "So, what's it like, being famous from birth?" She asks.

"Not easy. That's for sure." I say.

"Hm. Makes sense." She says.

"Maybe you can give me tips. For the first day of school." She says.

"I have lots. First, there might be a little drama going on but I'll keep you updated. Two, stay away from Evelyn White. She's like a devil who apparently gets everything to go her way. Three, do not use the toilets in school. They are like nightmares." I say.

"You mean restrooms?" She asks.

"We call them toilets or bathrooms." I say.

"Noted. Now this Evelyn girl, I'm guessing she's the cause of the drama about to happen?" She asks.

"Yes, yes and yes." I say.

"I can't wait for you to meet my friends." I say.

"What are their names?" She asks.

I take my phone and put a picture of all of us together. "That's Olivia, that's Alex and that's Louis." I say pointing at them one by one.

"He's cute." She says, looking at my phone.

"Louis?" I ask.

"No. Alex." She says.

I imagine them together s a couple. "How good are you at studies?" I ask.

"Pretty good. I have straight A's. Why?" She asks.

"You would be perfect for Alex." I say.

"Hmm, okay? Anyways, do you like anyone?" She asks.

"Yup. Actually, I have a boyfriend." I say.

"Is he the one in the picture on Playlist?" She asks.

"Yes. He is." I say.

"I think that you'd look cute with Louis." She says, looking at his picture.

"Louis? No. We're just friends." I say.

"Whatever you say!" She says.

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now