chapter 8

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I can't even sleep. Been up all night. Like the whole fucking scene last night. I knew some was up. But I'm glad my ba.... I mean my bestie got my back. I never have no worries with her. I've been up all night sippin ciroc and debating if I want this bitch dead, but I'm sure with how China handled her ass she wish she was dead. I gotta shake back. (I was thrown outta my thoughts by the doorbell)

"Hey light bright, how are you"

"Hey plastic (lol), idk how I feel I'm pissed but then again I'm not. I loved her but I wasn't in love I didnt even think I loved her ass but (shruggs shoulders)"

"Well you look like a shit biscuit"
(They both laugh)

"You are the only person that can make me laugh"

"Well getcho ass up lets go to the mall" (tries to pull him off the bed)

"(He pulls her on top of him) let me hold you  1st, I just needed to feel your love plz."

"Ok, I gotcha. (30mins later) ok eyes gets up and shower so we can go"

Issa gets up and showers and gets dressed. As they walk out to the car, China thinks she sees Aug, but that can't be cuz he's at the studio. When she looks up again he's gone. Maybes she's just trippin. (Comes back to reality)
"You iight ma"
"Yeah Issa I'm fine"
They jump in her Bentley and head to the mall.

(At the mall)

"Boy I swear you stupid" ( lol)

"Naw I'm serious tho how you tryna get me to hit it from the back and tissue stuck to ur ass, after that I was like ummm I'll ttyl and I bounced" (kmsl)

"You dumb asf, hahahahha you didn't have to do that girl like that, but I feel ya" (they continued talking until they looked up and saw Lisa all on another nigga)

"Don't trip issa, at least that hoe his problem now."

"Yeah you right"

China thought she saw Aug again so she decided to call him. When she did he was still at the studio.

"Bae I told you were I am, what's the deal?"

"Nun, I thought I saw you twice today so I had to make sure I was tripping and you weren't stalking (they both laugh). Unless you got a twin round this bish"

"(Aug tensed up) naw ma its just one August" he was completely lying it is just one August. But the last her heard of his twin he was still in the institution.

See when their bro Mel died it sent Austin ove rht wedge and moms had to do what she had to do.

"Alright baby see you when you get home."

"Alright my love, bye"

"Bye" (hangs up)

"So China whatcha wanna do now? (Issa said getting her attention)"

"Let's get outta hear and go eat"

"Yes like TGIF or Copeland's"

"Yeah lets go"

They went to eat and laughed and joked and had fun like the good ole days. Then they went back to Issa house to watch movies and chill. China then got a text from August saying he was headed home. So she hugged and kissed Issa and told him she would see him later and walked out the house. Her and August arrived at the house at the same time. And walked in. China cooked they ate showered together then went to sleep. But befor China dozed off the events of the day played in her head, while August could only wonder was his bro really back and why? They finally fell asleep.

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