chapter 55

337 15 24

Issa hair /china hair/ their rings media

To say I'm nervous is an understatement. Don't get me wrong a nigga happy just feel like I gotta throw up. Naw we didn't turn up we actually just chilled and talked about old times and how we were when we 1st got in the game. My thoughts were cut short with me going to puke my lungs up. Shit guess I'm a Lil more nervous than want to admit....

"my Niggah you good? "
"yeah Bruh, nerves getting to me."
"well tighten nig, they. But to start in a hour"
"I'm ready to see my wife then I'll be good"
"well here some mouth wash, can't kiss my sis with vomit breath"
"good looking"

Chris walked off to finish getting fly. All I had left to put on was my suit coat. It's really and finally about to happen. I had to calm my nerves cuz I felt like I was gone puke again so I turned on my new fav song that reminds me of me and China's love

(press play)

After getting sexy cuz you know that's how I do. I was listening to the song Issa was playing. I looked over at him and he seem to be calming down. But just listening to this some charge, made me think of Lala. To say I'm actually inlove scares me a bit, but not as much as what I have in mind for her ass.

I never thought that day in the park covered with blood and losing it from the thought of losing my sister and my nephew, would I have ever found someone that loves me for me. She was so broken but we seemed to have healed each other. Damn she cut, shredded, and burned a nigga Playa card. But I'm not upset. I'm actually content. But more than anything I'm happy for my baby sis and my Bruh.

I sat back watch as my. Boys moved around triple checking security. I refuse for anything to go wrong today. I sent word that anybody I had beef with that today is was on hold. That's not the pink in me in the mafia we try and respect family well serious family moments. I had open security then I had some. Of my under cover cops thru out the congregation just to be sure. If somebody feel groggy they can jump and get stomped.

I can honestly say I love what my family has become. I miss my wife but I'm glad she sent Trina my way. She is the greatest. I can't say she's 2nd, 3rd, or 4th blessing. Just know she is a huge blessing. She has loved me and raised my kids as her own. I actually saw her beat a thots ass before because she told her she wasn't their mom. Since then everybody knows not to cross them waters unless you wanna drown.

I was holding my grandson Issa with his cute cubby self and it made me go back to China and her mood lately. Hmmmmmm. Interesting. I'll ask her about that later. Right now let me get back to making sure everything thing is in place.

(Issa Christon Thompson)

Almost I do time............

Hello my beautiful butterflies. I know I normally talk to y'all and last chapy I forgot. I'm sooooo sorry.

Well Whatcha thinking.

Issa nervous

Chris inlove

Killia playing no games behind his and tryna be super detective dad lol.

Give input. Y'all know the drill. Enjoy, vote, comment, and share. Love you all.

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