All I Ever Wanted: Part 17: My Best Friend

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You're more than a lover... there could never be another, to make me

feel the way you do... and ohhh we just get closer, I fall in love all over... everytime I look at you... I don't know where I'd be...

without you here with me... life with you makes perfect sense, you're my best friend.-Tim Mcgraw

Kay's POV:

It's been a couple of days since Hunter left to continue the Blown Away Tour... and I already miss him like crazy. We talk at least once a day through FaceTime, maybe more depending on his schedule. Today

was Sunday, the last day of April break.. a few of my friends called me and suggested we go to the beach... it was a beautiful sunny day. I figured that'd be alot of fun!! I'd get to see my good friend Hannah, and her boyfriend of One year... Tyler... he happened to be one of Hunter's best friends, which I never knew until a couple days

ago. Jenna and her boyfriend Jimmy are also coming to the beach. Jimmy and I have been best friends since we were little. I missed them all so much. They all knew about Hunter now... well for one,

because they are my best friends and I told them, and two, they saw the picture of Hunter and I on his twitter page. I put on my capri's, a tanktop, Hunter's sweatshirt and my sneakers and then braided my

hair. Soon after that, I got in my car and headed to the beach.

Hunter's POV:

I was headed to my concert location... I was really excitied... but underneath all of the excitement... my heart was hurting because I missed Kay so much. The guys still don't know about me not being single anymore. I went through the tour bus and sat down on the couch with Matt, Devo and Sam. "Hey guys, I have some really good news... They all responded at the same time. "What?" "I'm dating somebody!!"Matt's jaw dropped. "No way dude!! That's awesome." Sam and Devo agreed. "What's her name?" Kaylee... but everyone that's close to

her calls her Kay." "I am so happy for you Hunter!!" said Devo. "Thanks Devo. I really love her... alot. I met her in Florida, she

was on vacation with her family. I was taking my moring run on the beach and she was trying to take a picture of the sunrise, and I bumped into her... and the rest is history." I said with a smile.

Kay's POV:

I got the beach and happily thought of Hunter. A cool breeze whipped through my hair as I walked down closer to the ocean. When I saw all of my friends I darted towards them. "Hey Strangers!!! I missed

you!!; Jenna came over and gave me a huge hug, My bestie is back!!"Then Jimmy came up to me, picked me up and spun me around in his arms. "I missed you Kay!!" "I missed you to Jimmy!! It's great to see you. 

Then I ran over to Hannah. "Hey girlie!!! I missed you." I told her with a smile. "I missed you too! April break just wasn't the same without you." Everybody nodded their heads in agreement. "We all understand..." Said Jenna, "the heart made you stay..." I smiled at them. "It really did.... I and I wouldn't have had it any other way. I love you all so much." Tyler spoke. "How's Hunter doing?! I haven't talked to him in forever!" I smiled. "From what I know... He's doing really good... He can't wait to get back up here and see you Tyler... And to meet the rest of the gang." "Why don't we FaceTime him?" Suggested Hannah. "That's a great idea! Do you all want to?" "Sure!! Sounds cool!" They replied. I dug my phone out of my purse and dialed Hunter's number.

Hunter's POV:

I was sitting on the couch with my laptop when I heard my phone buzzing. It was Kay FaceTiming me. I smiled and picked it up. Her face came up on my screen. "Hey beautiful!! What's up? I miss you!!" "I miss you too!" She replied. "Hey I have a surprise for you!" She said with a giggle. "You do?! What is it?" She smiled and said "Ok everyone he's ready." She winked at me. All of her sudden, all of her friends appeared on screen with her.

Kay's POV:

"These are all my friends!! You remember Jenna from FaceTime right?" I laughed. "How could I forget her?!" I have someone special who wants to talk to you...." "Who...?" I handed my phone to Tyler. "Hey Hunter! How are you buddy?" "Oh my gosh Tyler... It's good to see you!! I'm great... Really great." I smiled. "So how is your senior year of high school Tyler..." Hunter asked. "It's great! I can't believe I'll be graduating soon. Unfortunately my girl is a junior so she still has one year left." "Your girl huh?! Who is she?" Tyler pulled Hannah by his side. "Hunter, Hannah, Hannah, this is Hunter." "Hi Hannah!" "Hey Hunter!" She said with a smile. "I love your music. I am a huge fan!!!" "Awe thanks Hannah, that means alot to me!" They talked for a few more minutes and they handed my phone back to me. "Ok Hunter there is one more person I want you to meet." "Ok." He said with a smile. I pulled Jimmy close to me and he put his arm around me. "Hunter this is Jimmy.... Him and I have been amazing friends since we were little". ;It's great to meet you Jimmy!!" "It's great to meet you too! Kay has told me all about you. All good things I promise..." Hunter smiled. "Hunter you are very lucky to have this girl..." Jimmy said pulling me in closer. "I know I am!" Hunter responded winking at us. Jimmy handed me the phone again and he walked back over with Jenna. "Ok. I should probably go rehearse for tomorrow nights show." Hunter told me with a smile. "Take care of her for me you guys!" Hunter told my friends. " I giggled at him. "We will... We promise!" They all said to Hunter. "Ok everyone I'm just gonna go over by the water for a minute and say goodbye to Hunter. I'll be right back." "Ok." They all told me." I smiled into the phone as I walked by the water. "I miss you..." I told him. "I miss you more..." He told me with a smile. I giggled. "I don't know about that one!!" "I love you Sweetheart, I'll FaceTime you later." "I love you too Hunter. I talk to you soon."

Hunter's POV:

She blew me a kiss through the phone and I did the same back. "Bye Sweetheart..." I told her. She smiled and hung up the phone. I hung up the phone and took a big sigh of happiness. I look behind me and let out a little scream. Matt was behind me. "Matt!! How long have have you been standing behind me?" "Long enough to see the feelings you have for this girl." He smiled and sat down beside me. "I really love her Matt. She's different than the other girls I've dated. She sees me as not just the country singer... But like a normal person... Capable of semi normal relationship. She doesn't care If we are thousands of miles away from each other... She still loves me anyway." "That is so awesome! I'm happy for you!" "Thank you... We shared some really unforgettable memories in Florida. Like the night before we left, Brad Paisley came to the beach and performed "She's Everything" for us." "Awe.... How cute..." He said winking. I laughed. "Guess what else happened?" He looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face. "Kay's ex showed up in Florida. I met him." "Oh man.... What happened?" "He came to Florida and basically said he wanted her back... And I wasn't good enough for her." "What did she say to that?!" "She was pissed off at him, and basically said... That she's madly In love with me, and there's nothing he could do or say to change that." "Wow man, she really loves you!!" "We love each other... But she's more than my girlfriend.... She's my best friend..."

All I Ever Wanted (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic) *** EDITING ***Where stories live. Discover now