20- Should I?

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I get back home from school, and notice that Joe has gone back to London. I cant believe he only stayed for one night. I wanted to play football with him today.

I go upstairs and have a shower. I change out of my uniform and lock my room door. I take my laptop out and turn it on.

I really want to tweet right now. About everything. But I can't. Because my loving parents took away my phone and don't know that I have my laptop.

Having internet famous parents can really be hard. And frustrating.

I don't know how I'm living, but its pretty much impossible to live in the present day without a phone. I won't be surprised if a one year old has a phone.

I'm really craving an apple for some reason.

I go downstairs and walk towards the kitchen.

I wouldn't call this eavesdropping, I just happened to overhear my parents' conversation.

"We have to tell her at some point Alfie!" Mum says.

"Yeah. Sure okay. One day before." He says.

"Alfie!" Mum says.

"Zoe, I can't tell her. You want to tell her so badly then go for it. I'm not stopping you." He says.

"But, Alfie we have to tell her. Together." She says.

There is a long silence and I hear my dad sigh. "Fine." He says, giving in to whatever they were arguing about.

"We'll tell her. But not now. Later." He says.

"Deal." She says and that's enough for me to hear before the thoughts come in like a train with no brakes.

I go upstairs, with my apple, and sit on my bed, locking the door before I sit down, obviously.

I go to my Twitter account and go to my DMs. I go to my chat with Louis and start typing as quick as possible.

E: Just overheard my parents talking about telling me something. What is it?

I sit there, staring at the screen waiting for a reply. Luckily he replies just before I was about to log out.

L: How am I supposed to know? And why were you eavesdropping?
E: I wasn't eavesdropping! I just happened to hear them talk.
L: Sure. Because that totally makes sense.
E: The point is, do you think its bad?
L: Depends. Did they sound reluctant to tell you?
E: I think so. Dad especially.
L: Then it is something about them and could affect you.
E: Makes sense.
L: I really got to go. See you tomorrow?
E: Yeah. Bye.

I log out and close the program. In the middle of playing one of those virtual games on Facebook, I hear a knock on the door.

Are they going to tell me?

I have to hide this laptop first. I put it in my closet and open the door. "Hey. What's up? Anything going on?" What the hell is wrong with me?! I sound as if I know something. I do, but I don't want to show it though.

"Can we talk to you?" Mum asks.

"Sure." I say.

"So, we have been invited to go to Playlist 2030." She says.

"Great! Joe is coming over right? You know, to babysit Callum." I say.

I really want to beat him in that football game that he promised.

"Yeah, the thing is, Joe is coming with us, so is Caspar and the others." She says.

Then it hits me. Playlist Live is in America! Oh no! "So, its just like one or two days. Right?" I ask.

"Actually we called up some other Youtubers and scheduled some collabs. So, we will be gone for like, one or two weeks." Dad says.

"Weeks?! But how am I going to look after Callum alone for fourteen days?!" I say, shocked.

"Actually, maybe you could come with us. With Callum, of course." She says.

"No way!" I say, disagreeing. I don't want to go there! Because it means more fans. Which means more attacks. And more of my time wasted standing there and waiting for them to finish meeting every single one of them.

"Come on! It'll be fun." Dad says.

I stand in silence. Thinking of what I should say.

"We'll give you time to think this through." Mum says.

"That'll be better." I say.

"OK." She says, smiling awkwardly and walking away.

I shut my door and do what I always do when I need to think. Lie down on my bed and stare at the ceiling.

What about Louis, Olivia and Alex?

It is just two weeks anyways right?

Should I go? Should I want to go?

Maybe I should.

Or maybe I shouldn't.

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now