All I Ever Wanted: Part 42: A New Kind Of Lovebug

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"Now I'm speechlessOver the edge, I'm just breathless, I never thought that I'd catch this love bug again. Hopeless, head over heels in the moment, I never thought that I'd get hit by this love bug again..." -Jonas Brothers

•Two Weeks Later•

Kay's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining through my window, and the alarm on my phone going off. I looked at the time to see it was nine o'clock. I had a busy day ahead, I made plans with Hannah, we're going to Starbucks today, and catching up on everything since last time didn't go as planned. Hunter had to go to some interviews, so I'd go to his apartment tonight once he is home. Until then, it was a girls day. My thoughts got interrupted by my phone beeping with a text message. I picked it up and smiled when the caller ID said 'Hunter'. I opened the text to read, "Good morning beautiful! I miss you and can't wait to see you tonight! Have an amazing day sweetheart. I love you. 😘❤️" I smiled and then replied. "I miss and love you too! See you tonight. 😘❤️." After sending the text message I put my phone back on the side table and got into my wheelchair. I rolled into my closet and picked out my pink shirt with black sparkles on it with skinny jeans and black flats. I put on my 'Alex And Ani' bracelet to finish the look. Once I finished getting dressed, I went into the bathroom and styled my hair into a fishtail braid, and added some makeup. Soon after that, I made my way into the kitchen, and heard the doorbell ring. I smiled and wheeled towards the door and opened it up. "Hey Kay!" Hannah said with excitement. "Hey Hannah!" I replied with the same enthusiasm. "Ready to go have a girls day?!" She asked. "Of course!" I said with a big smile. With that, we went out to her car and headed to Starbucks. When we got there, she ordered a Vanilla Bean Frappochino, and I ordered a Cotton Candy one. I wheeled over to the table and Hannah followed behind me. "How have things been?!" I asked her once we got comfortable at a table. "Very good," she replied. "School has been busy!" "So I've heard! Adi told me!" I told her. "I can't wait for you to come back! Senior year just isn't the same without you!" She said. "Well, you don't have to wait much longer! I'll be back next week!" I said with enthusiasm. "Yay!!! I can't wait!" Hannah said with a smile. "Me either, it'll be great to see everyone again. I'm sick of my work being online!" I replied. "I bet! How are things going with Hunter?" She asked me, taking a sip of her drink. I smiled. "They're great. I think our relationship has only gotten stronger since the accident, he's really supportive." I said. "You two are so lucky! I hope I can find a man with all of Hunter's good qualities one day!" She said with a daydreaming gaze. I giggled. "I'm sure you will. You are beautiful, strong, and generous. Who wouldn't want a girl like that?!" I said with a wink. We both smiled. -- After a couple of hours of girl talk with Hannah, she went into the bathroom. I had an idea....

Hunter's POV:

I was on my lunch break, sitting at Panera Bread when all of sudden my phone started ringing. It was Kay! I smiled and then answered it. "Hey Lovebug! What's up?" "Hanging out with Hannah at Starbucks," She told me. "I need your help though!" She continued with a giggle. "Ok! Anything!" I replied. "Do you remember when you told me about your friend Roy, and how you said they may be a good match?!" She asked. "Oh yeah! They really would be!" I said in confidence. "Well I was sort of hoping they could meet." She said with a giggle. "Ok! Should I call him?" "That'd be great." She replied. "Alright, I'll call you back in a few." I told her. "Sounds good." She said. With that, I hung up the phone and called Roy. After a minute or two of hearing the dial tone, he answered the phone. "Hey Hunter! What's happening buddy?" He asked. "Not to much! Hey do you remember I told you about Hannah, Kaylee's friend?" "Oh yeah! I've been wanting to meet her ever since you told me about her! She seems like a great girl!" He said. "Well you have a chance to meet her today if you want! Her and Kay are hanging out at Starbucks!" I said in excitement. "Really?! Ok! I'll go see them!" He replied. "Great! I'll let Kay know!" "Awesome, bye Hunter!" "Bye Roy!" With that, I hung up the phone and called Kay back. "He's on his way!!" I told Kay once she answered. "Awesome, thank you for calling him!" "You're welcome sweetheart. See you later?" I asked. "Of course! Most likely around seven." She replied. "Sounds good. I love you." I told her. "I love you too." She replied.

Kay's POV:

I hung up the phone with Hunter just as Hannah came back to the table. "Who were you calling?!" She asked, sitting down. "Hunter!" I said with a smile. "Oh! Is everything ok?" She asked. "Oh yeah, definitely! Do you remember I told you about Roy? Hunter's friend." I asked her. "Yeah! He seemed really nice! I really want to meet him soon." She said with a giggle. "Well, today, you get to meet him. He's on his way!" "Seriously? I'm so excited. Thanks Kay!" She said with enthusiasm. "You're welcome!" I replied. -- After a little while of small talk with Hannah, Roy walked through the door. He waved when he saw us. We smiled and waved back. "Hey Kay!" Roy greeted me once he got to the table. "Hey Roy!" I replied. He smiled and sat down. "Roy, this is Hannah, Hannah, this is Roy!" I said, introducing them. "It's really nice to meet you!" Roy told Hannah with a half smile. "It's really nice to meet you too." Hannah replied shyly. I watched and listened as they got to know one another, within the time I've spent with them, which has only been about an hour, I think they'd make each other really happy. People have said to me, "when you really love someone, you can see it in a girls smile, and a boy's eyes..." Now, I could see what they meant, and it was completely true! After a little while of Roy and Hannah talking, all of us were ready to leave. I got into my wheelchair and we went outside. "Maybe we can hang out again soon!" Roy said with a grin. "That sounds like a lot of fun!" She replied with a giggle. They hugged each other tightly and we went our separate ways. When we got into the car and headed home, Hannah and I both squealed in excitement for her. "I really like him!!" Hannah said in excitement. "Oh my god! It was so cute to watch you two!" I said through giggles. Soon, we got to my house. I got out of the car and into my wheelchair. Hannah got out too. She smiled. "Thank you for everything today Kay!! I don't know how to ever repay you!" She said as we hugged. "Psh! You don't need to thank me, or repay me in anyway! Hannah, you deserve him! You deserve it all!" I said as we broke the hug. "I'll call you soon!" She said, getting back in the car. "Of course! You need to tell me how things go with Roy!" I said with a wink. She waved, and drove out of sight. I smiled and headed back inside.

•Later That Day•

Kay's POV:

Since Hunter lived practically across the street, I took my wheelchair and rolled over to his apartment. I got out out the key and unlocked the door, letting myself in. I rolled inside and shut the door behind me. "Hunter? I'm here!" I yelled. "In my room!" He yelled to me. With that, I rolled into his bedroom, there he was, sitting on the bed, playing guitar. When he saw me, he put his guitar to the side and smiled. "Hey beautiful!" He told me. "Hi handsome!" I said as he walked over and scooped me up in his arms, sitting me on the bed. "I missed you!" I told him as he sat down next to me. "I missed you more." He replied, as he leaned in and kissed me with passion. "How was your day?" He asked me once we pulled away. "Great!" I told him. "Did Hannah and Roy hit it off?!" He asked me excitedly. "Yes! They both looked so happy!" I said with smile. "I figured they would!" Hunter said in confidence. I giggled and said, "I think our friends have a case of the Lovebug..."

All I Ever Wanted (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic) *** EDITING ***Where stories live. Discover now