All I Ever Wanted: Part 33: Coming Back To You

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"When you love someone, and you love them with your heart, it never disappears when you're apart. And when you love someone and you've done all you can do, you set them free, and if that love was true.... when you love someone it will all come back to you..." -Unknown

Hunter's POV:

It was six in the morning in .Tennessee. My bags were packed and I was almost ready to head to the airport. It was a long flight to get from here to Maine. Luckily, I was able to book a flight last night, and it left around noon time. Sam decided to come with me, because he wanted to apologize to Adi and hopefully get back together with her. Soon after getting dressed and doing my hair, I heard a knock at the door, and I knew it was Sam. "Come in!" I yelled. "Hey Hunter, almost ready to go?" He yelled. "Yep! I am ready now if you are." I said as I walked towards him. "For sure! Let's go make things right with our girls." I nodded with a smile. With that, Sam headed out the door and jumped into the car. I got in and we were off to the airport.

Kay's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock singing Wanted. Today's the day. I booked myself a flight to Nashville and it leaves today. I'm driving from school directly to the airport, Adi helped me pack my bags last night. Today, all I had to do, was go to school, and break the news to Brandon, my hope is that he would understand that what I'm doing is the best for me. I'm not me when Hunter isn't around. I've tried my best to get over him, but after this much time, I've realized that's not a possible option anymore. I had to go see Hunter tonight, and tell him everything in my heart. Adi is happy for me, I offered her to join me and maybe patch things up with Sam, but she refused. She isn't ready to forgive him yet, and honestly, I don't blame her. Maybe, just maybe she'll come around just like I did. "Good morning Kay!" Adi said as she walked into the room. "Good morning." I replied with a smile. "Is everything packed for Nashville?" She asked curiously. "Yes... I've doubled and triple checked." I said with a half smile. She wrapped me up in a hug and said, "I'm going to miss you so much..." "Can't you come with me?" I whispered as tears filled my eyes. "No, this is something you have to do without me sweety, but when you get there, you'll be able to see Hunter, and before you know it, you two will be together again, for the long hall this time." I pulled away and wiped my tears as we sat on the edge of the bed together. "True, but Adi, you have someone who is madly in love with you in Nashville. If you asked him, I know, for a fact, that he'd have you back in his arms within a heartbeat." "I know Kay, but I can't go through the heartbreak again.... I can't take that chance again! I will Sam forever and always, I just highly doubt he feels the same about me! It's different with you and Hunter because you are his world, Kaylee you mean everything to him! I know for a fact that you two have a chance at a relationship that will lady forever, but unfortunately, I can't say the same about Sam and I, not at this point anyway. I still need more time, to think everything over." "Ok bestie, whatever is the best option for you! I'll stand by you in anything you decide." "Thank you." She said with a half smile. We both giggled as we embraced each other in a hug. "I love you girl." Adi said. "Love you too." I replied with a giggle. After a few minutes, Adi and I went to get dressed. I put on my black leggings, a pink t-shirt, and my white flats with the necklace Hunter gave me, and then I curled my hair. Adi put on her beige button up shirt, with jeans, with her white Tom shoes, and her Beige necklace, she braided her hair into a bun. We also did each others makeup. "Ok! I think we're ready to go school..." I told Adi. She agreed, and with that I got in my car, and she did too, then we drove to school. When we got into school, we spotted all of our friends, it was time to break the news to everyone. "There's my beautiful girl!" Brandon said as Adi and I walked towards him. Hearing him say that was making even harder to tell him that I was going to Nashville and we could only be friends. "Hi!" I said with a smile as he wrapped me up in a hug. He kissed my cheek. God, did he have to keep making this so difficult? I leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Bran, can we talk alone for a few minutes, please?" "Of course!" He replied. "I'll be right back everyone." I told the rest of my friends. They nodded as Brandon and I walked outside. We decided to walk around campus, it'd be more private that way. I took a deep breath and started the conversation. "Ok Bran, you know how much you mean to me right?" He looked at me with a smile. "Of course I do Kay." "Ok... And you know how much of a hard time I've had lately." "Yep." He said. I stopped and turned to look him in the eyes. "Brandon.... My heart belongs to somebody else.... It always has.... I am so sorry." "Kay why are you apologizing? I can tell how different you are lately! I know that you still love Hunter. It's ok, I promise. I support you In whatever you decide." "Thank you Brandon.... I'm going to Nashville in a few hours.... I'm leaving school early." "I'm happy for you Kaylee!! I really am!" I took a big sigh of relief and we walked back into school. "Everyone I have big news!" I said with excitement in my voice. "What?!" They all asked in unison. "I'm going to Nashville! To see Hunter!" "Wow!!" They all said in shock. "I think that's a good idea! You don't seem like yourself lately!" Jimmy said. "Agreed!" The rest of my friends replied together. "Thanks everyone!! I'm so glad you understand! I'll be back before you even know I'm gone." We all laughed, and soon, the bell rang. I told my friends goodbye since I wouldn't see them until I come back.

•A Few Hours Later•

It was lunch time. It was time for Adi and I to say goodbye and for me to head to the airport. We walked outside and over by my car. "I'm going to miss you Girly girl." Adi said with a giggle. "I'm going to miss you more beautiful!" We both giggled and hugged each other tightly. I got into my car, and waved goodbye as l drove off. Off to the airport I go! I was about ten minutes away from the airport, when all of sudden, I saw a car's headlights coming towards me. I tried to swerve to get away from it. The next thing I knew, my whole world went black....

All I Ever Wanted (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic) *** EDITING ***Where stories live. Discover now