chapter 7

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Issa house in media

#issas house#
Mane this broad still with attitude then she drunk. Like how the fuck you carrying my seed and you ass drunk. She can't barely walk and shit I'm so fucking livid right now.

Lisa- and the bitch still around, like how the fuck you disrespect me in front of everyone like what the actual fuxk ( last few words slurred)
Issa- (runs hand downs face) are you fucking serious right now you carrying my seed and you drink and shit and acting a straight fool at the prom, but you tryna TRYNA TRIP ON ME!!!! (screams in her face)
Lisa- (was about to say some then ran to the bathroom to throw up and then came back talking shit still) what the fuck I do have nothing and I mean NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!!

(The entire time August watching the whole scene and watching china cuz he knows how she is about her best friend)

Issa - wtf you talking about yes it does especially you carrying my baby mane how the fuck you gone say some shit like that to me.... To me fucking Issa damn Tho..... Gco
Lisa- (laughing) you so damn stupid. I'm not even preg I was using ur ass but I can't do it no more. You just ugh (Issa was walking up to her but china beat him to it)

China blacked out and all the hurt and pain she saw in Issa she pounded into Lissa face. With much assistance from the crew China called they took her home.

Like no this bitch did not just try that. Omg I watched Issa face go from hella angry to crushed then rage but I had to get her, for her smart mouth for her slick caps but mostly for hurting a man that I love and care for. The crew picked her ass up and took her home. But I gotta go ckeck on Issa.

China- Issa, you wanna talk.
Issa- (he's a thug but has heart) (crying) naw mane just leave me alone right now. When I'm ready I'll let you know.
China- ok call me if you need me, I'll be back tomorrow ok. I'm taking ur range( that was to let him know she would def be back)
Issa - ok love you
China- I love you too baby( they kiss and hug)

The kids went from innocent to very heated until they heard August calling her name from down stairs.

China- see you tomorrow
Issa- ok

When they got in the August asked China if Issa was ok, not that he cared but hey it was the "polite" thing to do. He really jus wanted to get a whole of his girl. Hell its prom. Just cuz Lisa fucked hers up it ain't got nun to do with him (lol). Once they were home China got in the shower thinking about Issa's kiss. Thinking what is going to do being torn between two men. As she was thinking August got in the shower with her and begin kissing the back of her neck and down her back, he turned her around and dropped to his knees with her back against the shower wall and begin to feast on her cherry, her moans filled the bathroom. She was dripping all over his face and he was slurping ever drop up before she could cum he stopped put a condom on and as he came back up he lift her leg and entered her they both hissed damn and the sensation rushed thru them both. They made love in the shower but China would picture Issa from time to time. They both came washed each others body and got in the bed. He pulled her close to him and Aug said I love you China and she said I love you too Aug. It's not that she lying she really does love him, she's just IN LOVE with Issa. But Aug is her love and he is bae. She snuggles into him more and they doze off.
China wakes up and August is not beside her. So she calls him.

(Phone convo)
Aug - hello
China- hey love (sexy sleepy voice)
Aug- hello sexy, you finally awake I see (chuckles)
China - (chuckles also) yes, where are you?
Aug- studio. I'll be home later tho.
China- ok, well ima go ckeck on Issa.
Aug- ok babe, be careful. Love you
China- I will. Love you too. Bye
Aug- bye

China got up and did her hygiene stuff and headed out to Issa's.

Hey my ppl sorry it took me so long to update. Hope y'all enjoying it. Thank you for the reads comments and votes. Muah

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