All I Ever Wanted: Part 16: I Will See You Again

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"I will see you again.... oh... this is not where it ends... I will carry you with me.... till I see you again..."-Carrie Underwood

Kay's POV:

I woke up in bed comfortably cuddled in Hunter's ams. It was 5:30 a.m. This is the day him and have dreaded all week... I had to go back home... and he had to continue his tour. We had an early flight back to Maine.... he would bring me to my house and we'd say our goodbyes there, but I didn't want to say goodbye ever... but we had no choice. I rolled over... I didn't plan on it... but I ended up almost ontop of Hunter... he began to wake up.... "Well good morning to you too beautiful." he said in his morning sleepy voice. I kissed him and rolled back over. "Brrr... I'm cold...." He smiled at me, and opened his arms so I could slide into them. "Come here..." I smiled and got closer to him. "Better." "Much better... you are so warm when you first wake up." "I love you so much sweetheart..." "I love you more." Our voices were both shaky... Gosh if we are emotional now, what about later. I could tell, this was going to be a long and stressful day.

Hunter's POV:

I didn't want to leave Kay, and I knew she didn't want to leave me either. I was trying to be strong for her... but inside my heart was breaking. Her voice was really shaky now. "Hunter, I'm going to miss so much... I don't know how to say goodbye to you." She broke down completely and cried with her head buried in my chest. "I know Sweetie.... I know... but hey, we're not going to say goodybe... I'm gonna say 'See you Later' that's all. I'll be back before you even know i'm gone. You have lots of pictures of us now... and you have the memories... and the voices I recorded on your phone telling you how much I love you. I even sang 'She's Everyhing, and uploaded it to your phone so you can listen to it whenever you want too. We'll FaceTime and you put Jenna on with you... because you girls are both crazy... and as you know.... I want crazy!!" She giggled at my song lyric humor. "That sounds good to me." She put her arms around and held me tight... and I did the same. I wish we could've frozen this moment. She took a deep breath and said, "I hate to say this... but I should proboboly get ready. Oh and here's some advice. Dress warm, because even though it's April, it can sometimes be a little chilly this time of year in Maine. " "Haha.. ok... I will. I love you." I love you too." She gave me a passionate kiss and then got out of my arms.

Kay's POV:

I got of bed and grabbed my suitcase and went into the bathroom. Every morning when I wakeup and get ready... I always put on my Hunter Hayes playlist. This morning was no different. I hit shuffle and "If You Told Me To" blasted through the speakers. I smiled and picked out my clothes for the day. I put on my cozy sweatpants and my Hunter Hayes concert t-shirt and threw my hair in a bun. No makeup needed. I put on my ugg boots that I packed for the trip back home. I was ready... I guess. When I walked out of the bathroom Hunter was standing there smiling at me. "What?!" I giggled. He pointed to my shirt. I giggled... "Oh... that... Yeah... It's so COMFORTABLE!!" "I heard the music blasting from the bathroom..." "Oh... you did..." I said with a half smile. "Um, yep!" "It's always been a part of my morning routine... so why change it now. Oh... shoot you heard me singing too didn't you..." "Yeah I did." He walked over to me. "It's cute though... trust me..." "I do trust you... but trust me when I say... your singing voice is ALOT better than mine." "Ok Beautiful." "Is it Ok if I borrow one of your sweatshirts.. my favorite one..." "Of course! I'll go grab it." I liked to wear his sweatshirts.. they were big and comfty.. and the smell of his colonge was throughout it. He was wearing it the morning we met... and I ever since then... I've loved it... he knew it was my favorite."Ok... I've got it!!" he said, which pulled me out of my thoughts. "Watcha thinking about?' "The moring we met... Hunter you havwe seriously changed my life... in the BEST way possible. I love you so much..." He said nothing but then walked over to me He picked my up and held me in his arms as I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He gave me a long passionate kiss. We've done this alot before... but this kiss... It felt different. In a good way.

Hunter's POV:

As I was kissing her... it felt different. More passionate and intense then it usually did... and from what I could tell she felt the same way. I think the reason why is because our love has grown so much over the past week.. and we never wanted to leave each other. I think this kiss had the meaning of 'I'm going to miss you more than you'll ever know...' because it was true. When we finally let go of the kiss, she stayed up hanging onto me. She giggled and said... "Um... Hunter... was that just me... or did that kiss feel different to you?" "It wasn't just you... trust me... I felt it too." We both said at the same time "It felt amazing..." We both giggled this time. I let Kay hop off of me. "Ok... are you ready..." She sighed but smiled. "Yep... lets go..." When we got to the airport... it wasn't long before we heard "Flight 239 To Maine now boarding." I grabbed her hand and we boarded the plane... she took the window seat. When we sat down, she got out her phone. "Want to take a picture before take-off?" "Sure." We took the picture "selfie style", she was smiling and I was kissing her cheek. She texted it to my phone so that we'd both have it. Once I got the picture I posted it on Twitter with the caption "Maine bound with my girl!! <3" Before I knew it... the plane was taking off and Kay was dozing off on my shoulder.

***IN MAINE*** Kay's POV:

We held hands the entire ride from the airport to my house. My heart began to pound as we got closer. When we got there, my Mom was still at work.. She should be home pretty soon. "So... this is it.." my voice began to shake. His did too. "I'm going to miss you SO much...." I began to cry. "Oh... it's ok sweetheart... don't cry, you're going to make cry too. It was too latw though... at this point her and I were both crying... we were done being strong. "Shhhh... I love you so much sweetheart..." "I love you more..." she said through her tears. "Nope.. not possible..." I said with a smile. "I have to get going sweetheart..." "I'll call you..." "Ok.... I love you... so much..." "Wait Hunter... um.. your sweatshirt...." she giggled at me through her tears. "It's ok sweetheart... you can keep it..." Her face lit up when I told her that. I gave her a long passionate kiss and as I was walking away... I knew I was walking away from the love of my life.

All I Ever Wanted (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic) *** EDITING ***Where stories live. Discover now