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Mikey collapsed to the rooftop ground, panting breathlessly.
'I am so over Snakeweed Where does he even come from?!'
Donnie groaned as he rubbed the bump on the side of his head.
'Regeneration, I guess anyway.'
Leo huffed walking near the edge of the roof, looking down on the city.
'Well whatever is u-Hey! Is that Mo down there?'
'Dude! You haven't spoken in two weeks so I'm sure she wouldn't be the slightest bit happy to see you.' Raph stated with no intention of sugar coating the truth.
Leo rolled his eyes, despite sort of agreeing with his brother.
'Well the only reason we haven't spoken is because, cos-'
'It's not so easy to just walk up to her and be like 'oh hey sorry for me such a douche the other day maybe I would have treated you differently if I knew you were fricken bipolar!'
'Okay I get it! Whatever. I just want to my things right with her.'
'Ugh, you gonna kiss and make up? Adorable but don't not expect barf to drop from here if things start getting weird between you guys.'
Now Raph waited for Leo to retaliate with reason, but he realised his brother had already departed. Leo dropped right in front of Mona onto the pavement, triggering a shock.
'Dear god you terrified! Get up idiot.'
Leo got up on his two feet, folding his arms.
'Nice to see you too.'
'What the hell do you want?'
'For starters, I would like to apologise for that awful Monday you had.'
Mona scoffed, looking away.
'Well Leo, you can take that apology and shove it up your ass.' She snapped, beginning to walk off.
'What's happening?' Questioned Donnie.
'Looks bad.' Raph answered between laughs.
Leo bit his tongue, swivelling round and walking behind her.
'I was a ass and I know I should have believed you straight away.'
'Come on, ass isn't even close.'
'You going to throw every insult you have at me?' Mona swivelled round, glaring at him.
'Mental illness or not I'm still a bitch. Two weeks Leonardo, those two weeks for me were a living hell and I was going through a really awful time. Not one of those 14 days did you say a word to me. You ditched me when I needed my bestest friend the most.' She retorted harshly.
Leo gulped blushing with embarrassment.
'You have every right to hate me, but I still care about you, a lot.'
'Save it.'
Raph groaned and jumped down from the building, standing in the gap between Meo.
Mona folded her arms, rolling her eyes.
'Why are you here?'
'Because princess, you two need couples counselling.' He informed, putting an arm round her.
'Look, you two honestly need sort whatever this is out, you have way to much history to fight over this.'
Mona tutted, moving his arm away.
'You're so naive.'
'And you love it!' He teased.
Mona bit her tongue, resisting the urge to smile. Leo pulled a repulsed face as they flirted right in front of him.
'Anyway, I don't think I can get over it that easy. Talk to me when you get your priorities straight.'
Mona waved bye sarcastically before strutting off. Raph smirked, patting Leo on the chest as he watch Mona walk away.
'Is it me or did her butt get bigger over the summer?'
Leo pushed Raph away, glaring darkly.
'You are a.... I can't even.'
'Hey, Mo isn't mad at me? The thing is, I know I'm a jerk so if I say something stupid, I can just blame it on my personality. You on the other hand are the 'adorkable sweetheart'' he put on a high girly voice, lifting one leg up and posing like an angel when he said this.
'She said that about me?'
'Too many times. As I was saying, you're the sensitive dude who's not all that sensitive anymore. So, I tried. Good luck.'
He laughed absurdly, making his way back up to the rooftop once again.
Leo grinned, shaking his head.

'Stupid feelings. Stupid Leo. Just stupid, stupid.'
Mona continued to mutter to herself but got interrupted when she crashed into Dakota.
Dee stepped back, smiling awkwardly.
'Erm. Hi.'
'Fancy seeing you here.'
'Well, I do still live in the city.'
'Yeah no kidding.' She snapped.
Dakota gritted her teeth.
'You okay?'
Mona frowned, knowing if she complained she wouldn't stop.
'Leo is a dick and for somewhat reason I'm still crazy about him! Why do I always fall for bigger bitches than me?!'
'Mona, you should calm down before you have another...episode.'
Mona muffled a scream, running a hand through her hair.
'So, I'm no longer allowed to be annoyed without everyone thinking that I'm going to lose it. Great. Just great.'
Dakota sighed, knowing this would probably get nowhere. She was surprised how Mona hadn't thrown some sort of shade yet.
'We're taking precautions, that's all. Look, you can use all this time talking bad about Leo, won't change the fact that you're in love with him.'
Moma gaped then stammered, denying every word of that.
'I'm not 'in love' with him kay? It's not like that.'
'Then what's it like?'
Mona stood in silence, beginning to go red.
'Whatever. I honestly don't even know why I'm talking to you.' She moved to the left of Dee to walk round, until she said something that caught her attention.
'Did Victoria ever tell you?'
'Tell me what?' She snapped.
'That she was behind the picture of me being leaked.'
Mona's eyes popped open, turning on her heels then moved in front of her.
'What?! How?! Why?!
Dee simply closed her eyes, waiting for some sort of memoir of the even to show.
'What the hell are you doing?!'
'What they do in the movies with flashbacks.'
Mona lifted her upper lip to the corner of face, before reluctantly doing the same.
'I'm clearly not the only one that's gone crazy.'

Sleeping With The Enemy: A TMNT FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now