All I Ever Wanted: Part 34: I'll Walk

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❤Pre reading Authors note!!!❤

*** This chapter is the start of a huge storyline! It means alot to me, so I hope all of you enjoy it!! Ok, happy reading!!


"I'll walk. Please come and hold my hand. Right now I'm hurt, and I don't understand. Lets just be quiet, and later we can talk. Please stay, don't worry. I'll walk....." -Bucky Covington

Hunter's POV:

The plane just landed, and now Sam and I were inside the airport in Maine. We got our luggage and then I decided to turn on my phone. I had three missed calls, and I didn't recognize the number. "Sam, I'm going to call this person back." "Ok." He replied as he sat in the chair. I leaned up against the wall and dialed the number. "Hello, this is Maine Medical Center, what can I help you with?" My heart began to pound at the words, 'medical center'. "Uh, um- this is Hunter, Hunter Hayes, someone from the hospital called me, can you transfer me to them?" I managed to stammer out. "Oh yes of course. One minute please." "Thank you." My heart was beating out of my chest, and finally, somebody came on the line. "Hi, this is doctor, Melanie Alderson, you must be Hunter Hayes?" "That would be me..." I said in nervousness. "Mr. Hayes, I've heard that you and Miss Blake are close..." A million things ran through my mind. "Yes, we are very close..." I said as my voice began to shake. "Mr. Hayes, Kaylee has been in a car accident and is now in the ICU at the hospital, you may want to come down here as soon as possible, I will explain everything when you get here." "Oh my god, do her patents know?!" "Yes! Don't worry, they are the ones who told me to call you." "Ok, thank you, we are coming right now." I said. I hung up the phone and put my head in my hands, I began to feel tears stream down my face. "Hunter what's wrong?" Sam asked in concern. I looked up at him. "Sam, Kaylee is in the ICU at Maine Medical Center. She got into a car accident." "Oh my god.... Ok... Let's go!" With that, we ran to our rental car and sped to the hospital. When we got there, we ran to the front desk. "Hi, I'm Hunter Hayes, Dr. Alderson called me and said to come down here as soon as possible. Can you page her for me please?" "Yes, of course." Said the woman. I took a deep breath and went to sit in a chair. Sam leaned over and whispered in my ear, "it's going to be ok Hunter, I promise, she'll be ok... Whatever it is, we'll all get through it, as a team." "Thank you Sam." I whispered back. Soon after that, I heard my name being called. I looked up to see the doctor standing in front of us. I quickly stood up. "Hi, I'm Melanie Alderson. You must be Mr. Hayes." She said in a sweet and calming tone. "That would be me!" I replied. I reached out and we shook hands. She smiled. "If we sit down, I'll tell you all about Kaylee's condition." "Ok." I said as I took a deep breath. With that, we sat down and she began to explain. "Ok, as you know, Kaylee has been in a car accident." "Yes." Sam and I replied in unison. She nodded and continued. "Kaylee's car got hit on the drivers side. When we brought her here, we were able to stabilize her, she is conscious. She knows what happened, she knows all the information I'm about to tell you." I took a sigh of relief and then she continued. "When we stabilized Kaylee, she told us that she could not feel her legs...." "What?!" Sam and I said, in almost a yell." "It's ok... She's ok... But since she's lost feeling in both of her legs, it could mean one of two things. One, it could be that her nerves are in shock, from the impact the other car had. Or, she could be paralyzed." Sam and I looked at each other in shock. "So you mean, she could be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life?" I asked, through my tears. "Yes, but I am hoping that it's the first scenario. Kaylee is a very strong person, and from what I've seen, I have confidence that this will only be temporary, but I can't promise anything." "Ok...." I said, slowly processing things, and beginning to calm down. "Once she feels well enough and goes home, we will then begin physical therapy to help her legs, once that begins, I will have a better idea of her longterm diagnosis." "Ok.... Does she have any other injuries?" I asked. "She got very lucky, the only other injury she has is some bruises on her ribs, but we gave her some medication to decrease the pain." Dr. Alderson said with a smile. "Can I see her please?" "Yes of course! She's in room 315, the ICU floor, I'd be happy to show you exactly where it is." She said with a smile. "Thank you so much." I said as we all stood up. She lead us to Kay's room and stopped outside the door. "Here it is, let me know if any of you need anything, I'll have my beeper." She said. "Ok, thank you." I replied. With that, she walked away, leaving Sam and I outside the door. "I should go in. I'll let you know when it's ok for you to come in." I told Sam. He nodded in agreement. "Ok, just let me know.... I'll be in the waiting room." He said. "Sounds good." I said. With that, he walked out of sight. "Ok Hunter, it's time to be strong for her..." I said to myself. I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. I walked in, the sound of beeping monitors filled the room. There she was, lying in the bed. Kay was still sleeping, and her Mom was sitting beside her, holding her hand. Kim looked up and when she saw me, a smile appeared on her face, it made me feel a little better. I walked towards the bed. Kim got up and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so glad you're here Hunter... It's good to finally see you again." She whispered. "It's good to see you too Kim." She pulled away as I continued. "What happened? Kim, where was she going?" "She was going to see you Hunter...." "Really? I was coming to see her too..." I was in shock! I couldn't believe Kay was coming to Nashville. It lets me know that she missed me as much I missed her. "Yes. She said she needed to make things right with you. She said that she missed you to much, and no matter how hard she tried to move on, she just couldn't." Kim said with a half smile. "I missed her too Kim, more than she'll ever realize." "Since your here, I'm going down to the Cafeteria to grab some coffee, do you want some?" "Sure, thank you. Oh my god, Kim, does Adi know Kay is here?" "Oh no! I'm calling her now. Thanks for the reminder." "Not a problem, I know Kay would want her here." "I know Adi will come right away. Ever since they came back to Maine, Kay has stayed at Adi's house. They are inseparable." She said with a giggle. After Kim called Adi, she went downstairs. Adi was on her way, but for now, it was just me. I walked over by the bed and sat down in the chair as I grabbed her hand and held it in mine. "Ok beautiful, I don't know if you can hear me right now, but I'm going to say it anyway. Do you know how much I missed you? I missed you more than any amount of words can explain. I don't know what I was thinking, picking Natailia over you. Ok, let's face it, I wasn't thinking." I laughed a little and then continued. "But know, you're back in my life, and I'm never letting you go again. Kay, you are my universe. I love you so much..." All of sudden, I felt Kay's hand move a little in mine. I looked up at her to hear her yawn. She looked down at me and smiled a little, which made me smile too. "Hunter! What are you doing here?" She said quietly. "I came to see you... I need you in my life. I missed you so much Kaylee." "I missed you more Hunter." She said with a little giggle. "Are you in any pain?" I asked her. "No, Dr. Alderson gave me some pain meds for my ribs, and I still can't feel my legs, but other than that, I'm perfectly fine." "Do you need me to get you anything? Another pillow, another blanket?" "Um no.... But you can do something for me...." She said. "Anything!" I said with a smile. "Can you come and hold me?" She said as she patted the empty space in her bed. "That, I can definitely do." I said. She smiled as I climbed next to her. She scooted closer towards me, and I wrapped my arms around her. "I missed this..." She said. "I missed it too... Alot." I replied. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I told her. She looked up at me and smiled. She giggled as I leaned down and kissed her gently. "I missed that too." I said with a grin. She giggled and said, "me too!" I smiled as she sighed and laid her head on my chest, and yawned. Soon, she fell asleep wrapped up in my arms.

Adi's POV:

After I got off the phone with Kim, I was in shock. My best friend could be paralyzed for her entire life? Why her? This isn't fair! She doesn't deserve this. A million thoughts raced through my mind as I got dressed. I put on my light gray sweatpants with my dark gray tank top and neon pink 'Nike' sneakers. After that, I quickly tied my hair into a ponytail. I grabbed my keys and purse and got into my car, and sped towards the hospital. When I got there, I asked the woman at the front desk for Kaylee's room number. She told me and my heart raced as I ran towards the elevator. It felt like the elevator wasn't moving. "Come on.... Come on..." I mumbled as my patience level dropped. It finally reached the floor. "THANK YOU!" I said almost a little to loud, but at this point, I could care less. When I got to Kay's room, Sam was standing by the door. "What in the world is he doing here? I know Hunter is here, but why did Sam have to come?! You know what, who cares right now? My best friend is my biggest concern." I thought to myself. As I was getting close to the door, Sam moved in front of it. "Hi Adi." He said. "Sam, I do not have time to talk right now. Is Hunter in there with Kay? "Yes!!" "At least one thing is going right." "Adi, are you ok?" "Seriously Sam?! Am I ok? AM I OK? Get out of my way, now!!" He sighed and finally gave in. I took a deep breath and opened the door. When I got in the room, I saw Kay sleeping, cuddled up next to Hunter, she had an IV stuck in her arm, monitors beeped loudly in the room. I covered my mouth with my hand as tears began to stream down my face. "Hey Adi.... She's ok.... Everything is going to be fine..." He whispered. "This shouldn't be happening to her!! Who would crash into her car?" "I don't know Adi, but all of us are going to do everything in our power to figure that out." He whispered. I wiped the tears from my eyes beginning to calm down a little. Soon, Kay began to wake up. "Hi beautiful... How'd you sleep?" Hunter asked Kay. "Good!" She replied with a smile. "Someone is here to see you." Hunter told her as he pointed at me. She looked at me and smiled. "Hi!" She said. "Hi girly, How are you feeling?!" "Pretty good, my ribs are a little tender, but the pain meds help." "I am so sorry Kaylee. I should of gone with you, I should-". "Hey, please don't blame yourself, the only person we should blame is the driver that hit me." She said, cutting off my sentence. "Ok." I said.

Kay's POV:

I could tell that Adi was really shocked and confused. "Adi come here...." I said, patting the edge of my bed. I sat up a little, and Hunter say stayed sitting next to me. "Adi, I promise you, once I am strong enough, I will walk again, ok? I know that it's confusing and unfair, but please, I need you both to do something for me." I said, looking at Hunter, and then back at Adi again. "Ok!" They said in unison. "I need you both to stay positive with me! If you do, that'll help me stay positive too, we are all going to take this one day at a time. Ok?" "I'm in." Hunter said. "Me too!" Adi said with a giggle. "I think this calls for a group hug!" Hunter said. "Agreed!" I said. With that, we all hugged each other tightly. "I love you both so much!" Hunter and Adi smiled and at the same time they said, "We love you too...."

All I Ever Wanted (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic) *** EDITING ***Where stories live. Discover now