chapter 37

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Nobody pov
As they panic took over Chris picked his baby sis up and tears and fear read all over her face and even tho he was trying to be calm his heart was hurting not knowing what was going on with his sis and her baby. He always vowed to protect her and keep her happy and as hard as he tried seemed he wasn't doing his job. In the mist of his running to his car with her Issa was right behind him locking the house and jumping in the driver's seat to speed to the hospital. Issa was also calling Killia and Trina to let them know what was going on. Killia was sending out his secret codes to his police on pay roll to make sure no cops stopped them as they sped along and also so they could cut trafic that could effect their route. He also called his connects over the city to make sure all stop lights worked in the favor of Issa getting to the hospital quicker. As they arrive at the hospital they were met with a worker that went and parked the car as Chris ran in still holding his sis as china screamed out of pain and freaking out the nurses came with a gurney and and Issa ran tot eh back with them. Chris on the other hand covered in his sisters blood started tearing up the waiting area until Killia and Trina showed up and Trina walked over to her son and held him. As his ma was really the only besides China that can calm him down.

"Baby boy, she's gone be OK"
"Mama I can't lose her"

At this point Trina was crying with him not only because she felt the same way but because for once Chris called her mama. As they held on to each other they felt a breeze and a touch on their shoulders that sent a calming sensation thru their bodies. They both knew it was Chris real mom in spirit.

Meanwhile in the back China was crying as Issa held her hand as he continued to be strong for the both of them. He watched as they hooked China up to all types of machines. They finally hooked up the monitors over her stomach and them a tech came in to do a ultrasound while the doctor was checking China's cervix. And on que they got a weak heartbeat of the baby the doctor started calling codes and a nurse told Issa he would have to step out when he looked down they hand already sedated China.
"Emergency c-section stat!!"

To hear those words made Issa heart drop. Everything was fine now his wife and kid were fighting for their lives. As he walked to waiting room it seemed Issa couldn't breath even tho his breathing was actually rapid in pace. As he walked in the first person to approach him was Killia.

"What happen son?"
"They doing an emergency c-section"
"She will make she's strong"
"She better"

And with those words Issa did something he was trying not to do. He fell to knees still in the embrace of Killia and cried hard. The kinda cry from hurt and lost and confusion. He cried because China was and is his all, he cried because he loved his baby since he found out she was pregnant, he cried because his bestfriend and better half was fighting for her and their child's life, he cried because if he losses them he losses himself. Them he felt more embraces already knowing it was Chris and Trina and rock because he felt that was his sister too. They all were crying and then rock began to pray

"God we not perfect in any manner but we ask right now as we stand as the family we are that you cover my sister China and the baby. That they are safe and healthy. God we are trusting you as we stand in faith that the situation is already handled. And in advance we thank you and praise you for saving their lives, Amen"
(Everyone) Amen

Family of China Washington..

Hello my beautiful butterflies. How are y'all. Omg this is so emotional. Lord cover China and the baby. But Chris tearing up the hospital.... Boy he'on play behind his sis. Chris calling Trina mama..... Chris real mom calming him and Trina..... Killia and Issa father some moment..... Rock and that prayer...... Boy I tell yal. Glory in pretty proud of this update. Whatcha butterflies thinking? Y'all know the drill enjoy, vote, comment. Love you all

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