54- Normal

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The doorbell rings and I go downstairs to open it. Its 10 pm so its probably my parents. I open the door and Mum storms in.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

Dad waits for Mum to go upstairs before saying anything. "Let's just say that her and Joe's conversation didn't go really well." He says.

He walks away to the living room to thank Mrs. Natalie, who was asleep on the couch.

"What exactly happened?" I ask Callum.

"Mum got really emotional and stuff and got really annoyed especially when Aunty Niomi asked her to calm down." He explains.

Well, that's the most you can expect from an 8 year old. If I could, I would run to Joe's house and ask what the hell is going on. But then I'll be breaking too many rules.

I normally break the rules but in a situation like this, I don't think that I should.

The doorbell rings and I walk over to open it. I open it and both Joe and Caspar were there; right in front of me. "Don't open the door!" Mum yells.

I shrug. "Too late!" I yell back.

"Can we come in?" Joe asks.

I put one finger in the air symbolizing that I'll be right back.

They both raise an eyebrow as I come back with a pencil and paper.

I start to write down something.

'I'm not allowed to talk to Joe. But, come in.' I write.

"Why aren't you allowed to talk to me?" He asks.

I show him my arm and he immediately understands.

'Please tell me everything.' I write after helping Joe sit down on the couch.

"Well, Zoe came over with everyone and kind of ignored me and talked to Louise and the other girls. So about three hours ago, I asked her where you were and why you weren't there. Then, she had a complete meltdown and started yelling at me because I was the reason for what ever you've done to yourself. Even though I was really really sad, Zoe was the first one to start to cry. And Niomi asking her to calm down was the cherry on top. She just stormed out without Alfie or Callum. But, luckily they caught up with her and got on the train. I wanted to follow them as soon as they left, but having a broken leg and arm, along with trying to stop crying wasn't exactly helping." He explains, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"This is all my fault. I am a horrible person!" I blame myself, hugging my knees, no energy to write what I had to say.

"Its not. You were both at fault and very well knew it as well didn't you?" Caspar asks.

We both nod. "Well, now that I know that you know, we better get going." Joe says, wiping his tears away.

"Tell Zoe that I really, truly am sorry." Joe says while standing up.

"You are?" Mum asks, and we all divert our heads towards her.

Her eyes were bloodshot with all the crying and another tear escapes as she sees Joe.

"Of course I am. You're my sister. Siblings tend to make mistakes once in a while." Joe says.

"Oh, Joe!" She says, hugging him.

I smile as I see them. Everything is finally falling into place. Louis and I are cool again. I can talk to Joe now. There isn't any hot water between Joe and my Mum. Everything's just how its supposed to be. With a few alterations here and there.

The only thing standing between me and a good life is Evelyn White. So, its jut one more hurdle and I'll be just fine. Even the fans don't bother me that much anymore.

"Caspar, Joe, why don't you stay over tonight?" Mum ask.

"We would, but no clothes." Caspar says.

"You can borrow mine. And Joe can have my old ones that are too small for me to fit in anymore." Dad says.

"Geez, thanks. That makes me feel like a giant! Thank you so much! Alfie Deyes everyone!" Joe says, sarcastically, making everyone laugh.

Authors note: Yes, I know, this is a very short chapter but its the content that matters! Going to be updating soon or tomorrow. Byeeee

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now