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Leo scowled, kicking the ground.
'Why do I have to be here?'
Liberty nudged him, handing the camera to his dad.
'Because this very moment is something none of us would want to miss.'
Leo rolled his eyes, looking away.
'It's the first of many dances. It's no big deal.' He protested.
Liberty opened her mouth to argue but was interrupted once Mona began making her way down the spiralling staircase.
She reached the bottom and giggled at herself, twirling around in her dress, the skirt flowing gracefully. She was dressed in a baby blue slim gown which fell to her feet. The bottom of the skirt peppered in diamonds and the middle was complimented with a glimmering silver belt. She tossed her curly hair to the side, batting her eyelashes.
'What'd ya think?'
'You look fabulous.' Derek complimented as he waved the polaroid camera to the side.
Liberty whimpered, wiping under her eyes.
'You kids grow up so fast.'
Mona scoffed, hugging her mom.
'Mom, you can't cry every time we go to a dance.'
Liberty laughed at her foolishness, pulling away and grabbing Mona's shoulders. She stared right at her, smiling brightly.
'Thank god you ditched those crutches before the big night.'
Mona chuckled lightly, turning to her brother and ruffling his hair.
Leo moved her hand away, grinning at her.
'Don't get wasted.'
'Shut up:'
She hugged him from the side, pulling him into a headlock.
'Now, one day Leo, you'll be in my position, so just remember, always look surprised when you win Homecoming and or Prom King.'
Leo wiggled out of her grasp.
'Got it.'
Mona scurried to the coffee table, grabbing her clutch before walking to the door.
'Now Kendall, Vic and her date should be outside now so we can take pictures after.  But tonight, Roosevelt what even know what hit em.'

'This is seriously not how I planned on spending Homecoming a few months ago.' Dakota scoffed.
Leo sighed over the phone.
'I'm sorry, but we didn't expect to be saving your mother from Karai like ever.'
Dakota gasped.
'You guys are supposed to be like vigilantes and all that crap, you can would think you'd acc need to save people to live up to that.' She snapped.
Leo mocked her out loud in an oblivious manner.
'Leo! I can hear you!'
'So Donnie deactivated the security system so the foot won't catch you on surveillance.'
'The bitch ain't gonna know what hit her.'
'Good luck.'
She hung up, turning to Mikey and Raph, blushing in embarrassment. Raph cut his eyes.
'Done playing old couple?'
The three of them began to move until they reach the side of the footclan building. Raph peered round the front to see two soldiers guarding the doors. He gave Mikey and Dee a thumbs up.
Dakota cleared her throat, beginning to talk as loudly as she could.
'I can't believe after two weeks Karai still has my mom captive.'
Mikey nodded in agreement.
'I know right? She can be sort of a b-'
Raph hit Mikey's arm, watching him wince in pain.
'Stick to the plan.' He hissed.
Mikey stuck his tongue before returning to the conversation.
'Right? But we'll get her out once we just destroy the footbots.'
'We'll just have to go in from the BACK of the building. Or just from the front.' Raph inputed. They heard footsteps coming, so Raph took out a small ball, smashing it into the ground and all of them disappearing in a puff of purple smoke. They landed on the building roof top, accompanying Leo and Donnie.
Mikey toppled over on top of Donnie, causing him to smush his face into his laptop screen. Donnie screamed at him, jerking Mikey off him.
Dakota balanced on her feet, holding on to Leo for support.
'Okay, we tricked them into thinking we're going from the bottom.' Dakota states, flicking her hair out her face.
'But do you guys know where we'll be if we go from the roof?'
'We'll be in Karai's lounge, near Baxter's lair.' Raph answered.
Dee nodded, kneeling on the ground and removing the latch.
'Wait.' She felt a hand move on her shoulder to see it was Leo's.
'Be careful.'
'I will. You too.'
She saluted a goodbye, before jumping down and landing on the ground hard, her land being heard from the boys above. Leo sat down, sitting by the latch and they began to wait patiently for Dakota to give the signal. Raph looked over at Leo, giving his signature troublesome smirk.
'Thinking about her?'
'Of course.....not.'
'Don't lie.'
'Okay so what if I am? Right now she's swooning over some senior who's probably a whole foot taller than her and if she does win Homecoming she's going to get a whole new ego boost and will be further away than ever. I always thought that her liking me would bring us closer, instead the opposite happens.'
Donnie patted Leo's shoulder, looking at him sympathetically.
'I feel ya brother. Casey and April are probably making out under the punch table.'
'Okay, Donnie don't. Difference is between you and Leo, Leo's relationship is actually going somewhere.' Raph teased
Mikey jeered, snapping his fingers.
'Oh snap.'
Donnie snarled at red banded boy, resisting the urge to launch himself at him.
Mikey began to lift his legs in the air, watching them swing back and forth.
'Girls. Girls. Girls. What would we do without them?'
'I'd be better off, I gave Mona another reason to hate me by doing this.'
Raph wiped the smirk off his face, focusing his attention on something else. He couldn't help but feel guilty about this. This conversation wouldn't be happening if it weren't for him.

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