Old Feelings

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Ok, peoples, here is a new chapter...I'm not sure how good this chapter is, but read it and let me know.  Don't forget to vote and comment.  Love ya lots!!!

Chp 17

Kevin rang the doorbell and I grabbed my things quickly and opened the door to see his smiling face.  He stepped up to me and grabbed me around the waist and pulled me close to him before leaning into me and slowly putting his lips on mine.  I slowly closed my eyes and let myself feel him and I realized that I missed what we had in the very beginning of our relationship.  I wanted to just drop everything and pull him upstairs and have my way with him.  I missed his body against mine and that was evident the way my body reacted to him.

I stepped back and cleared my throat because if we had kissed any longer we wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon.

“Kevin, ugh we better get going.”

“Yeah you’re right babe cause if we don’t we won’t leave this house and we will miss our flight.”

“Boy it’s not the flight I’m thinking about.  If you don’t quit kissing me I’ll be dragging your ass upstairs to my bed and you know it’s over then for sure.  There will be no trip but to the shower and back to the bed.”

“Girl you are trippin now, but that don’t sound like a bad idea.  I can see it now you and I in your bed making love all day and all night.  Stopping just enough for us to eat, shower and go back to our love making sessions.”

“That sounds pretty good sweet cheeks.”

Kevin looked down at me smiling and I knew what was going on in his head and decided if we didn’t leave now, it was over and we wouldn’t be leaving at all.

“Come on here boy.” 

I grabbed his hand before he could object and high tailed it out of my apartment. 

We got to the airport and I grabbed my purse and overnight bag as Kevin came around to my side of the car to open my door.  I grabbed his hand and he led me into the airport and we went to the ticket counter, printed out our tickets and headed to our gate waiting to board.  Kevin handed me my ticket and I noticed we were traveling first class and I just shook my head and laughed to myself.  Only Kevin, no matter what he is always gonna make sure he give me the best.  I started feeling sad at that moment holding the ticket in my hand realizing that Kevin is really a good man.  I know it’s been tough on our relationship with him working extra hours trying to get his firm off and running and becoming the new district attorney.  I shouldn’t be so quick to decide if I want to marry him or not.

Hopefully, I can sort out my feelings and decide if our relationship is strong enough to make me change my mind or will I break the engagement and keep Shaun.  Damn I don’t know what to do, maybe I should call mom and Ebony for some advice. I huffed and blew out my breath, totally frustrated about my dilemma.

“Nik; babe you ok?”

“Yeah; I’m just thinking.”

“Oh yeah; what are you thinking about what?”

"About us, our engagement, the marriage itself and how it might change us.”

“Baby; tell me why are you worrying about all of that right now?”

“I don’t know.  I guess this is the first time we have spent any real quality time together and it’s really starting to settle in that we are engaged to be married.”

“Listen sweetie, I know I haven’t been the best boyfriend and now fiancée lately, but I promise you that I am going to make up every cancelled date, every missed phone call, every late working day and anything else that I have missed in these last few months.”

“You can’t begin to understand how bad I want you to be my wife.  I have dreamed of this since we started dating six years ago.  I always knew I wanted you to be Mrs. Kevin Rainey.  I can’t wait to officially tell our families about the engagement.  I haven’t told my parents yet have you said anything to your parents yet?”

"No, I haven’t said anything to them yet.”

“Ok don’t.  I want to plan an engagement party and we tell them the news together.  What do you think about that?”

“That would be fine.  I think that it would be nice to have both our families there when we make the announcement.”

“Baby, you don’t know how blessed I feel to have you in my life and hopefully soon my wife.”

I leaned over and gave Kevin the most passionate kiss I could find from within and I didn’t care who was there to see it.  When I pulled back and opened my eyes, I could see others looking at us with such admiration and I couldn’t help but smile.

Just as Kevin was about to lean in for another kiss, our flight was being announced, and he leaned over and whispered in my ear that we would finish that kiss when we were settled in on the plane.  I giggled and grabbed his hand and we walked toward the plane to board on our way to what I hope will be a very eventful weekend and hopefully an insight into what I need to do about my future with or without Kevin.

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