Chapter 73: Epilogue.

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*Four Years Later*
*Cameo's POV*

"Greyson Alexander Gaskarth!" I called after my rambunxtious son who was running around the playground in our new house's neighborhood. "Come on! Unlce Jack wil be here soon!" I called out to him and sure enough, I got his attention loud and clear. He ran over to me as fast as his little stump legs would let him and I watching, grinning like the proud mother I always am.

"Jack!" Greyson called happily and jumped into my arms, clapping his hands as we turned towards the parking lot and he was the first to recognize Jack's dark blue fancy car pulling into a space nearbye. "Jack!" Greyson called out again and tried squirming out of my arms to run over to him. I put him down hesitantly, worried he'd run in the street on a whim like a dog, when Jack got out of the car and met him halfway, thanks to his lanky strides, I felt a little better.

"Hey Greyson!" Jack grinned goofily and lunged down to pick him up and swing him around like a paper doll. Greyson giggled excitidly and when Jack finally put him down, Greyson immediately wanted top show him everything there was to do at the tacky colored park.

Jack waved to me and came over, sucking me into a tight hug and planting a chast kiss to my cheek before redirecting his attention to Greyson. "You look good Cam." He commented as I followed behind them to the monkey bars.

"Thanks Jackie." I smirked and folded my arms over one another as the frosty breeze sept through, causing the snow to fall at an angle. I watched as Jack picked up my short child and lift him onto his shoulders to better him to reach the bars and pretend to swing from each one till he got to the end.

I always got happy when Jack or Rian would come and see Greyson. Zach moved farther away from Baltimore, so he didn't get to visit often, and I think it's because he hasn't healed.. And Greyson loooks like like his dad, but with my nose and my eyebrows. I don't think that helped him cope either, but as long as Greyson knows he exists, I'm fine I suppose.

Rian comes to see Greyson with his older girls and Cassadee usually during the summer, or any chance their not touring. Rian started filling in drummer spots for Cassadee's band when he got sick, and he kind of drifts in and out of the music scene now. He finally went back to school though, and graduated as an accountant, and proud.

Jack is jobless, he refuses to touch another instrument and he lives in Alex and I's old apartment. He said it might seem unhealthy to other people, but it helps him to feel closer to his best friend. I get it, and he shouldn't have to feel like he needs to explain it to anyone.

The fans were devestated when they heard the offical news of Alex's departure, and there was a huge depression spreading on Twitter, and memorial pictures on Tumblr.. You didn't even need to Google it, things would just pop up on the computer dash. It was crazy, and upsetting for everyone.. Especially for us and our families.

During the funeral, we let it open, for fans to come if they could, and pay respects aswel, since Alex and All Time Low was all about their fans and their music for the world. It was a sad day, and it was awful to be bringing Greyson, a newborn, to meet his father for the first time, in a casket.

It's been a few years since Alex's death and Jack and I have spent a lot of time together since then. He moved in for awhile, making sure I was okay, waking up in the middle of the night when I would wake up from a nightmare, screaming and crying uncontrollably, to calm me down. He would let me sleep in from restless nights and take care of Greyson for me. He was a great, IS a great Uncle, and I have so much to thank him for.

Finally though, last year, Jack declared feelings for me as I was moving into the new house Greyson and I call home now. I remember it like it was only last week...

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