All I Ever Wanted: Part 15: She's Everything Part 1

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Hunter's POV:

It has been a couple of days since Kay and I had dinner with Chad. Our week together has flown by. It's already Thursday and we are going back to Maine tomorrow. I dreaded having to say goodbye to her. She really has become my everything.... I've gotten so used to seeing her smiling face everyday.... we have made memories over these past couple of weeks that I will never forget. To be honest, I am afraid that after tomorrow, Kay will forget about me and move on with someone that lived closer to her... and love her as much as she deserved. I don't know why I am thinking this way though, because she has told me so many times how much she loves me and how I am everything she's ever wanted. I decided to keep those positive things in my mind.... because I love this girl with all of my heart.... and from what I know.... she loves me just as much.

Kay's POV:

I woke up to see my clock that read "5:30am". Surprisingly.... I felt someone's arms wrapped aruond my waist. I rolled over... and I could have never expected who was lying next to me. "AHHHHHHHHH" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "CHAD?" He began to wake up. "Oh.... hey baby." "What are you doing.... in my hotel room?" I hopped up and began running to the door. "Where are yo going KayKay?" "UM... AS FAR AWAY FROM YOU AS POSSIBLE. Get out Chad. "Oh fine.... you are no fun... but I can promise you one thing.... I'll be back" As soon as he left... there was only one thing I could think of doing.... I had to go see Hunter.

Hunter's POV:

It was early, but I couldn't sleep. I was on my way to the couch when I heard loud knocks on the door. "Who could that be? It's 5:30 in the morning." I walked over to the door and when I opened it Kay was standing there. Hunter... I need you to help me..." her voice sounded shaky. "What's wrong Kay? What Happened?" "When I woke up... Chad was in my room... in my bed. " My heart broke as she ran into my arms and buried her face into my chest as she cried. "Shhh... it's ok sweetheart... i'm right here... it's ok...." How could Chad do this to her. He knows all to well how much it hurts her. She looked up into my eyes and said... "I love you so much Hunter..." "I love you too Kay...." A smile grew on her face which my heart melt. "There's that smile I love." She giggled as leaned up and kissed me. "Um.... Hunter..." "Yes?" "Can I stay here with you... I don't want to be in my room incase Chad shows up again. " "Of course you can sweety!! She wrapped her arms around my neck as I lifted her up... she wrapped her legs around my waist and smiled as I carried her over to the couch. She giggled as I sat down next to her. "I love you so much Kay." She laid her head down on my lap and let out a big sigh of relief and comfort. I smiled as she looked up at me and said, "Not as much as I love you...."

All I Ever Wanted (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic) *** EDITING ***Where stories live. Discover now