All I Ever Wanted: Part 21: As Long As You're There

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"Baby, 'cause I don't need anything else but your love, Nothing but you means a thing to me, I'm incomplete

When you're not there..." -Charice

Kay's POV:

It was about ten o'clock and I made it through my first two blocks of the day. Only two more to go, and then Hunter will be with me again. It was a half day, so all of my classes were shorter. It was free period, and time to tell my friends my exciting news. I texted all of them and we met up outside on a bench. "Hey Everyone!" I said with a sense of excitement. "Hey Kay! What is the big news you have to tell us?" Asked Adi. "Well... In a few days, I'm leaving...." "Where are you going?" Asked Jenna. "I'm going on tour with Hunter!!!!" A sad look appeared on their faces. "For how long? A week?" Tyler asked. "I'm going for the rest of the tour... Which is about two months. I'll be gone most of the summer..." They all looked at me in shock. "Why would you want to leave all of your friends and family for that long?" "Well, because I love Hunter... And I want to be with him. Trust me... I will Text all of you... And send pictures... And between Hunter and I ... I'm sure twitter will be updating non stop... It's not like I'm leaving forever. I'll be back at the end of August!! I promise. I'll be back just in time for senior year to begin." "You have to got to be kidding me right?" Brandon said curiously. "No. I'm not kidding you. Why wouldn't I want to go... I'm going to be with the person I love... The person who means the world to me. He's become a huge part of my life. If you all don't understand that, I'm sorry, but I'm seventeen and I can make my own descions," my voice started becoming shaky. "Are my friends going to support me, or am

I going to do this... Even if you all don't like it?" "What about us?" Asked Jenna. "I love all of you more than you'll ever know... And I'll miss you so much!! Just because I'm gonna be with Hunter for the summer doesn't mean that I won't ever talk to you. Of course I will! I could never, ever forget my best friends!!" Hannah and Adi walked over to me. "We're with you!" They said with a smile. "Anyone else?" I asked. No one said a word. "I guess I know who my true friends are... I'm leaving... I'll be back... Let me know if you change your mind." As I was walking to the bathroom, I couldn't believe how my friends were acting, they know they mean the world to me... But I'm in love, and when you are in love with someone, you want to spend alot of time with them!! There is nothing wrong with that. When I got to the bathroom, I wiped the tears from my eyes and Hannah came in. "Kay, are you alright?" "Yeah, I guess Im just a little In shock... I never thought my friends would act this way! I thought they'd be excited for me!" Hannah smiled and said, "Well, I will always stand by you. Honestly, I'd be excited too!! It's a big adventure, and what makes it ten times better is Hunter will be with you the entire time." "Thanks Girlie.... That means alot to me!" After that, I got through the last two blocks of the day.... It actually went by pretty quickly! I went outside to wait for Hunter, I couldn't wait to see him. We made plans to go to the beach once he picked me up. Soon after that, Hunter pulled up in his car, he got out and went around to the passenger side. As soon as I saw his smiling face I ran over towards him and jumped into his arms. "Wow! Hi beautiful! Did you miss me today?" "Yes I did! I am so glad to see you... You have no idea." He smiled really big and said "Ready for a beach day?" "You bet!" I smiled at him and he opened the car door and I got inside. He got in the drivers seat of the car and leaned in close to me and gave me a big smile which made me giggle. "I missed you..." I told him. "I missed you more." He said. I smiled and nodded my head no. He leaned in and gave me a long and deep kiss. He began to smile through the kiss and so did I. "People are staring..." I whispered with a giggle. Ever since girls at school knew Hunter and I were dating... They've been giving me dirty looks, but I didn't care. I was in love with Hunter... And he was in love with me, and that's all that mattered to us. I guess I would have to get used to girls giving me dirty looks... Mainly because I will be going with him to his shows. Before we went to the beach, I went home and changed. I went up to my bedroom and put on my cheetah print bathing suit and threw my cover up in my purse. On top of my bathing suit, I put comfty sweat pant shorts with a purple tank top and my black and purple sneakers. Hunter put on his swim shorts, a Tshirt and his sneakers. Now we were ready to go.

Hunter's POV:

When we got to the beach, it was nice and warm out. What a perfect day. I'm with my beautiful girl, and I'm on the beach. Nothing could get better than this. We set up our spot on the beach and I put some sunscreen on myself and then did the same for Kay. She smiled and took off her tank top and shorts to show her cheetah print bathing suit underneath. "I'll race you to the water..." Kay said with excitement. "Oh yeah, I bet I'll win..." I told her grinning. "Um... No... I will." She said with a giggle. She stood up and started running towards the water. "Hey!!! No fair! You didn't say go!" "Oops! Sorry!!" I smiled at her confidence and raced towards her. I got close enough to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up. I spun her around to face me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. "Gotcha...." I said with a victory smile. "I WILL beat you one of these days." She said with a giggle "You are feisty!" "Hehehehe, Thanks! I try..." She said while smiling. I leaned In closer to her and gave her a long and passionate kiss. I don't know how long we stayed like that... But eventually, we heard someone walking towards us. "Excuse me?!" He said laughing a little. Kay and I both looked his way. "Oh mu god Brandon?! What are you doing here." She jumped off of me, now standing on her own. "I came to talk to you about earlier... And tell you that I support you in your choice on going on tour with Hunter. Oops sorry, it looks like I interrupted your heated make out session." I looked at Kay who was blushing a little, and I knew I was too. She giggled and looked back at Brandon. "Um... No... It's ok..." "I'm glad you are happy Kay, that's all I ever wanted." She walked over to Brandon and he wrapped her in a hug. "Thank you Brandon." Kay walked back over to me and I wrapped my arm around her waist. "Ok, well, I will let you two get back to whatever you were doing. Bye Kay." She waved goodbye and then turned to face me again. She giggled and said, "that was... Funny..." I laughed and wrapped her up in my arms. "I love you Kay." "I love you more Hunter." She looked up at me and I said, "Um... Nope." "Um. Yep." She said with a giggle. "Oh really?" I said while laughing. "Uh huh!" She let out a little squeal as I lifted her up In my arms, and wrapped her arms around my neck and legs around my waist. I raced over to freezing ocean water. "Ahhhhh!!! Hunter what are you doing?" "We are going swimming!" I got in the water and stood there got a minute adjusting to the cold temperature. "Don't let me go!!! Please don't let me go... It's freezing..." She pleaded. I smiled and loosened my grip making her slowly slide off of me. "Oh my god... Hunter.... No!" "Yes!" I said with a laugh. When her body finally touched the water she let out a playful screech. "Oh... My... Gosh... This is FREEZING.... Hunter...." "What?" I asked innocently... Giving her a half smile. She giggled and said, "Don't you dare give me that Look!" I just stood there laughing hysterically. "Ok.... Your turn!!!" She said with a grin. She should up and pushed me down into the water with her. "Ooooh.... I'm so gonna get you now..." "Oh really?! Show me? Watcha you gonna do?" "You know... Your even more beautiful when your mad..." She smirked and said. "Oh... Gee....Thanks!!" She started swimming away. "Um... Where are you going?" I asked her. "Swimming!! Where else?" She said while smiling. She swam further. I swam towards her and scooped her up in my arms. Before she could say a word... I pressed my lips against hers, and gave her a long, deep, and passionate kiss. She began to giggle which made me do the same. I pulled away and she gave me that smile that melted my heart and said.... "I love you so much Hunter...." "I love you too beautiful...."

All I Ever Wanted (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic) *** EDITING ***Where stories live. Discover now