My Superman

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Chapter 56

I woke up this morning in the bed alone.  Vincent must have gotten up early to leave and get ready for work.  I rolled over and there was a note on the side table addressed to me.

Nikki, I have gone to shower and change to go to work.  I didn’t see Dr. Daniels this morning on my way out, so hopefully you will be going home today.  When the doctor comes and examine you, and says you can go home, call me and I will come and pick you up.  If there is anything else you want please call me. I will talk to you soon.


This man is too amazing, I would have to be crazy not to persue a relationship with him.  He has really been good to me and he hasn’t pressured me into anything, I appreciate him even more for that.  I’m still concerned about what people will think about us being together.  I’ll just have to put that in the back of my mine right now, I just want to be with him for as long as possible.  There was a knock at the door and Dr. Daniels walked in.

“Good morning Nikki how are you this morning?”

“Ready to go home; I am tired of laying in this bed and not being able to move around.”

“Well good news, I am going to discharge you today; however I need you to stay on bedrest a few more days and if your blood pressure doesn’t go back up and no more bleeding then you can get up out of the bed and sit in a recliner or on the couch.  I don’t want you to do any lifting, no prolonged standing and keep your feet elevated.”

“So how soon can I go back to work?”

“When the baby is born.”

“What…you’re kidding right?  There is no way I can stay home until the baby and not work.  Working keeps me busy and besides, I am the nurse manager of the ER and they need me to be available especially when we are extra busy.”

“Nikki, listen to me, if you return to work the greater the chance you will lose the baby is that what you want?”

“Of course not, I would never want to hurt my child, I guess I’m just being stubborn.  I have never had to depend on anyone else I have always been very independent.  Guess I will have to call my mother when I get back home and have her come and help me out until I can start doing things for myself again.”

“Nikki, there is nothing wrong with having someone help you when you need help.  It doesn’t mean you are weak or you can’t do for yourself, right now it just means in order to have a healthy and happy baby girl, you need to really take it easy.”

“Alright Dr. Daniels you are starting to sound like my mother, I get it and I promise to do as told.”

“Good girl, now how will you be getting home?”

“Vincent is coming to pick me up, I just have to call him.”

“Nikki, that man adores you, I have seen him come here and sit with you until you fall asleep and leave and be right back the next morning.  I don’t know what type of  relationship you all have, but honey he is a keeper.”

“Dr. Daniels he is a very good man.  He doesn’t use his money to make me happy, we watch movies, we have been to a fair, and other fun stuff.  He wants to marry me and he’s being so patient with me.  I wished I had given him a chance long before I got involved with Kevin, but at the time I didn’t want to mix my job into my personal life, so I avoided his advances for a long time.  How stupid was that?”

“Well that’s in the past sweetie, just give him your undivided attention and let him love you.  I think you two make a beautiful couple.”

“Well I have got to get moving, I have a few other patients to see before I leave for the day.  I will get all your paperwork finished and get the nurse to come in and let you sign the discharge papers so when Vincent gets here you will be able to go.”

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