Chapter 63: Annoying Songs That You Can't Help But Sing To.

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*Cameo's POV*

The next morning we were all buzzing around the apartment, in a concert high kind of mood to get up and out of the house and on the road. Cassadee showered while I put on some running clothes, jogged the dogs around awhile, and when I came back up Cassadee was in the guest room getting dressed while Hannah showered.

I started making coffee and mixing pancake mix while the house was filled with a mixed CD Hannah had brought that I'd made for her in the past when I used to Illegally download music for her in her iPod, and the smell of drinks and food.

Hannah came out of the bathroom the same time i was starting to pour the mix into the pan and sat on the counter wrapped in a quickly growing damp towel. Cassadee giggled as she emerged in black yoga pants and a tight around her belly fitting, yellow tank top with a white long sleeve cardigan over it. No matter how cold it was outside, Cass always seemed to find a way to get too hot in her little layers of clothes.

"We get to wear comfy clothes?" Hannah inquired, looking at her as she went to sit at the kitchen table. Cassadee shrugged, not caring either way, and licked her lips when I flipped the evenly cooked pancake.

"You can wear whatever. We can just stop at a gas station when we get closer to the venue and change." I reasoned, plopping the finished pancake on an empty plate next to me and pushing it away from me. "Whoever gets it first." I commented as Hannah blotted for it, towel dropping and not a care on her face.

Cassadee screamed in surprise and smacked her hands over her eyes. I laughed and Hannah brought be plate over to her at the table before going back and retrieving her towel. "I forgot." She mumbled humbly.

"Cass you'd think you'd be so used to seeing all the guys trying to run around naked and all that you'd be fine with a little girl nudity." I joked as I started making another.

"I'm just fucked now." She laughed, cutting her pancake after dowsing it in syrup.

I made six more pancakes, two for each of us, and hopped in the shower while Hannah dressed, since there was probably hot water again.


*Rian's POV*

I woke up to Cameo's text glowing in my face. I was confused at first, but when I clicked and read the message, i got it. "Shit, shit, shit, shit face mc shitter." I cursed under my breath, and left to find Alex. I found him upside, pacing and muttering to himself. We've lost him.. I thought to myself as I came out too and shivered at the cold air.

Alex stopped pacing and looked at me, blotchy faced from before and looking like he was in NO shape to play a show. As I was opening my mouth to speak up, a car pulled up with blacked out tinted windows. It stopped abruptly and when the passenger door opened, Zach got out, ruffled hair and light purple rings around his eyes as he got closer.

"Hey guys." He said numbly, strutting over and leaning against the bus as the car drove off with a dainty hand pressed in a waving motion against the window.

"Fun night?" I asked with a smirk.

"She's a little attached I think." He yawned and looked at Alex but asked me, "long night?"

I sighed and leaned next to him, watching Alex too. It was like looking at a new animal in the zoo. "Yup, very, long night."


*Cameo's POV*

"Girls! Lets go!" I called at the front door. Everything was packed in the car downstairs, and I was waiting, dogs in tow, waiting on Cassadee to finish peeing and Hannah to finish talking to Gabe all lovey dovey.

I sighed and pulled out my own phone, to originally check the time, but got caught up looking at my screensaver. Alex and I were of course the picture, and my heart instantly started skipping at the thought of going to see him and getting to work things out. I love him so much. I caught myself smiling and I knew in my heart that everything was going to be okay. I was just weird and emotional about everything, that's it.

"Alright I'm ready!" Hannah called out, an ear splitting grin on her face and her phone finally in her pocket. "Where's Preggers?" I clicked off my phone and slid it in my pocket, checking out of my mind spin for awhile.

"HOPEFULLY coming out of the BATHROOM!" I called out, louder for some words to get her attention. As soon as I called out, we heard the toilet flush and the door opened as the light went out. Cassadee came out, all red faced and smiling as her twins led her out. "Did you get stuck?" I joked as she waddled out, holding her back with her hands.

"I felt like I was giving birth on the toilet." She chuckled.

"Were you?" Hannah asked in skepticism, eyes glued to her belly,

"She'd be early if she was!"

"No, I think I'm just constipated." She muttered, her face redder than when she was coming out of the bathroom. We all cackled and walked out the door together in our littler group, with Levi and Baz leading us out.

The wind seemed to have picked up outside, but that was fine since we parked close and we only had to get in. I opened the back door for the dogs, and they jumped in gladly. "Alright, whose in the backseat with the pooches?" I started up the car and the heater.

"I'll do it, since Cass is pregnant and we know how Levi can get in the car." Hannah walked around the car and got in the back with the animals.

"Pregnant perks." Cassadee commented with a smirk as she got in the passenger side and we took off.


*Jack's POV*

"Hey, I just met you, and this is CRA-ZY, so here's my number, so call me maybe!" I blurted loudly during the taxi drive home. Last night was ridiculous, but I had the best time ever with that girl that I met, i think.. It was all a little blurry, and very sloppy. I was ready to go back to the bus to the guys and get ready for the show though, mostly to brag a lot about my fun night while they got stuck alone on the borig bus.

On the ride home I was checking my phone constantly wondering why Cameo hasn't text me or called me with any new news about what was going on with Alex. Since the day she DID call, we'd texted a few times, me mostly starting the conversations to get some info from her since they've been fighting.

"Excuse me, sir, could you turn this up?" I leaned up and tapped the Indian taxi drivers shoulder, and he turned up the last verse of, Call Me Maybe. I couldn't help it, no matter how annoying the song is, you just have to hear it, and sing to it.


*Alex's POV*

"Jack's here." I commented to no one in particular, since I was the only one sitting out there in one of the lawn chairs we'd all set out.

"Alexa!" Jack called out, beaming from his last night extravaganza, and strutting over to sit next to me in one of the chairs. "Why are you out here all alone?"

I shrugged and leaned back into the chair. "I'm just waiting for tonight's show." I curtly responded, just trying to stay out in the fresh air until tonight. Zach was inside showering, Rian was off doing who knows, and Jack was now sitting here next to me, talking about how sloppy his date was last night. This show couldn't come quick enough...

((This is probably not my proudest chapter, but I had partial writers block and let's just say this chapter ended a weird way, and so... Ya. New chapters that are better will come thought. Sorry everyone.!))

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