15- The punishment

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We finish all the planning and the rest of the girls start to chat and gossip. All the things I'm totally not into.

I take my bag and head for the door. I exit, feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders. But it isn't that big of a weight. Whatever is remaining is waiting to be taken off of me at home.

I walk home, as slow as possible. The problem is, I reached there in what felt like a second, despite walking in baby steps.

I slowly open the door and tip toe towards the stairs. I step on the first stair. It makes a loud creaking noise. Just my luck!

"El! Come here." Dad yells.

I sigh and reluctantly walk towards the living room. "You called?" I ask, pretending to not know anything.

Just as expected, Joe, Mum and Dad were sitting down staring at me. "Sit down. We need to talk." Mum says.

This is bad for any child. If a parent says 'we need to talk', then you know your dead.

I walk towards the couch where everyone was sitting and I look at Joe, who looks nervous for some odd reason. I'm the one who should be nervous but I'm not.

I take a seat on a separate chair. "Okay?" I say, meaning, could you please continue, I have work to do.

"Let's start with the major topic..." Dad says.

I look at Joe again who is now, shaking his head and pretending to cut his throat with his hand, meaning, I'm dead.

"We got a call from your principal today, saying that you attacked a girl in school?" Mum asks.

"I can completely explain!" I say, trying to defend myself.

"Go on." Mum says, folding her hands.

"Well, funny story, so this girl, Evelyn, kind of told everyone what my Google name was, and so..." I trail off.

"And so you jumped on her?!" Mum asks.

"I don't blame her!" Joe says.

I look at him and try not to smile. "Joe!" Mum and Dad yell in unison.

"What? I would have done that!" He says, raising his hands up in mock surrender.

Its like I have more of his DNA than my parents.

"The point is, I think all of this is getting into your head recently, and I think its best of we take away your laptop and phone." Dad says.

"You can't do that! If your phone was taken away you wouldn't live!" I say, defending myself.

"That's something that you shouldn't worry about. Give me your phone." Dad says, putting out his hand.

"Fine. But I'm keeping my laptop. For homework." I say, partly lying.

"No. You can get your phone and laptop back after a week." Dad says.

"A week?! Joe do something!" I cry, standing up, hoping he can do something about it.

"Zoe, a week is way too much. This is the 21st century, you can't do that to a teenager." Joe says.

"Exactly! And besides, I hardly use my phone!" I say.

"Plus, I didn't do anything!" I say.

"You jumped on a girl El!" Mum says, raising her voice.

"But she made me do it! In fact, the reason this whole thing started was because of her! It even affected Joe! I do one tiny mistake and I get an enormous punishment, that girl does an invasion of some other people's privacy and what does she get? A new phone?!" I say raising my voice.

"Go to your room. You're grounded as well!" Dad says, pointing at the staircase.


"Eleanor!" Dad warns.

I sigh and go upstairs. I go to my room. At least they didn't take my laptop. Yet.

Geez, a girl does one mistake! I have a shower and change out of my uniform. I take my laptop and sit on my bed. I go on Twitter and start to DM Olivia, updating her on everything.

O: Your parents actually took away your phone and grounded you?! :0
E: Yes. I feel so... I don't have any words to describe it.
O: I feel so sorry! Since when has Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes yell at someone?
E: See? My life isn't easy. And that's what everyone thinks.
E: I can't even send a tweet. They forgot to take my laptop away.
O: Thank God.
E: ikr.
O: I gtg. C u tomorrow?
E: Bye.

I close the DM and log out of twitter. I check my Instagram as well. In the middle of all of my scrolling and liking, I hear a knock on the door.

"One second!" I yell.

I quickly shut the laptop and hide it in my closet. I take a book and sit on my bed. "Come in." I say.

"Hey." Joe says, opening the door.

"Hey." I say, shutting the book, as if I read it.

"That didn't go well did it?" He asks, shutting the door behind him.

"Um, well I got grounded and they took my phone away. I thought it went splendid!" I say, sarcastically.

"Very funny. But you do know that I was on your side right?" He asks.

"Yeah I did. Thanks." I say.

"Now about this girl, what's her name?" He asks.

"Evelyn. But please, don't do anything!" I say.

"I won't! I promise." He says, chuckling.

"Can you keep a secret?" I ask.

"What did you do?" He asks, smirking, with a devious look on his face.

"I actually have my laptop. They totally forgot when they grounded me!" I say softly.

"Seriously? Turns out that Zoe isn't the smartest girl in the world!" He says.

"You actually thought that?" I ask.

"She is my older sister. She was better than me in everything." He says.

"Nope." I say.


"When it comes to being stupidly fun, you overpower her." I say.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yup." I say.

He laughs and hugs me. This is why I love my uncle....

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now