All I Ever Wanted: Part 15: She's Everything; Part 2

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"And she's everything I ever wanted...And everything I need...I talk about her, I go on and on and on 'Cause she's everything to me...." -Brad Paisley

Hunter's POV:

It was around quarter of seven now, and Kay was fast asleep with her head on my lap. I figured she'd probably be more comfortable on my bed. I carefully scooped her up in my arms, trying not to wake her up... to late... I had forgotten she said she is a very light sleeper. "Hunter...." "It's ok Sweetheart... i'm just bringing you in my bed... you'll be alot more comfty there." "Ok...." she gave me a slight smile and laid her head on my chest quickly drifting off to sleep as I laid her in bed covering her with blankets. "I love you so much Kay..." she smiled and nodded slightly rolling on her side still facing me. I kissed her forehead and walked into the living room quietly. We were both really excited because we made plans to go out tonight.... but little did Kay know, I had something very special planned. One of our favorite songs is called "She's Everything" by Brad Paisley. Luckily, Brad had made a stop in Florida, and he'd be here tonight. He will be at the beach and is going to sing our song. I couldn't wait to see her face when she sees Brad. To be honest with you.... I think I am a little over excited... because I look up to Brad... he has always been one of my influences as a performer. I had a space on the beach reserved so it would be just the two of us.. and nothing or no one could interrupt it. I began to feel a little sleepy again... which is good because it was only seven thirty in the morning. I pulled the covers back and crawled into bed.... I turn to look next to me and Kay cuddled up against me. I slowly drifted off to sleep while holding Kay close to me and listening to the sound of her steady heartbeat.

All I Ever Wanted (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic) *** EDITING ***Where stories live. Discover now