chapter 44

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I asked her to talk because we all knwo my brother got a hell of a way of picking hoes, not saying she one but trust and believe I'm shole bout to find out, you feel me. But when. I sat down and looked in here eyes...... She looks so broken. Like this beautiful smile she keeps hiding behind but its not teacher her eyes......

"How did you meet Chris?"
"The park. Across from the hospital"
"Ok yes so that you?"

Well let me lay into her ass then. Had my bro on some chucky, Freddie, and Jason type shit and she was MIA. So I really gotta find out what is it about her. I already had to body a hoe about my bro. And trust she will be no exception if needed......

"So you the one that went MIA on my twin?"
"It wasn't like that, I promise"
"Well what the fuck was it then? Enlighten me"

This hoe gone learn today......

I'm so nervous. I mean this is his sister. And she must be very important if I have to meet her. I mean I'm not a bad person, I'm just nervous. If she finds out the stuff I've been thru she may judge me and I may loose what Chris and I could possibly have. I already lost my mom. I have nobody and my sister is too busy to care. So I can only one what ima bout to go thru

"How did you meet Chris?"
"The park. Across from the hospital"
"Ok yes so that you?"

Omg the look she just gave me, I'm so dead. You know how they say innocent until proven other wise, well ain't no otherwise in her mind..... I'm doomed...

"So you the one that went MIA on my twin?"
"It wasn't like that, I promise"
"Well what the fuck was it then? Enlighten me"

Damn see what I mean she looks so deep in my eyes to see if I'm lying or if I have a motive. And honestly I have none, I just want to get to know Chris and maybe be inlove. I just want to be at peace.

"Please when you hear this, don't look at me with pity, I have to find a way to fix it ok"

She crossed her arms oh shit. This is going down hill. I swallowed the lump that was in my stomach as I begin to tell her of the abuse, torment, and slavery I can't seem to get away from. He face softens and there it is the loom I didn't wanna see.....


Awe hell they been talking to long. I didn't hear a gun so she still, hopefully. I mean china could kill with her bare hands of the wanted or needed to. We all got training starting at 6. So my nephew gone be a beast. What the hell could they possibly have to talk about for 2 hours.

"Issa your wifey prob killed her"
"Naw, she tryna get married, she dotn have time for jail. And we got a baby. So for now your girl safe"
"Nigga you know how princess is, hell she pops daughter"
"You know what, you right"

We give each other a look then walk back towards the kitchen/dinning room area as the ladies came out smiling and hugging. Me and Issa just looked at each other again, cuz we all know my baby sis is crazy asf.

"Chris, I think I like her. But trust my eyes are open nigga"
"(Exhales) thax sis. And trust I know"

China then looks at us both before she take the baby from Issa and walks off, but before she does, she stops looks over shoulder and says........

Y'all tricks need to talk.......

Hello my beautiful butterflies. What's good. Finally a update. Whatcha think about China.

I have kinda come to the conclusion that the older China get the more she acts like Chris, kmsl.... No chill....

Well give me feedback. Y'all know the drill enjoy, vote, comment and SHARE. Love you all. Muah

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