All I Ever Wanted: Part 36: Making Me Fall In Love Again

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"I'm just plain crazy about a lot of things baby, but I'm ten times crazier about you..." -Blake Shelton

•2 Weeks Later•

Kay's POV:

"Today is finally the day, I'm getting released from the hospital. Adi and Sam are back together, I knew that would happen all along, and my relationship with Hunter has never been stronger. He's here at the hospital all day everyday! I'm feeling better for the most part. My ribs are mostly healed, but I still can't feel my legs. It looks like I'm going to be stuck in a wheelchair until I can learn to walk again. I've decided, I'm not going to rush it, I'm just going to take it one day at a time. Hunter and Adi are with me, and I have all of my family. I couldn't be more grateful for the support I have around me. Without them, I wouldn't have the confidence to try to walk on my own again. I am starting physical therapy in a few weeks, so hopefully that will help my nerves and muscles. Until then, all we have, is pure patience." I set my pen down from writing in my journal, happy with what I just wrote. When I heard my hospital room door open, I closed the book and set it on the side table. Hunter came in the room, with a Vanilla Bean Frappochino from Starbucks in his hand. "Look what I brought!" He said with a grin as he shut the door behind him. "Eeeeek! I've been craving one of those! Thank you!!" I said with a giggle. He walked over to me and grinned. "You get to drink this on one condition...." I giggled. "Um, ok, what would that be?" He walked over and sat on the edge of my bed. He leaned in closer towards me. "You have to let me give you a kiss..." I giggled and said, "hmmm..... Let me think..... I guess I can do that!" With that, he pressed his lips to mine and gave me a passionate kiss. I smiled through the kiss which made him smile too. "I love you." I said as we pulled away. "I love you too." He replied. We heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. Dr. Alderson came in the room. "Hi Kaylee! Are you ready to go home?" "Oh yes! For sure!" "Ok, well I will get your release papers going, I just wanted to show you the wheelchair you'll be using. It's really light weight, easy to get into the car. I wanted you to test it out, make sure it's comfortable." "Ok." I said with a smile. She brought the chair close to the bed, and helped me stand up, since I couldn't do it on my own. I sat down in the chair. "Wow, this is something I'm going to have to get used to, but it's comfortable." I said. "Ok, I will go get your release papers, and then you can go home." "Thank you!" I said to the doctor as she walked out the door and shut it behind her. Hunter smiled and knelt down to my level. "This is different huh?" I sighed. "Yes. Very! It's ok though, I'll get used to it." "Kay, no one is here but me, you can vent, and tell me how you really feel. It's ok, I'm here to listen." I smiled, he was so great to me! I don't know what I'd do without him. "Ok, honestly, it sucks! My independence level has plummeted. I have to rely on people like I've never had to before, and honestly, it's scary, it really is." Hunter reached up and wiped a tear that was trickling down my face. "Guess what sweetheart," he scooped me up in his arms and then continued. "We are going to through this.... Together, you and me. Ok? I am NOT going anywhere ever again, I'm here for the long run this time. I promise. I'm so sorry I ever-" I leaned in and kissed him before he could finish his sentence. I pulled away, and whispered, "I forgave you didn't I?" He laughed. "Do you know how crazy I am about you?" I giggled. "No, but I bet it's not as crazy as I am about you!!" He grinned. "I wouldn't be so sure Lovebug! I was the one who wrote a song about our crazy love!" "Ok, I'll give you that one, Crazy Hayes!" I told him with a giggle. He laughed with me as he set me back down on the edge of my bed. Soon after that, we heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. I smiled as Adi came through the door. "Hey cutie!" She said. "Hey Girly!" "I am going to give you two some girl time, I have to pull the car around to the front, ok?" Hunter said. "Ok!" Adi and I replied in unison. He smiled as he walked out the door and shut it behind him. "How are you feeling?!" Adi asked. "Pretty good, my ribs are almost completely healed, and my legs- well I still can't feel them." I pointed to the wheelchair and continued. "Dr. Alderson gave me that to get around for as long as I need it. I start PT in a few weeks, and hopefully my legs will go back to the way they used to be. It will take some time though! I get to go home today though, so I'm happy about that!!" "Yay!! That's great!" Adi said with excitement. "Tell me about it!" I replied with a giggle. "So I brought you some of your clothes from my house to change into!" Adi said . "Oh my gosh! You are the best I love your outfit by the way!" She had on a teal sweatshirt with gray yoga pants, her slippers and the necklace Sam gave her while we were on tour. She brought me my pink 'Northface' sweatshirt with yoga pants and my gray 'Ugg' boots. "It's gotten chilly these last few weeks, and I know how cold you get, so I figured I'd pack you comfy and warm stuff." She said with a wink. "You know me so well, thank you!" "You're welcome, that's what best friends are for!" I smiled and gave her a hug. She helped me get ready. "Oh hey Kay! I almost forgot, the doctors had your stuff from the night of the accident, I figured you'd want this back!" She smiled as she handed me the promise ring. I smiled and slid it on my left hand ring finger. "Perfect! Thank you!" Now all we had to do was wait for Hunter and the release forms. "Would you and Sam want to come by my house later and hang out with Hunter and I, just relax and catch up on everything?" I asked Adi. "Sounds like a great plan to me. Just text me when you want us to come by!" "Ok! Will do!" I replied. "So how does it feel to have Hunter back in your life again?" Adi asked with a grin. "Oh my gosh Adi, words can not explain how I feel! I'm so happy. What's amazing is that our relationship now, is ten times stronger than it was before everything happened! This may sound really cliche, but the only way I can explain how I feel, is by saying this:He looks at me and my heart starts skipping beats, my face starts to glow, and my eyes start to twinkle. He makes me the happiest girl in world. Adi, Hunter is all I ever wanted, and more." "I know what you mean! Kaylee, I love Sam with every piece of my heart! I can be myself around him, and I am never letting him get away again! Kay, I think he is the one! I see a future with Sam, and I could never say that with anyone else I've dated." We both squealed in excitement for each other. Soon after that, Hunter came back in the room. "Ok Lovebug! The release papers are taken care of, you ready to go home?" Hunter asked me. "You don't have to ask me twice!" I said with a giggle. Hunter smiled and came to help me get into my wheelchair. "Comfy?" He asked after I sat down. "Yep!" I replied with a smile. "Ok! Lets get out of here!" Hunter said. "Ok, Adi I'll text you!" "Ok, I'll see you soon!" She said with a smile. With that, Hunter pushed my chair out of the hospital. It felt amazing to be outside of those four walls. Honestly, I couldn't wait to get home, spend time with Hunter. and see my puppy Cooper! That sounded perfect to me! Hunter helped me get into the car, then he put my wheelchair in the trunk. He got in the drivers seat and looked at me with a smile. "Watcha thinking about Handsome?" He grinned and said, "I have a surprise..." "You do?!" I asked with a giggle. "Yep! Just sit back and enjoy the ride. We'll be there soon."

All I Ever Wanted (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic) *** EDITING ***Where stories live. Discover now