chapter 58

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As I sit and watch my sister and bro, do their 1st dance, I'm just looking because why the hell am I pose to be fascinated with some shit I see them do all the time. But anyway I look over at LaLa and I know at that moment that shes who I wanna spend the rest of my. Life with. No question

So me being me I slip her a piece of paper. She reads it, then looks up at me. And bust out laughing. My ego dies a bit inside. I see she think I'm playing so I walk up and get the mic.

"cuse me errybody"

China with her mean ass gives me a look, I fan her off but then she looks in my eyes, smiles then walks away. I swear I love our twin thing.

"so as I was saying. Lanaea, I once said fuck love. It wasn't for me. I tried but hoes will be hoes,but one day in the park when I felt like I was losing my other half and my nephew, your simple hello seem to have run all that away. For a minute the world stopped and I had a moment of peace, the fear of me losing my sister and nephew even faded away from your simple smile.
And now almost a year later, you are still here with me thru it all. You accept my hectic life and you are truly the definition of a ride or die. I'd never think I would find a woman that was real like my sister, but I'm glad I was wrong....."

I walk over to the table and she is crying, guess she thought my note was a joke but I got on my knee, and she was speechless. She switched and turned in her seat trying to get her words together. When she say the ring

She screamed yes over and over and over. Then she held on to me. And cried. Hell I was crying too, I was too happy. They started playing Chris Brown - picture me Rollin and I had to do my. C-walk. Just like he did in the video.

And we all just danced and celebrated love until it was time to eat and China and LaLa were sitting by each other, eating like they hadn't eaten in 78 years.

"aye some me and Issa need to know"

Issa stopped eating and looked at China she just shrugs her shoulders, "I'm pregnant" was she said as she smiled and went back to eating. LaLa took my hand and placed it onnher stomach. So tears are freely flowing. Im about to be a dad.

I kiss her with so much passion,and scream

"Me and Issa about to be daddy's"

There were cheers and everyone came up to congratulate. Then we have the shock of our lives.

I took a test this morning, had my doctor meet me at the er. I took a test a a few days ago, yes after China's came up positive. I thought it was false but when he did the ultrasound I'm 3mths. OMG Ikr crazy our babies will all be the same age. The baby is healthy and I have no issues.

"OMG we are too, Chris and China y'all are finally getting a sibling"

Killia looked like he could stop breathing and I thought he was mad. I couldn't read him. I know it's crazy timing but it's a blessing, a beautiful blessing we been trying for all out lives.

"bae, say something please"
"I love you and thank you"

He held. Me. As I cried for joy that my family was finally complete. The rest of the night we danced and ate, well me and the girls ate alot. Once the festivities were over the limo dropped Issa and China off at the airport and we were going to take Lil Issa but Chris was so heeled he took him. But not before kissing me saying

"I love you mama, you just blessed us all and completed our immediate family."

I thanked him and hugged him crying my heart out. As I showered and got in the bed, I closed my eyes and Killia rubbed my stomach as. I drifted off to sleep.

Before I drifted off I heard Killia talking, he may be a thug but he's very intuned with God.

Thank you God, we complete now...........

Hello my beautiful butterflies. The next chapter will be the epilogue then this book is done. Thank you all for your love and support in this journey. We lost some we gained some but in the end we all made it.

Y'all know kwow the drill. Enjoy, vote, comment and, share. Love you. All. Muah

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