All I Ever Wanted: Part 32: I Need You

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"What hurts the most is knowing that even after everything you did to me, after all the times you hurt me, I would still take you back in a heartbeat. "

Kay's POV:

"Well, tonight's the night, my first official date with Brandon. I honestly feel bad, because I feel like I'm using him to get over my heartache of Hunter, but I guess, it's worth a shot. I mean we are best friends after all, and he promised me we would take it slow. Brandon and I are going to the beach. Seriously? Of all places, the beach? That's Hunter's and I's place. I knew if I went there, my mind would be on Hunter all night. Oh well! I'll make it work.... I always do... Anyway... I need to vent... I feel like you're my best friend lately." I lift the pen from writing in my journal to stare into the ocean. I smile, and then continue. "Is it ok to say I miss him like crazy? It is ok that I'm not blaming him for what's happening with us right now? It's taking every piece of me not to get up, drive to the airport, and go fly to Nashville, just to feel him holding me tight in his arms. I miss the security and love I feel when he's with me.... I feel like a piece of me is missing. I know it may be hard to believe, because I'm so young.... But Hunter, he is truly, my better half. Ever since we broke up... I feel like I'm losing the real me! I feel sad all the time. I need to find a way to get over Hunter, but I can't. I need him in my life." I closed the notebook and plugged my earbuds in my phone, laid back on my blanket, and blasted Crazy through the speakers.

Hunter's POV:

I laid in bed, and all I could think about is how much I miss Kaylee. I made the wrong choice. I know it now, but why was I so stupid to figure it out now? Why couldn't I have told her everything last night? I had the chance, she gave me a chance! She told me how much she loved me, and all I could do was sit there in shock. I wanted to say everything. I wanted to let all of my feelings out, but no matter how hard I tried, the words just wouldn't come out, and now, I'm to late. She's moving on, but she has every right to! Everything that happened is my fault, I take full responsibility. She never wanted to leave that bus. She wanted to stay, she wanted to make it work! I didn't even give her a chance, I made my decision, without even thinking about everything she did to try to stay! I will always regret that. I need to do something, right now. I sat up in bed and grabbed my phone, dialing Nat's number. "Hey baby!" She said cheerfully. I rolled my eyes, I hated when she called me that. "Nat, I need to talk to you.... As soon as possible." "I'm on my way!" She said. With that, I hung up the phone, and went into my closet to get dressed. I changed Into my orange t-shirt, jeans, my brown leather jacket, and my converse. Then, I went into the bathroom and spiked me hair. Before I knew it, I heard a knock at my door.

I took a deep breath and greeted Nat when I opened the door. "Hi Natalia." I said. She let herself in and plopped down onto the couch. "Hey Hunt!! What's up?" I took a deep breath to try and stay calm, but it was getting harder by the minute. "We need to talk, Natailia, things aren't going to work out between us." She shot up with a look of shock in her eyes. "What did you just say to me Hunter Easton?" "You heard me." I said simply. "Ugh!!" She shouted in anger. "Natailia, you have turned into someone I don't even recognize anymore! Things have changed between us! We can only be friends. My heart belongs to someone else..." Her face became red, anger flooded her voice. "You mean to tell me that this girl.... This seventeen year old girl is who you want to be with?! You choose her over me??! How dare you?" I was angry now. Nobody talks about Kaylee that way. Not if I have anything to do with it. "Look Natalia, she's not just 'SOME GIRL' she is the love of my life. If you don't understand that", I pointed towards the door and continued, "then I'm sorry, but you need to leave, NOW."

•A Few Hours Later•

Kay's POV:

I just got home from spending a little time by myself at the beach. I had to clear my head. Now, it was time to stop thinking of Hunter and I for a few hours, and get ready for my date with Brandon. I got up to the bedroom to see Adi sitting on the edge of the bed looking down at her phone, with tears in her eyes. "Oh my gosh.... Adi, what's wrong?" I ran over and sat beside her. She was looking at a picture of her and Sam. "I miss him so much Kaylee.... I've tried to forget him, but I just can't. I need him in my life." I sighed as we felt each others sadness flow through us. "I feel the exact same way Adi. I miss Hunter, probably way more than he misses me.... I need him, but I don't think he needs me."

All I Ever Wanted (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic) *** EDITING ***Where stories live. Discover now