Chapter 8: I'll Keep You A Daydream Away.

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*Cameo's POV*

I'm so thankful that Hannah didn't tell that boy how she felt about him, because then I would've had to tell Alex how, at that moment, I was feeling about him. I shook those thoughts from my head and tried to just keep enjoying the moment in the water with him. The ocean felt like warm bath water on my skin, and his arms were smooth under the water. Oh how content I was.

A few minutes later though I was shivering, the beach wind was picking up and no matter how warm the water felt, the wind won in the end. Alex held me close, and holding me in the same scene as before, took me out of the water. No one knew what time it was but really? Who cared. We all hung out on the beach awhile longer, drawing things in the sand and goofing around. I noticed Lauren seemed to be taking a liking to Zach, and that made me happy that she was happy.

"Hey, havin' fun?" Hannah, coated in sand, jogged over to me and handed me a dry towel.

"Thanks. Yeah It's been a good night." I gave her hand a squeeze and encouraged her to run off with Jack. I walked over to the dock and say on the wooden stairs, waiting for everyone to finish. I could feel my eyes getting heavy but I pushed away the feeling and thought about Rian. While we were here, having so much fun, Rian was alone on the bus, sleeping or grouching around. I felt bad.

No one will notice if I'm gone a little while. I thought to myself as I stood up and, wrapped in my towel, walked back to the ATL bus. I knocked on the door three times and finally heard, "Come in!" I opened up and jumped up the stairs, seeing Rian sitting at the table looking over some music.

"Hey." I mumbled, leaning against the kitchen counter.

He chewed the inside of his cheek angrily and slammed down his pencil.

"What?" He snapped, not even looking at me. I flinched at his hostility.

"I- I just wanted to see if you were ok. You know, we all wanted you there." I felt like I was talking to a small child, and had to be careful of what I was saying.

"I'm fine, and sounds to me like so are you guys. So why are you really here?"

What is going on with the tone and attitude? I furrowed my brow and put my hands on my hips, staring down at him. "What's wrong with you?"

He looked up at me finally and changed his tone to sarcasm.  

"Nothing, I'm peachy. I love having you here and all too, but I think I'd rather have some alone time." He pointed to the door. "Make sure you kind of slam it when you shut it or it might not close all the way."

"Excuse me?" I walked closer to him and slammed my hand down on the table top. "Now you don't know me so you have no right to treat me this way! Who're you to think that this is ok? Where's the sweet Rian I used to read about and see cute pictures of? Why is this one so rude and a complete asshole to me?!" My voice got louder and louder. "I haven't done anything to you!"

He laughed under his breath and inner twined his fingers together under his chin. "I don't need to get to know you to know what kind of girl you are. You and Alex aren't even dating and you've caused problems for the band. I don't even want to get to know you, your name, is like a sick taste in my mouth, you are just some simple girl that he sees the world of and in the end you'll be the whore that screws him over, and especially you only being eighteen? Yeah, I see disaster striking now."

I felt a pang his my heart and I sucked in a sharp breath. "Wow, we'll thank you, Rian Dawson, for clearing up anything I never knew about myself. Aren't you just the sweetest like I always thought." I mocked, standing straight and holding back tears. How dare he. I took a deep breath and turned, storming out and slamming the bus door behind me. "Asshole."

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