All I Ever Wanted: Part 24: Crazy Girls In Love

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"Crazy Girl, don't you know that I love you? I wouldn't dream of going no where! Silly woman... Come here let me hold you... Have I told you lately, I love you like crazy girl!"-Eli Young Band

Kay's POV:

We got into the car and headed to our meeting spot. I wiped the tears from my eyes and smiled as I turned on the radio. Before Adi got into the car, Hunter sat in the drivers seat and said, "Are you ok Lovebug?" I looked over towards him to see his sparkling blue eyes. I let out a sigh of happiness and said, "Yes. I'm great actually! I can't wait to get this summer started!" He leaned over and kissed me as Adi got into the car. "Awe, how cute!" Adi said with a giggle. Hunter pulled away and leaned back into his seat. "Ready to go girls?" Adi and I both smiled and said, "LETS GO!" Hunter laughed and started to the car. We all waved to my family and friends as we drove away. I turned up the radio and "22" by Taylor Swift was on. Adi and knew all of the words and sang along, even though our voices were completely out of tune. 🎶I don't know about you.... But I'm feeling 22!!🎶 We practically scream out the words together. When the song ends, Hunter looks at me, and then at Adi with a huge grin. "What?!" We both ask him with a giggle. "Are you two always that crazy when you're together?" "Pretty much..." Adi said confidently. Hunter laughed and said, "oh well! I want crazy anyway!" Adi and both laughed. We drove for about half an hour, listening to music and singing along with all of the words. "We're almost to the meeting spot!" Hunter said with excitement. I looked through the rear view mirror at Adi and we both smiled with happiness and excitement. I have to admit, I was a little nervous! I mean, Hunter's band is like his second family. Once him and I get married, they'd become mine too! I hope they like me. Hunter says they will. I already know I'll like them, just from what Hunter has told me. Before we got to the bus, we decided to stop at Starbucks and grab a coffee. Adi and I stayed in the car while Hunter went In and ordered the drinks. "Are you excited Adi?" I asked. "Yes!!! Are you?" "Well duh!! This is like a dream come true for me!" I said with a smile. "Hey Kay?" Adi asked, curiosity filled her voice. I turned around in my seat to face her. "Yeah?" "Are any of Hunter's band members single?" I giggled, knowing why she was asking me this. "Yes!! I think so!" "Is Sam single?" "Um... I think so, I'll ask Hunter. Why? Do you like him?" "Yes! He's super cute!" I giggled and said, "Yes! He is! But shhhh... Don't tell that one to Hunter." I winked. She said, "Your secret is safe with me Girly." "It would be kind of cool though! Hunter and Sam are best friends, and you and I are... It's like best friends dating best friends." I said with a smile. Soon after that, Hunter got into the car. We stopped talking. "Did I miss something?" Asked Hunter. We giggled a little. "Um... No!! Nothing at all!" I said, trying to sound honest. He gave me a look as if to say, 'Oh Really'. "Ok... Fine..." I said, giving in. "So...." He said, wanting to know what our conversation consisted of. "Is Sam single?" I asked him with a little giggle. "Um... Yes... Why?" "Just wondering!" I said quickly. I looked in the rear view mirror to see Adi's face lit up like a Christmas tree. Hunter looked at me questioningly. "Just trust me" I mouthed with a smile. He nodded and kissed my cheek. "I love you..." I whispered in his ear. He smiled and whispered back, "I love you more..." Adi giggled and said, "Aweeee! That's sweet Hunter... But I think she loves you more..." Hunter looked back at her. "Oh really?! Why do you say that?" "Because she loved you before she knew you!! Hunter looked at me with a grin. I smiled... "She's right..." I said with a giggle. Hunter laughed and drove out of the Starbucks parking lot.

Hunter's POV:

After about fifteen more minutes of driving, we finally reached the meeting spot. I parked next to the bus. I looked over at Kay to see her dozing off, and lightly snoring. I looked in the rear view mirror to see Adi doing the same in the backseat. I smiled and leaned over, whispering in Kay's ear, "time to wake up beautiful. We're at the bus..." She opened her eyes and sat up. "Wow! How long have I been asleep? I smiled and said, "only about fifteen minutes. Adi dozed off too." Kay looked at the back seat, she smiled and said, "Adi.... We're at the bus..." She yawned and opened her eyes. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw the band outside. I got out of the car, and got our suitcases from the trunk. Kay fixed her hair and Adi fixed hers too. Kay got of the car and walked by me. "Ready to meet them?" I asked her with a smile. "Of course!!" She said with excitement. I smiled and grabbed her hand in mine. We walked over to the guys and Adi was behind us. "Hey guys!" I said with a smile. "Hey Hunter!" All of them said with a smile.

All I Ever Wanted (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic) *** EDITING ***Where stories live. Discover now